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Work Plan for 2025

In Porto Alegre, IBGE holds final event of the 2025 Work Plan series

Section: IBGE | Esther Gama

January 31, 2025 05h02 PM | Last Updated: February 04, 2025 12h28 PM

In the South Region, IBGE closed presentations of the 2025 Work the Plan - Photo: IBGE Archive

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statisitcs (IBGE) held the last lauch event of the 2025 Work Plan on Friday (31), at the Auditorium of the Organization of Cooperatives in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (OCERGS), representing the South Region. Throughout the week, the INstitute presneted its new Work Plan in he the Brazilian Major Regions. 

Participants of the event included the President of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann; the Manager of Institutional and Union Relations of OCERGS, Tarcísio Minetto; the the IBGE's Director of Surveys (DPE), Gustavo Junger da Silva; the IBGE's Deputy Director of Surveys, Vladimir Gonçalves Miranda; the IBGE State Superintendent in Rio Grande do Sul, José Renato Braga de Almeida; the Coordinator General of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), José Daniel Castro; and of the Assistant to the IBGE's Executive Directorate, Hugo Leonardo do Couto.

Also attending the event were members of the House of Representatives of Porto Alegre; of the Moviment of Small Agricultural Workers (MPA); of the Municipal Government of Porto Alegre; the Municipal Secretariat of Planning and Strategic Affairs (SMPAE); the Secretariat of Education of Rio Grande do Sul (SEDUC-RS); the Municipal Secretariat of Education of Porto Alegre; the Secretariat of Planning, Governane and Management of the State of Rio Grande do Sul; and the United Cooperatives of Family Agriculture and Solidarity Economics of Rio Grande do Sul (UNICAFES-RS).

Participants in the discussion were the President of the IBGE, the Manager for the Institucional and Union Relations of OCERGS; the IBGE's Directorate of Surveys (DPE); the IBGE's Deputy Director of Surveys; and the IBGE State Superintendent in Rio Grande do Sul - Photo: IBGE Archive

"We are happy for the opportunity of being in this dialogue with the Institute, a technical dialogue about what we intend to do. The Work Plan is a summary, the work of our coleagues is much bigger, with almost 300 publications that the IBGE will release over the year, that is, almost one publication per day. We make a great effort to offer society what we have of current Brazil, and with these data we see a new horizon. There is only a future for Brazil is there is planning, when there is no planning, there is only destiny. And to reach a decent figure, we need to understand where we are. That is the work of the IBGE, especially from the perspective of building the National Sovereign System of Geosceinces, Statistics and Data (SINGED)," said Marcio Pochmann, President of the IBGE.

According to the Manager for Institutional and Union Relations of the Organization of Cooperatives of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (OCERGS), Tarcísio Minetto, "the OCERGS has the responsibility of representing the seven branches of cooperativism. We always work in partnership with the IBGE in the field of data an assessment of information. The cooperative system is at the disposal of the Institute for all we can do together. We know the importance of the IBGE with data and this relation of proximity is a two way street. We are plased to receive you, the IBGE is an institution with a extremely relevant name in Brazil in the realm of data."

The 2025 Work Plan was elaborated from contributions and dialogues with all the Directorates and Coordinations of the IBGE, between the months of August and December 2024, by a commission formed by 22 civil servants, being two from each area of the Institute, besidesrepresentatives of State Superintendencies (SES) and Branches.

For the first time, the IBGE presented its Work Plan in all the Major Regions of Brazil - Photo: IBGE Archive

"We have ax extremely challenging Work Plan for 2025. It was conceived collectively, with the participation of superintendencies and will be followed by more than 11 employees at the IBGE. We have a very competent team and this year almost 900 new employees will join us after being selected in the Unified National Competitive Examination (CNU). We need to work together and be engaged in activities of undamental importnce for us to execute necessary activities for the planning of public policies and the guidance of an extremely important sector for the Brazilian economy," explained Gustavo Junger da Silva, IBGE's Director of Surveys.

The Deputy director of Surveys (DPE), Vladimir Gonçalves Miranda, mentined that the launch of the Plan and this type of event is very important fir the IBGE to strengthen ties with society. "Brazil is a huge country and compex country. If we analyze this plan of activities it becomes clear we have tried, the best way possible, to include diversity and complexities in the activities. The IBGE is a micro portrait of Brazil itself.

The Plan guides strategic actions by the IBGE for 2025, and advances in the officialization of the National System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data (SINGED), modernization of structures, preparation for the 12th Census of Agriculture, conduction of the Consumer Expenditure Survey and other releases, also including international activities and meetings between the IBGE and official statistical offices.

During the week, the IBGE launched its Work Plan in partnership with several Agencies and parner Institutes - Photo: IBGE Archive

"We get more closer in knowlegde of the population during the Census, but there are also annual, monthly and quarterly activities of fudamental importance for us to reach our objectives. This Plan is an instrument that helps us be closer to the people and institutions in our country. It is an nstrument of transparency because it reveals to Brazil the main projects with which we will work until the end of the year," said the IBGE State Superintendent in Rio Grande do Sul, José Renato Braga de Almeida.

The coordinator general of the IBGE's Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), José Daniel Castro, explained that the IBGE has presented its Work Plan in every Major Region. "Among the priorities of the Plan are strategic actions around the UN Climate Change 2025 Conference 2025 (COP 30), in partnership with Federal Agencies."

The Assistant to the IBGE's Executive Directorate, Hugo Leonardo do Couto, who participated via video call, remarked that the 2025 Work Plan is based on four axes: "The first one is the coincidence with the time horizon of the Pluriannual Plan (PPA); the second is the centrality of implementation of the National Sovereign System of Geosciences, Statistics and Data (SINGED); the third one is the integration between the strategic plan with annual work plans and the fourth premise is the reduction of scope of the plan, which will allow the construction of a more objective one. "

All the launch events were streamed online on he IBGE social media channels - Photo: IBGE Archive

For the first time, the IBGE launched its Work Plan in every Major Region

The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), for the first time, launched its work plan in all the Major Regions, starting in Belém (PA), on Monday, 27.

The first event took place in the Norh Region, in Belém (PA), on Monday (27), t in partnership with the Superitendence for Development of the Amazon (SUDAM). On Tuesday (28), in Recife, in partnership with the Superintendence for the Development of Brazilian Northeast (SUDENE). On Wednesday (29), in the Central West, in Brasília (DF), in partnership with the Federal Data Processing Service (SERPRO). On Thursday (30), in the Southeast, in Vitória,in partnership with Jones dos Santos Institute (IJSN), and, finally, in the South, in Porto Alegre, on Friday the 31st, in partnership with the Organization of Cooperatives in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (OCERGS). 

In each Major Region, an IBGE Directorate was in charge of the presentation of the 2025 Work Plan. EIn Belém, the Coordinator general of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI), José Daniel Castro spoke for the CDDI. In Recife, the coordinator of the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE), Paulo Jannuzzi presented the Plan. In Brasília, the IBGE Director of Technology and Information (DTI), Marcos Mazoni, explained the Plan. In Vitória, the presentation was conducted by the IBGE's Director of Geosciences (DGC), Maria do Carmo Bueno. And, in Porto Alegre, the Director of Surveys DPE), Gustavo Junger presented the Document.

All the events were streamed live on the IBGE Youtube channel and on the social media channels of the Institute (Instagram, TikTok and Facebook). A total of 300 participants including givernmental agencies, universities and civil society and approximately 550 civil servants and representatives of partner institutions attended the event, and thousands watched the presntations live on Instagram and on Facebook.

Besides the President of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, dozens of authorities participated in the events, representatives of a number of institutes, including the Superintendent for Development of the Amazon (SUDAM), Paulo Roberto Galvão da Rocha; the Superintendent for the Development of Brazilian Northeast (SUDENE), Danilo Cabral; the president of the Federal Data Processing Service (SERPRO), Alexandre Gonçalves de Amorim; the Deputy Secretary of Institutional Affairs of the Ministry of Planning and Budget, Marcelo Ribeiro Moreira; the Director general of Jones dos Santos Neves Institute (IJSN), Pablo Lira; the State Secretary for Economy and Planning of Espírito Santo, Álvaro Duboc; the Manager for Institutional and Union Relations of  OCERGS, Tarcísio Minetto; among others.

The Work Plan is available at the link

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