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IBGE projects help teachers in education of youngsters

Section: IBGE | Pedro Renaux e Hilton Marques (estagiário) | Design: Helena Pontes

January 26, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: January 26, 2018 02h53 PM

The period of return to the classroom is an additional reason for getting to know the IBGE education projects. The IBGE maintains the Vamos Contarwebsite, aimed at teachers of the childhood, primary and secondary education, and the 7 a 12 and IBGE Teen websites, aimed at students. In the Blog do Professor, a space in the Vamos Contar website in which educators can share experiences in the classroom, the first 200 contributions receive a kit including ten School Geographic Atlases.

To participate, the initiatives must be replicable, use some IBGE content or material and be approved by the IBGE education team. "We have about 130 activities registered in the blog. The participation of teachers of technical and higher education was a big surprise", tells Tatiana Miranda, pedagogue and one of the persons in charge of the educational projects at the IBGE.

Vamos Contar was launched as an initiative to disseminate the IBGE products in schools, particularly the 2000 and 2010 editions of the Population Census. At the time, information booklets were distributed to students, in order to stimulate them to disseminate the Census in the their households and facilitate the access of the enumerators. Today, the website counts on audiovisual resources, maps and suggestions of activities. According to Tatiana, "the project changed from an occasional initiative into something more constant and comprehensive, which improved its objective and allowed to work in the context of the statistical education, a subject that is usually overlooked".

Students of secondary school in Aparados da Serra (RS) to study vegetation cover, soil and geomorphology
Using the IBGE School Geographic Atlas, students of a primary school in São Paulo learn about the regionalization of Brazil
In the Catarinense Federal Institute, students of technical secondary school use IBGE materials to learn about the use of maps and scales
Students of secondary school at the Catarinense Federal Institute learning about the use of maps and scales

Giulia was hosted by IBGE servants during visit to the Roraima state unit

Teenagers participate in the redesign of IBGE Teen

The IBGE Teen provides materials to help youngsters to enter the university through the High School National Exam - Enem. Especial contents are also included, like the National Survey of School Health 2015 - PeNSE and the supplement of Practice of Sports and Physical Activity of the National Household Sample Survey 2015 - PNAD. Tatiana explains that "the objective is to use subjects of interest of youngsters and provide the information in a more palatable way, so they can relate it with everyday life".

The website passed through a redesign in 2017. In this process, the IBGE education team received applications from students of the 3rd year of the technical secondary school concerning a Script for Digital Media of the José Leite Lopes State School, a school in Rio de Janeiro partner of the Nave (Advanced Core in Education) project. Teacher Sarah Nery tells that it has been a remarkable experience for the students, and that she expects to maintain the partnership: "They diagnosed the website and then proposed solutions based on the analysis. It has been very interesting, since they worked as advisers of an agency that produces contents for the customer".

For the children of different ages, the 7 a 12 website is one of the most fun websites. Besides explaining the role of the IBGE, it includes maps of Brazil and of the world, especial sections on censuses carried out in Brazil and thematic puzzles and memory games. Giulia Amaral, six years old, is an example of a child for whom the webiste is dedicated. Living in Boa Vista, she was invited to visit the IBGE state unit of Roraima in the end of last year, after her mother posted in a social media how surprised she was that her daughter knew the IBGE. Even at a young age, Giulia, who said that she loves figures and maps, already knows what a Census is: "It is counting the people who live in the country", explains her, quite objectively. Tatiana clarifies that, despite its name, the 7 a 12 website is accessible by younger children, like Giulia: "Brazil is so rich in nature and culture, with different peoples and traditions. The website is a way of knowing a little bit more about our diversity".

As the projects are digital, Tatiana reinforces that the Internet has a lot of information available, though not always reliable, therefore it is important that the parents "stimulate their children to access portals with official contents, like those of the IBGE". She also states that "the IBGE portrays Brazil. It is not possible to fully exercise citizenship without knowing the information produced by the IBGE".

New education platform for 2018

The redesign of the three education websites into a unique portal, IBGEeduca, is among the major news expected for this year. "The new format will be responsive, it will be accessed by smartphones and tablets. It is an opportunity for teachers and students to browse in a quicker and more profitable way, since many schools are not provided with computer labs", explains Tatiana.

The team also pursues to strengthen the partnerships to disseminate the projects, for which the IBGE makes the material available and gets the contents divulged in return. "We got joint actions with Rioeduca, the education network of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro, Guia do Estudante and AppProva. Now we are trying to contact youtubers”, tells Ana Laura Azevedo, journalist at the IBGE, who is also part of the team of educational projects.

In addition to a pedagogue and a journalist, the team counts on a Mathematics teacher and an advertiser, who coordinates the project. Ana Laura points out some advantages of a multidisciplinary team. "For example my background in journalism and the daily production of the IBGE News Agency could contribute to the creation of up-to-date contents asked by Enem", concludes her.


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