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2022 Census

2022 Census: IBGE will release results by sex and age for quilombolas and indigenous peoples at event in Paraty (RJ)

Section: IBGE

April 11, 2024 12h10 PM | Last Updated: April 12, 2024 04h14 PM

The IBGE will release new results for the 2022 Census on May 03, at 10 am, in Paraty (RJ). The publication “2022 Population Census: Quilombolas and Indigenous peoples, by sex and age, by specific territories: Population Results”, gathers information about the age structure and sex profile of the quilombola and indigenous population. The release event will take place at the Campinho da Independência Quilombola Community (road BR-101 KM588), at Restaurante do Quilombo.

The release will be broadcast through the IBGE website ( and the Institute’s social media channels, and has received the support from the Ministry of Racial Equality. The results will be available on the IBGE website and in platforms such as SIDRA, and also the Census Overview and the Interactive Geographic Platform (PGI), which show results as digital maps.

The data are considered essential to deepen knowledge about these two traditional groups and to guide the elaboration of public policies in the fields of education, health, and social assistance, for example.

Results will be available for Brazil, Major Regions, States, municipalities, legal Amazon, Legal Amazon by Federation Units, official Quilombola Territory, official Quilombola Territory by Federation Units, Indigenous Land, and Indigenous Land by Federation Units.

Ninth release of 2022 Census results in less than a year

This is the ninth national release of the 2022 Census. The first results were released on June 28, 2023, at Museu do Amanhã, in Rio de Janeiro, when Brazil found out how many we are in the country. A month later, at the headquarters of the National Institute for Colonization and Agrarian Reform (Incra), in Brasília, results on the quilombola population in Brazil were presented. On August 7, there was the first release of data on Indigenous peoples, at Teatro da Paz, in Belém. On October 27, the data release included data by age and sex, in an event held at the IBGE’s Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination (CDDI) do IBGE, in Rio de Janeiro.

The fifth release showed the “2022 Population Census: Ethnic-racial identification of the population by sex and age” in Salvador, on December 22. On February 02, 2024, there was the release of Address Coordinates" in the municipality of Ponte Alta do Tocantins (TO). In the same month, on the 23rd, the IBGE released the results for “Characteristics of Housing Units”, in Diadema (SP). The latest release was on March 21, “Aggregated Census results by preliminary Enumeration Areas”, in Florianópolis (SC).

Release of “2022 Population Census: Quilombolas and Indigenous peoples, by sex and age, by specific territories: Population Results”

Date: Friday, May 03

Time: 10h

Venue: Comunidade Quilombola Campinho da Independência, Km 588 da BR-101, no Restaurante do Quilombo, Paraty (RJ), located 13km from the Historical Area.

Watch online at: IBGE website ( and social media channels

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