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Producer Price Index updates time series with sample of 2,070 enterprises

Section: Economic Statistics | Camille Perissé

April 15, 2019 12h00 PM | Last Updated: April 16, 2019 10h31 AM

The IBGE puts out tomorrow (16) The producer Price Index (IPP) of February with the new time series, which brings changes in the in the sample selection and in the products weight. As a whole, the sample will comprise 2,070 enterprises, 670 more than in the previous one, whereas the quantity of products surveyed will go from 324 to 416 items.

The update was based on the list of enterprises and products used in the Annual Survey of Industry (PIA), also carried out by IBGE. The previous time series, which began in 2009 and is still available in the Databank of Statistical Tables (Sidra), will be linked with the new series so as to allow comparisons on a macroeconomic scale. With this measure, the already disclosed changes of the general index, industrial activities and major economic categories will not be changed.

According to IPP analyst, Manuel Campos, several items which grew unused were either taken out or had their weight decreased, as wristwatches, while others, mainly of new technologies, such as tablets and laptops, gained weight. “The sample follows the evolution of products in the economy”, he explains.

The products surveyed are organized according to the categories of the National Classification of Economic Activities (Cnae 2.0) and are currently published in the IPP with only two levels of disaggregation. From now on, with the survey update, there will be a third level for selected activities.

This three-layer structure will be seen in complementary series and will be available for public consultation as of the second half of this year. "We are taking information to a more detailed level. We're going to have a series for meat, one for sugar, another for dairy. We are going to look separately at plastic and rubber, give prominence to the steel industry, and so on," exemplifies the survey manager, Alexandre Brandão.

The IPP measures the price changes of products at the "factory gate", without taxes and freight, of 24 activities of the mining and quarrying and manufacturing industries.

Keywords: Preços, Produtor, Indústria, Transparência

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