Yellow tariff flag influences inflation in July
August 09, 2017 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 04, 2017 09h21 AM
Yellow tariff flag influences inflation in July
The inclusion of yellow tariff flag in electricity bills from July 1st on led to an increase of 6.0% and brought inflation from a negative position (-0.23%) in June, to a positive level (0.24%) in July. The contribution of electricity to inflation was 0.20 percentage points and means an additional charge of R$ 2.00 per 100 Kwh.
Other relevant contributions were the rise of PIS /COFINS and adjustments of electricity prices in Curitiba (7.09%) and in a concessionaire from São Paulo (5.15%). By area, electricity recorded the biggest changes in Curitiba (9.33%), São Paulo (8.54%) and Belo Horizonte (8.01%) and the lowest in Brasília (0.83%).
According to the Price Index manager, Fernando Gonçalves, fuels (0.92%) also led to the rise of inflation, mainly because of changes in the liter of ethanol (0.73%) and gasoline (1.06%). “Throughout July, gasoline at refinery recorded repeated rise and fall of prices because of preliminary injunctions”.
The group food and beverages (-0.47%) contributed to the decrease of inflation in July, mainly regarding food at home, with fall of prices such as potato (-22.73%), long-life milk (-3.22%), fruit (-2.35%) and meat (-1.06%).
To know more about the IPCA, watch the video of the IBGE Explains series.
Text: Adriana Saraiva
Graph: J.C. Rodrigues
Photo: Flickr