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IBGE releases new issue of the Brazilian Journal of Geography

Section: Geosciences

August 31, 2017 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 14, 2017 02h45 PM

The IBGE released, today, the first issue of volume 62 of the Brazilian Journal of Geography (RBG). The content of this edition has been elaborated by researchers from the Department of Geography at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), from the Federal University of Campinas (Unicamp) and from the University of Lisbon. The IBGE servant Maria Lúcia Ribeiro Vilarinhos says that the journal is a channel connecting the institute and the scientific and academic agendas: “The RBG is one of the oldest and most respected technical-scientific publications about Geography in Brazil”.


House of a small producer, displayed in Scott William Hoefle's article.

In the article (Geo)graphic representations: Notes and examples, Roberto Lobato Corrêa, from the UFRJ, presents an updated discussion about the importance of graphic representations for better understanding and interpretation of spatial phenomena. From the same university, Scott William Hoefle shows in his article - The Agricultural Frontier in 21st century Amazon: regional identity, agricultural system and rural way of life - the results of a survey conducted about rural producers from western Paraná and from the south of Amazonas. The study, conducted between 1997 and 2013, fosters the debate about the process of occupation in the Amazon from a pespective of its actors.

Rodrigo Dutra Gomes, from the UFPE, and Antonio Carlos Vitte, from Unicamp, in Scientific uncertainties and Geography make considerations about how the scientific advances of the 19th and 20th centuries influenced the geographic thought, mainly regarding the uncertainties of knowledge and the functioning of nature. The issue also brings a review, An Iberian Perspective, by Ricardo Coscurão, from the University of Lisbon, based on the translation of the chapters about Portugal and Galicia in the Nouvelle Géographie Universelle, a work by the French geographer Elisée Reclus. 

The publication also brings an interview with researcher Jorge Xavier da Silva, a pioneer in the implementation and dissemination of geoprocessing in several Brazilian universities. He speaks about the researcher speaks about his career, and highlights the project RADAM-Brasil, which provided information about geology, soil, vegetation, relief, land use and cartography in the decades of 1970 and 1980.

Created by the IBGE in 1939, the RBG was regularly published until 2006 and, and ten years later, was reopned last year with in digital format, as a biannual journal. To submit their works researchers should visit the journal page.

Text: Pedro Renaux and Diane Dias (intern)
Image: Daiane de Paula Ciriáco and Scott William Hoefle

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