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Regional Accounts

In 2022, GDP grows in 24 Federation Units

Section: Economic Statistics | Irene Gomes | Design: Helga Szpiz

November 14, 2024 10h00 AM | Last Updated: November 21, 2024 02h47 PM

  • Highlights

  • Among 27 Federation Units, 24 rose their GDP in volume in 2022. The highest figures occurred in Roraima (11.3%), Mato Grosso (10.4%), Piauí (6.2%) and Tocantins (6.0%).
  • Rio Grande do Sul (-2.6%), Espírito Santo (-1.7%) and Pará (-0.7%) were the only states with a drop.
  • None Major Region dropped in volume in 2022. The South Region registered a technically stable result (0.1%); Central-West grew 5.9%; Northeast, 3.6%; Southeast, 3.4%; and North, 2.0%.
  • In term of GDP share between 2021 and 2022, The Southeast Region increased 1.0 percentage point, Central-West, 0.3 p.p., whereas the South (-0.7 p.p.) and North (-0.6 p.p.) regions reduced. The Northeast Region maintained its share.
  • Between 2002 and 2022, the Central-West and North regions registered the highest relative gains of share in the Brazilian GDP, with advances of 2.0 p.p. and 1.0 p.p., respectively.
  • In 20 years, the only region to lose share in the time series was the Southeast (-4.1 p.p.), with the reduction of the weights of the economies of São Paulo (-3.8 p.p.) and Rio de Janeiro (-0.9 p.p.). Mato Grosso recorded the biggest increase in share (1.2 p.p.), followed by Santa Catarina, (0.9 p.p.) and Minas Gerais (0.7 p.p.).
  • Between 2002 and 2022, the national GDP registered an average increase of 2.2% per year. Among the Major Regions, North and Central-West recorded the highest annual growth rates, both with 3.2% per year, whereas the Northeast Region stood close to the national average, with 2.3% per year. The Southeast and South regions reported the lowest figures: 1.9% per year each.
  • The Brazilian per capita GDP was R$49,638.29 in 2022 and the Federal District maintained the highest value (R$116,713.39). Rio de Janeiro ranked in the second position, with R$71,849.66, followed by São Paulo, with R$70,470.53.
In 2022, agriculture contributed to the rise of the GDP in North and Central-West states and to the drop in Rio Grande do Sul - Picture: Gilson Abreu/AEN-PR

In 2022, the Brazilian Gross Domestic Product (GDP) hit 10.1 trillion, with a growth of 3.0% in volume compared with 2021. Twenty-four out of 27 Federation Units increased their GDP, except for Rio Grande do Sul (-2.6%), Espírito Santo (-1.7%) and Pará (-0.7%). The highest rises, in turn, occurred in Roraima (11.3%), Mato Grosso (10.4%), Piauí (6.2%) and Tocantins (6.0%).

The information is from the System of Regional Accounts 2022, produced by the IBGE in partnership with State Statistical Offices, States Secretariats of Government and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone (SUFRAMA).

"Today the IBGE is involved in the revision of the series of the entire System of Accounts, which will adopt the year of 2021 as the new base-year. During this process, the System of Regional Accounts remains releasing its estimates based on the base-year 2010. When the new series with the base-year 2021 is released, the results of the system of Regional Accounts will be eventually re-released, integrated with the new series of the System of National Accounts as well. We also clarify that, in this release, some procedures have been adopted, like the aggregation level of economic activities and the absence of GDP tables under the point of view of income," explained Alessandra Poça, IBGE´s Manager of Regional Accounts.

Among the three major activity groups, Agriculture dropped in volume by 1.1%, whereas Industry grew 1.5% and Services, 4.3%. "The increase in the GDP for the second consecutive year represents the recovery of the Brazilian economy, started in 2021, after the drop registered in 2020, mainly due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic," highlights Poça.

In the regional scope, none of the five Major Regions dropped in volume in 2022. Having changed 0.1%, the South Region recorded a technically stable result, whereas the others grew. "The result of the South Region is mostly explained by the performance of Rio Grande do Sul, which reduced its GDP by 2.6%, due to Agriculture," highlights the manager. On the other hand, the Central-West Region reported the highest growth (5.9%). All its states grew above the average, highlighted by Mato Grosso, which rose 10.4%. 

Agriculture contributes to the rise of the GDP in the North and Central-West

Among the Federation Units, the highest GDP rises occurred in Roraima (11.3%), Mato Grosso (10.4%), Piauí (6.2%), Tocantins (6.0%) and Acre (6.0%). The performance of Agriculture definitively contributed to the result of 2022 in these states, highlighted by soybean cropping, which, though not having a positive performance in the national average, grew in the North Region and in part of the Central-West.

Besides Agriculture, the growth was due to Other services and Administration, defense, public education and health, and social security in Roraima, Tocantins and Acre. "The first activity significantly advanced in volume in the three states of the North Region, with the continuation of the upturn cycle of on-site activities, started in 2021, whereas the second activity registered a slighter growth, though with an impact on the performance, due to the significant weight in the respective economies," notes Poça.

In Mato Grosso, Manufacturing industries, Other Services and Trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles stood out as well. In Piauí, the growth in Other services also stood out, followed by Electricity and gas, water, sewage, waste management activities and decontamination. "The expansion in the generation of wind energy in the state contributed to the latter," explains the manager.

Mining and quarrying industries leverage drop in the GDP in Pará and Espírito Santo

The only Federation Units that dropped in volume of the GDP in 2022, compared with the previous year, were Rio Grande do Sul (-2.6%), Espírito Santo (-1.7%) and Pará (-0.7%). In Rio Grande do Sul, the reduction was mainly due to Agriculture, affected by an extended drought, which caused the reduction in the production of cereals and soybeans.

Espírito Santo and Pará, in turn, had their performances in volume mostly explained by Mining and quarrying industries, since the extraction of iron ore reduced in both of them, and the extraction of petroleum, only in Espírito Santo. The drop in Manufacturing industries also impacted, with the retraction in Basic metals, a relevant activity in both states.

They are followed by Sergipe, Paraná and Santa Catarina, with the highest changes in volume of the GDP, with rates of 1.3%, 1.5% and 1.8%, respectively. In Sergipe, the growth in volume was limited by the retraction recorded in Mining and quarrying industries, due to the extraction of petrleum and gas, whereas Paraná mainly reduced in Agriculture and Santa Catarina, in Manufacturing industries.

Southeast Region gains share in the national GDP

In terms of GDP share between 2021 and 2022, the Southeast Region increased 1.0 percentage point, Central-West, the Central-West, 0.3 p.p., whereas the South (-0.7 p.p.) and North (-0.6 p.p.) regions reduced. The Northeast Region maintained its share.

In the Southeast Region, which concentrated 53.3% of the national GDP, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo gained share of 0.9 p.p. each between 2021 and 2022. "In Rio de Janeiro, the result was caused by Mining and quarrying industries, due to an increase in volume and, above all, to the price in the extraction of petroleum and gas. In São Paulo, the relative advance was mainly due to Financial activities, insurance and related services, Manufacturing industries and Trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles," highlights the manager.

Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo registered a loss of share of 0.5 and 0.3 p.p., respectively, due to Mining and quarrying industries, since, in addition to the reduction in volume of this activity in both states, the foreign prices of iron ore reduced, unlike the prices of petroleum in the same year.

In the Central-West Region, with a total share of 10.6%, Goiás recorded the biggest relative advance, with an increase of 0.2 p.p., explained, to a great extent, by Trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles and Manufacturing industries. Mato Grosso do Sul and the Federal District also gained share, of 0.1 p.p. each, influenced by Manufacturing industries in the former, and by Financial activities, insurance and related services in the latter. Although growing in volume, Mato Grosso lost share of 0.1 p.p., mostly due to a loss of share of the value added of the activity of Transportation, storage and mailing.

The South Region (-0.7 p.p.) was the region with the highest loss of share, due to the performances of Rio Grande do Sul (-0.6 p.p.) and Santa Catarina (-0.2 p.p.), whereas Paraná maintained its share. As a result, the region added up to 16.6% of share in the Brazilian GDP. "The reduction in the share was mainly due to Agriculture in Rio Grande do Sul and to Transportation, storage and mailing and Trade and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles in Santa Catarina," explains Poça.

Having lost 0.6 p.p., the North Region stood with a share of 5.7%. The result was due to Pará, which reported a relative reduction in the region, due to the performance in volume and price of Mining and quarrying industries. Amazonas reduced its share from 1.5% to 1.4% in relation to the national GDP, whereas Rondônia rose its weight from 0.6% in 2021 to 0.7% in 2022. The other Federation Units maintained their shares. 

Lastly, the Northeast Region maintained its ahre of 13.8% in the Brazilian GDP, with oscillations only in Ceará, Pernambuco and Bahia. Ceará and Pernambuco lost 0.1 p.p. each, whereas Bahia gained 0.1 p.p., due to Manufacturing industries, especially coke and petroleum refining.

Seven states exchanged theirr positions in the ranking of relative share between 2021 and 2022. Rio Grande do Sul dropped once again, from the fourth to the fifth position, exchanging positions with Paraná, a movement noticed some times along the time series. Pará fell from the tenth to the twelfth position, whereas Mato Grosso and Pernambuco advanced one position each, even losing share, and ranked in the tenth and eleventh positions, respectively. Tocantins and Sergipe exchanged positions, and ranked in the 23rd and 24th positions, respectively, since Tocantins gained share, though they registered the same share until the first decimal place.

Share of the Major Regions and Federaton Units in the Gross Domestic Product - 2002-2022
Brazil, Major Regions
Federation Units
Share in the Gross Domestic Product (%)
2002 2021 2022
Brazil 100.0 100.0 100.0
North 4.7 6.3 5.7
Rondônia 0.5 0.6 0.7
Acre 0.2 0.2 0.2
Amazonas 1.5 1.5 1.4
Roraima 0.2 0.2 0.2
Pará 1.8 2.9 2.3
Amapá 0.2 0.2 0.2
Tocantins 0.4 0.6 0.6
Northeast 13.1 13.8 13.8
Maranhão 1.1 1.4 1.4
Piauí 0.5 0.7 0.7
Ceará 1.9 2.2 2.1
Rio Grande do Norte 0.9 0.9 0.9
Paraíba 0.9 0.9 0.9
Pernambuco 2.4 2.5 2.4
Alagoas 0.8 0.8 0.8
Sergipe 0.7 0.6 0.6
Bahia 4.0 3.9 4.0
Southeast 57.4 52.3 53.3
Minas Gerais 8.3 9.5 9.0
Espírito Santo 1.8 2.1 1.8
Rio de Janeiro 12.4 10.5 11.4
São Paulo 34.9 30.2 31.1
South 16.2 17.3 16.6
Paraná 5.9 6.1 6.1
Santa Catarina 3.7 4.8 4.6
Rio Grande do Sul 6.6 6.5 5.9
Central-West 8.6 10.3 10.6
Mato Grosso do Sul 1.1 1.6 1.7
Mato Grosso  1.3 2.6 2.5
Goiás 2.6 3.0 3.2
Federal District 3.6 3.2 3.3
Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Offices, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.

In 20 years, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro lose weight in the national economy

Between 2002 and 2022, the Central-West and North regions registered the highest relative gains of share in the Brazilian GDP, with advances of 2.0 p.p. and 1.0 p.p., respectively. The only region to lose share in the time series was the Southeast (-4.1 p.p.), with the reduction in the weight of the economies of São Paulo (-3.8 p.p.) and Rio de Janeiro (-0.9 p.p.). Mato Grosso gained the highest share (1.2 p.p.), followed by Santa Catarina, (0.9 p.p.) and Minas Gerais (0.7 p.p.). 

Between 2002 and 2022, the national GDP registered an average increase of 2.2% per year. Among the Major Regions, the North and Central-West recorded the highest annual growth rates, both with 3.2% per year, whereas the Northeast Region stood close to the national average, with 2.3% per year. The Southeast and South regions reported the lowest rises: 1.9% per year each.

Among the states, Mato Grosso and Tocantins were the major highlights, both of them with an average change of 4.8% per year, followed by Roraima (4.5% per year), Piauí (3.7% per year)  and Maranhão (3.4% per year).  Rio Grande do Sul and Rio de Janeiro remained as the two Federation Units with the lowest average increases in volume in the time series, with 1.4% per year each.

Gross Domestic Product, according to Brazil, Major Regions and Federation Units - 2002-2022   
Brazil, Major Regions
Federation Units
Cumulative change in volume 2002-2022 (%) Average change in volume per year (%)
Brazil   53.2 2.2
North 88.5 3.2
Rondônia 94.3 3.38
Acre 93.5 3.36
Amazonas 90.1 3.3
Roraima 141.6 4.5
Pará 70.5 2.7
Amapá 89.0 3.2
Tocantins 153.1 4.8
Northeast 58.8 2.3
Maranhão 95.8 3.4
Piauí 105.4 3.7
Ceará 61.2 2.4
Rio Grande do Norte 45.2 1.9
Paraíba 77.6 2.9
Pernambuco 51.1 2.1
Alagoas 60.7 2.4
Sergipe 48.7 2.0
Bahia 46.4 1.9
Southeast 46.1 1.9
Minas Gerais 45.9 1.9
Espírito Santo 52.4 2.1
Rio de Janeiro 32.9 1.43
São Paulo 50.5 2.1
South 45.0 1.9
Paraná 48.2 2.0
Santa Catarina 62.0 2.4
Rio Grande do Sul 32.2 1.41
Central-West 88.7 3.2
Mato Grosso do Sul 87.6 3.2
Mato Grosso  154.7 4.8
Goiás 77.0 2.9
Federal District 70.7 2.7
Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Offices, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.

Federal District remains with the highest per capita GDP in Brazil

The per capita GDP in Brazil was R$49,638.29 in 2022 and the Federal District remained as the Federation Unit with the highest Brazilian per capita GDP, with a value of R$116,713.39, 2.4 times higher than the national average. Rio de Janeiro ranked in the second position, with R$71,849.66, followed by São Paulo, with R$70,470.53. The calculation took into account the resident population of the first results of the 2022 Population Census.

Per capita Gross Domestic Product of the
Major Regions and States
Regions/ FU 2022
North                               33.123
Rondônia      42.248
Acre      28.525
Amazonas      36.827
Roraima      33.153
Pará       29.095
Amapá       32.194
Tocantins       38.512
Northeast       25.401
Maranhão        20.633
Piauí        22.279
Ceará        24.296
Rio Grande do Norte        28.409
Paraíba        21.662
Pernambuco        27.139
Alagoas        24.322
Sergipe        25.965
Bahia        28.483
Southeast        63.327
Minas Gerais        44.147
Espírito Santo        47.619
Rio de Janeiro        71.850
São Paulo        70.471
South        55.942
Paraná        53.710
Santa Catarina       61.274
Rio Grande do Sul       54.559
Central-West        65.651
Mato Grosso do Sul        60.365
Mato Grosso        69.839
Goiás        45.156
Federal District       116.713
Brazil       49.638
Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Offices, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.

The ranking of the ten highest per capita GDPs includes only Federation Units from the Central-West, Southeast and South regions. Besides the first position occupied by the Federal District along the entire time series, the relative advance of Mato Grosso stands out in the Central-West Region, rising from the 11th position to the fourth position between 2002 and 2022. Mato Grosso do Sul ranked in the sixth position in 2022, advancing two positions in relation to 2022, whereas Goiás appears in the tenth position, the same position occupied in the beginning of the time series, though it has exchanged positions along the period.

Per capita Gross Domestic Product ratio
Regions/ FU  Position 2022  Position 2002
BRAZIL -     1.00 -   1.00
SOUTHEAST 1st        1.28  1st        1.35
CENTRAL-WEST 2nd        1.32  2nd        1.24
SOUTH 3rd        1.13  3rd        1.10
NORTH  4th        0.67  4th        0.60
NORTHEAST  5th        0.51  5th        0.47
Federal District 1st        2.35 1st      2.93
Rio de Janeiro 2nd        1.45 3rd      1.47
São Paulo 3rd        1.42 2nd      1.59
Mato Grosso 4th        1.41 11th      0.86
Santa Catarina 5th        1.23 4th      1.15
Mato Grosso do Sul 6th        1.22 8th      0.90
Rio Grande do Sul 7th        1.10 5th      1.12
Paraná 8th        1.08 6th      1.06
Espírito Santo 9th        0.96 7th      0.99
Goiás 10th        0.91 10th      0.87
Minas Gerais 11th        0.89 13th      0.79
Rondônia 12th        0.85 16th      0.61
Tocantins 13th        0.78 21st      0.51
Amazonas 14th        0.74 9th      0.87
Roraima 15th        0.67 12th      0.80
Amapá 16th        0.65 14th      0.71
Pará 17th        0.59 22nd      0.48
Acre 18th        0.57 17th      0.58
Bahia 19th        0.57 20th      0.52
Rio Grande do Norte 20th        0.57 18th      0.56
Pernambuco 21st        0.55 19th      0.52
Sergipe 22nd        0.52 15th      0.66
Alagoas 23rd        0.49 23rd      0.47
Ceará 24th        0.49 24th      0.44
Piauí 25th        0.45 27th      0.29
Paraíba 26th        0.44 25th      0.43
Maranhão 27th        0.42 26th      0.32
Source: IBGE, in partnership with State Statistical Offices, State Government Departments and the Superintendence of the Manaus Free Trade Zone - SUFRAMA.
: For tie-breaking purpose, the next decimal places were used.

More about the survey

The System of Regional Accounts brings data on the composition and evolution of the GDP of each Federation Unit, calculated from statistics on the annual value of production, intermediate consumption and gross value added of each economic activity. They also allow to estimate the annual value added by activity, expressed in constant and current values, as well as the GDP, at market price.

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