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Nova edição

Journal of Brazilian Geography has special section with scientific articles

Section: Geosciences | Camille Perissé

March 28, 2019 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 28, 2019 11h12 AM

Cover of current edition featuring a map of Brazil in 1728, when it was a colony of Portugal - Photo: Reproduction RBG

The IBGE has released, today, the second edition of volume 63 of the Journal of Brazilian Geography (RBG). This edition has a special section with works presented in the III Brazilian Congress of Political Geography, Geopolitics and Territory Management (Congeo), an event that took place in Niterói last year. 

The journal brings eight articles presented in Congeo and two works for the dossier Brazilian Coastal Zone, available in the previous edition. The works deal, among other topics, with processes and conflicts in the Latin American frontiers and with the dynamics of regional blocks, besides presenting analyses of environmental disasters and the influence of geography on the behavior of voters.  

The IBGE technician Maria Lúcia Ribeiro Vilarinhos says the congress approached important issues in those fields, in tune with discussions taking place worldwide. According to Ms. Vilarinhos, “Congeo III is a landmark in the reflection  upon new issues and approaches in the relationships between space and power”.

Having been created by the IBGE in 1939, the RBG was regularly released up to 2006 and, ten years later, it was relaunched in 2016, in a digital format and with semesterly editions. The number of articles presented has increased from the current edition, and, in August, the journal will have a special issue celebrating its 80th anniversary. researchers interested in presenting their works should visit the article submission site.

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