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Only 7.3% of municipalities have systems of public management of sports

May 26, 2017 10h06 AM | Last Updated: July 18, 2017 04h06 PM

In 2016, most city administrations had not defined a Sports System: set of rules, rights and duties that establishes mechanisms of public management focused on sports. The picture was slightly better in the Federation Units, as 13 state administrations created means for managing sports activities.

This information comprises the Supplements of Sports of the 2016 editions of the Survey of Basic State (Estadic) and Municipal (Munic) Information, produced in partnership with the Ministry of Sports. The surveys show the overall picture of sports in states and municipalities.

According to the IBGE researcher Vânia Pacheco, the creation of a sports system, like the one existing in the health area, is an important step to provide states and municipalities with instruments for management, legislation and participation of the society in sports practice.

The existence of a Municipal Council of Sports is an aspect investigated. The survey pointed out that the percentage of municipalities that reported to have such councils rose from 11.8% to 20.8% between 2003 and 2016.

"It is a form of participation of the civil society in public policies. In the survey, we could see that many municipalities had such council, but they did not gather. So, the existence of the council is not enough, it must be effective", states Pacheco.

By Marcelo Benedicto


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