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Volume of sector changes 0.1% in October

Section: Economic Statistics | Adriana Saraiva

December 14, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 17, 2018 02h35 PM

Volume of services changed 0.1% in October compared with September, leveraged by the rises of 5.5% in other services and of 0.5% in information and communication services. The negative results were registered in professional, administrative and complementary services (-1.9%), services rendered to families (-1%) and transportation, support activities for transportation and mailing (-0.2%).

The data are from the Monthly Survey of Services, released today by the IBGE, which also pointed out a drop of 0.2% for both the cumulative indicator in the year and in the last 12 months.

Having advanced 5.5% in October, other services offset the loss of 3.9% recorded in September and hit the most intense rate since May 2017, when it reached 8.5% Rodrigo Lobo, manager of the survey, explains that such growth came from the rise in the segments of support financial activities (stock broker). "As we are leaving from a period of more acute downturn, people prefer to either save or invest, and the companies that intermediate such services got a higher volume of business", states Lobo.

Having recorded the second positive rate in a row, the segment of information and communication services accrued a gain of 1.1% in this period. Having risen 4% in October, information technology stood out, reaching the highest volume of services since January 2011. This rise was caused by the growth in companies of Internet portal and content provider.

According to the manager of the survey, the sector registered smaller rates once again, after four months of big volatility due to the truckers´ strike. "The services sector is robust, it represents 30% of the GDP, so it is hard to increase or decrease abruptly", concluded Lobo.

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