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IBGE participates in Agrishow and highlights preparations for the 2026 Census of Agriculture

Section: IBGE | Ralph Izumi

May 03, 2024 11h41 AM | Last Updated: May 03, 2024 10h15 PM

  • Highlights

  • IBGE visita Agrishow, maior feira do agronegócio da América Latina, com estimativa de mais de 195 mil visitantes.
  • Esta é a primeira vez que o Instituto participa da feira, localizada no município de Ribeirão Preto (SP).
  • A presidência do IBGE dialogou com entidades importantes do setor, como Abag e Abimaq, no intuito de realizar futuros acordos de cooperação técnica.
The IBGE dialogues with the Abag - Photo: Ralph Izumi

Last Tuesday, on the 30th of April, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) participated in Agrishow 2024, the biggest agribusiness fair in Latin America. The president of the IBGE, Marcio Pochmann, attended the event and held dialogues with representative entities of the sector to discuss preparations for the 2026 Census of Agriculture. The Agriculture, Forestry and Aquaculture Census is the main and most complete statistical and territorial investigation on the structure, dynamics and level of production of Brazilian agricultural activities.

According to the last Census of Agriculture (2017), approximately 5.1 million establishments that carry out agricultural, forestry or aquaculture activities were identified. Participating for the first time in Agrishow, the IBGE held dialogues seeking to reach technical cooperation agreements to enhance the conduct of the Census, aiming to collect information that can more accurately portray the reality of Brazilian agriculture.

At the press conference with João Marchesan, the president of Agrishow and vice president of Abimaq, Pochmann stated that the IBGE is forming technical advisory groups with experts from various fields to ensure the success of this Census of Agriculture. "We will also build an advisory council. It would be important to have the presence of all those who work in Brazil's agricultural complex", said the president of the IBGE.

The president during press conference held by Abimaq - Photo: Ralph Izumi

Marchesan emphasized in his speech the relevance of this Census for the development and improvement of public policies aimed at the Brazilian agricultural sector, one of the most dynamic economic sectors in the country. "The 2026 Census of Agriculture will be of vital importance for the sector to have elements and subsidies for decision-making", said the president of Agrishow.

The IBGE superintendent in São Paulo, Francisco Barcia, exemplified the preparatory actions for the Census of Agriculture in São Paulo. "More than 430 meetings have already been held with the government, aiming to successfully conduct this Census. For sure, this institutional connection promoted by the IBGE will be essential for establishments to receive our enumerators in the best possible way”.

Pochmann and the president of Agrishow after the press conference - Photo: Ralph Izumi

The IBGE held dialogues with Abag and Abimaq

During its participation in the Fair, IBGE 's first dialogue was held with the board of the Brazilian Agribusiness Association (ABAG). Besides Pochmann and Barcia, the head of IBGE Branch in São Paulo, Rafael Carvalho, the vice president of Abag, Ingo Pogler, and Gislaine Balbinot, executive director of Abag, attended the event.

The IBGE and Abag meet for a dialogue on the Census of Agriculture - Photo: Ralph Izumi

Pogler opened the dialogue emphasizing the importance of agriculture for the country. "We are the world's biggest producers of meat and soybeans; I mean, agribusiness has a great importance to the country's economy, generating jobs and economic development. We have countless challenges in the sector, such as storage, transportation, among others; therefore, it is fundamental that the IBGE, as a research and statistical institution, support us by identifying where our challenges lie, so that we can further develop our sector", evaluated Pogler.

Following this, Pochmann gave a brief history of the IBGE and stated that the Institute is interested in conducting a new annual sample survey on the situation of establishments in the field. In addition, he expressed interest in future technical cooperation agreements between the Abag and the IBGE. "We should consider the possibility of a technical agreement between both institutions. The Institute knows the importance of agribusiness for the country's development; thus, a cooperation agreement is essential for the exchange of information”.

Next, Pochmann met with the board of the Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry (Abimaq) and highlighted the interest in also reaching a technical cooperation agreement with this entity. "According to data from NASA and shared by the IBGE, global agricultural production amounts to 1.9 billion hectares. Brazil ranks 5th in the world, with 3.4% of this total, losing only to India (9.6%), the United States (9%), China (8.8%) and Russia (8.3%); thus, the 2026 Census of Agriculture needs the support of the largest entities in this sector, so that we can conduct a complete survey that promotes exponential growth of agribusiness in the country", concluded the president of the IBGE.

Agrishow 2024

The fair is an initiative of the main entities of agribusiness in the country: Abag (Brazilian Association of Agribusiness), Abimaq (Brazilian Association of Machinery and Equipment Industry), Anda (the Brazilian National Association Fertilizer Association), Faesp (Federation of Agricultural and Livestock of the State of São Paulo), and SRB (Brazilian Rural Society).

Pochmann during the interview for Agrishow - Photo: Ralph Izumi

In its 29th edition, the fair brings together, over five days of the event, more than 800 exhibiting brands and over 195,000 visitors in 530,000 m² of area. "It is important to note that the continuous improvement of machinery, agricultural implements and the advent of digitization in agriculture are important factors for increasing crop productivity and the competitiveness of Brazilian agribusiness", highlights João Marchesan, the president of Agrishow.

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