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IBGE releases new edition of political map of Brazilian regions

Section: Geosciences

November 23, 2017 10h00 AM | Last Updated: November 23, 2017 11h04 AM

The IBGE has just updated the version of the political-administrative maps of the Brazilian regions. The last update was carried out in 2009. Produced to be printed in A0 size (841 cm height by 1.18 m width), the maps are available in PDF format as of today, here.

The map encompasses the 5,570 Brazilian municipalities and brings information on state and international geographic limits, road system and waterways, as well as symbols pinpointing ports, airports and municipalities, according to the population size.

"Regional political maps provide a general and integrated view of the political and geographic aspects of the regions, being potentially used in school activities, public and private management, planning in general and logistics", highlights Leila Freitas, one of the coordinators of this project.

In order to produce the 2017 version of the maps, the IBGE used information from the Continuous Cartographic Base of Brazil to the Millionth, a digital platform with the cartographic representation of the country, regularly updated. The data used are relating to 2016.

Text: João Neto
Image: IBGE Archives

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