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Monthly Survey of Services

Volume of services grows 0.8% in October for the second time in a row

Section: Economic Statistics | Alerrandre Barros

December 12, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 12, 2019 09h38 AM

Book edition and printing contributed to the 0.8% high of services in October - Photo: Pixabay

The volume of services grew 0.8% in October, compared to September, when the rate registered the biggest increase of the year so far, of 1.5%. With the second consecutive rise, the sector accumulated a gain of 2.2% in the period, according to the Monthly Survey of Service, which IBGE publishes today (12). In relation to October 2018, the advance was 2.7%.

The October high was the biggest for the month since 2012, when the sector registered 0.9%. From January to October this year, the volume of services grew 0.8%, the same result as that of the last 12 months.

“The services sector shows a cumulative growth of 3% between July and October this year, offsetting the 1.8% loss observed in the January-June 2019 period and advancing 1.2% compared to December 2018. It should be noted that with the high recorded this month, the sector reaches the highest level since July 2016, when it was 9.2% below the highest point of the series,” said the survey manager, Mr. Rodrigo Lobo.

From September to October, the high in the volume of services was seen in four of the five activities surveyed, especially in the information and communication services sector (1.8%), driven by the segment of information technology and audiovisual productions. "I'd also like to highlight book edition and printing, which grew with the government's demand for textbooks to meet the demands of the next school year," added the research manager.


Another advance came from the transportation sector, support services to transportation and mailing activities (1.1%), with a greater influence from the concessionaires of highways, post offices and road freight transport. In the sector of services rendered to families (1.5%), the biggest impact was on hotels and restaurants. In professional, administrative and complementary services (0.1%), the result was pulled by engineering services.

In contrast, Mr. Lobo claims that Other services (-0.3%) was the only negative rate in October, thus eliminating part of the 0.5% increase observed in September. “The setback was influenced by garbage collection and sewage management,” he explained.

The survey also shows that tourist activities grew 1.5% in October, compared to the previous month, in which there was a high of 4.8%.

Of the 27 Federation Units, 22 registered progress in October compared to September, with a highlight to the states of Rio de Janeiro (2.0%), São Paulo (0.5%) and Santa Catarina (3.7%). These are the second positive rates in a row recorded by Rio and São Paulo. On the other hand, the main negative results came from Roraima (-7.9%), Acre (-4.5%) and Tocantins (-1.9%).

Compared to October 2018, volume of services rose 2.7% in October, with expansion in all five activities disseminated, in 88 of 166 types of services surveyed and spread regionally, as 17 of the 27 Federation Units advanced compared to October last year. October had one more business day than the same month last year, which may have contributed to a higher performance of service contracts.

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