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Agenda IBGE

IBGE Schedule for the week of March 17 - 21

Section: IBGE | Esther Gama (sob supervisão dos editores)

March 17, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 17, 2025 09h00 AM

A new edition of the IBGE Schedule is already available. The document available today (17) includes internal and external meetings, events and appointments of the Presidency, Directorates and Advisories, IBGE State Superintendencies and the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) for the week of March 17-21.

Since January 2024, the IBGE weekly schedule has been released every Monday at 9 am. Check the complete schedule for this week on channel IBGE Schedule.


On Monday (17), at 9am, representatives of the IBGE Presidency will participate in an administrative meeting with the Department of Institutional Relations (GRT). At 10am, a team from the Presidency will attend the meeting of the Commission for Planning and General Organization of the Census (CPO). At 11 am, members of the Presidency will meet with the team of the Sustainable Development Goal 12 (ODS 12), which deals with responsible production and consumption.

On Tuesday (18), at 9am, a team from the Presidency will participating in a meeting of the Technical Commission of the 12th Census of Agriculture. 

On Wednesday (19), at 9am, representatives of the Presidency will attend the monthly meeting of the Inter-agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDGs). At 10:30 am, a team from the Presidency will participate in  meeting of the 2022 Census of Agriculture Technical Committee. 

On Thursday (20), at 11 am, a team from the Presidency will meet with National Statistical Offices of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) about the Publication CPLP in Figures - SDG Edition. At 2:30 am, representatives of the Presidency will participate in a meeting with the National Survey of Basic Sanitation (PNSB) of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE).

Directorates and Advisories

On Monday (17), at 9 am, professors from the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) will participate in a meeting with coordinators of the Center for Institutional Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence Applied to Public Policies (CIAP/IAPP) and with representatives of the Center for Public Policies Studies (NEPP). At 1 pm, a team from ENCE will participate in the event  “Principles of Reproducible Analytical Pipelines for Official Statistics.”

On Tuesday (18), at 9 am, a team from the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) will be attending the 23rd meeting of the CTCA (Control of Agrarian Tensions and Conflicts). At 3pm, members of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) will participate in a meeting about Favelas and Urban Communities and Addresses with representatives of the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and the National Secretariat of Peripheries (SNP).

Also on Tuesday, at 6 pm, representatives of DPE will give the course Improvement on Quilombola School Education: “The importance of the Quilombola Census for education policies in quilombola communities,” with representatives of the federal Fluminense university (UFF), of the Secretariat of Continued Education, Diversity and Inclusion (Secadi) and the Ministry of Education (MEC).

On Wednesday (19), at 8 am, representatives of ENCE will participate in a meeting of the Project LarPT. At 11 am, professors from ENCE will give the Webinar “Artificial Intelligence for Applications in Remote Sensing: Recent Developments an Main Challenges.” At 2 pm, a team from the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) will participate in the 1st Semi-Annual Meeting of the Technical Cooperation Agreement of the international Migrations Observatory (OBMigra).

On Thursday (20), at 9 am, members of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE) will be attending the event of the National Council of Planning Secretaries (Conseplan). At 10 am, at the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) there will be the weekly meeting of the Division of Geodesy.

On Friday (21), at 2pm, representatives of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) will participate in a meeting of the UN Task Team on Scanner Data (ONU). At 7 pm, there will be a graduation ceremony at the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

State Superintendencies 

On Tuesday (18), at 10 am, at the State Superintendence of Bahia (SES/BA) there will be a technical meeting about the Brazilian Deprivation Index (IPB) with representatives of the Center for Data Integration and Knowledge in Health (Cidacs / Fiocruz Bahia). At 2:30 pm, a team from the IBGE State Superintendency in Acre (SES/AC) will participate in the 8th meeting for Monitoring of the 2024 Work Plan. 

On Wednesday (19), at 11 am, representatives of the IBGE State Superintendency in Sergipe (SES/SE) will take a course of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP) about submission of tasks within the Program of Management and Performance (PGD).

On Friday (21), at 2 pm, a team from the IBGE State Superintendency in São Paulo (SES/SP) will deliver a lecture about the IBGE and the Population Census in a school in the municipality of Marília/SP.

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