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2022 Census

IBGE concludes Census data collection, begins calculation phase

Section: IBGE

March 01, 2023 11h12 AM | Last Updated: March 01, 2023 04h46 PM

IBGE concludes household data collection of the Census with nearly 91% of the population enumerated
Picture: Helena Pontes/IBGE News Agency

Taking into account the preview of the population released on December 28, 2022, the IBGE concluded yesterday, February 28, the coverage of the household data collection of the Population Census, reaching 189,261,144 people enumerated (91%). The IBGE informs that the Calculation Phase begins today, March 1st. On the other hand, the release of the first results of the Census will be in the end of April. Please check here the complete notice.


At the same time of the data calculation phase, the IBGE will endeavor a final and punctual operation in the Yanomami Indigenous Land, supported by the Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO), Ministry of Justice and Public Security, Ministry of Defense and Ministry of Indigenous Peoples. To know more about it, please read below the complete notice published by the MPO or click here.

The collection of the Brazilian population data by the Population Census is over. “The most fundamental data base”, as Simone Tebet, Minister of Planning and Budget, used to call the Census, now begins the calculation phase. Since the 1960 Census, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) provides technical revisions on the data collected with the population. Now updated with new information and data analysis technologies, the same procedure will begin now.

“The Census allows us to establish public policies more focused and, therefore, more effective,” says the Minister of Planning and Budget. “By clearly knowing how many we are in each municipality, how each one of us live and how our families and realities are, we can improve the policies in areas like health, education, social benefits, urban infrastructure, logistics and technology,” states Tebet.

The IBGE, which is subordinate to the Ministry of Planning and Budget (MPO), completed the data collection yesterday at night. Altogether, more than 91% of the Brazilian population has been enumerated by the IBGE, i.e., 189.3 million people. In some States, like Santa Catarina, Piauí and Paraíba, more than 96% of the residents have been enumerated.

In the calculation phase, which begins today, IBGE technical supervisors might establish punctual comebacks to the field. In other words, certain neighborhoods in some cities might suffer specific enumeration actions in order to either check the data or to establish whether households originally found empty are indeed unoccupied. “We created a committee to close the Census, including eight demographers exclusively hired for the calculation phase, who will work in-line with the IBGE demographers,” states Cimar Azeredo, the IBGE Acting President.

The Census data will be announced in the end of April, as scheduled.

The final enumeration: Yanomami Indigenous Land

At the same time that the calculation phase begins, the IBGE will start a final data collection operation for the Census with residents in the Yanomami Indigenous Land.

The operation will begin on March 6 and will be completed between 20 and 30 days after that, depending on the weather conditions in the States of Roraima and Amazonas.

During the Census, the enumerators have already collected data from 50% of the residents in the Yanomami territory. Now is the time of the remaining half, who live in especially complex areas.

To enable the operation, Minister Simone Tebet led an inter-ministerial support team involving the Minister of Justice and Public Security, Flávio Dino, the Minister of Defense, José Múcio, and the Minister of Indigenous Peoples, Sônia Guajajara. In bilateral meetings, the minister advocated the importance that the Census exerts on public policies, both national and regional.

After meeting the ministers, Tebet joined the MPO technical team and the IBGE acting president, Cimar Azeredo, to discuss the logistical aspects of the journey of the IBGE enumerators and supervisors to the Yanomami Indigenous Land.

Among IBGE enumerators and supervisors, experts in data collection in indigenous lands, and supporting military and policemen, the IBGE estimates a contingent of 38 persons who will use, in different shifts, the helicopters of the Federal Highway Police (PRF), mobilized by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to enable the Census.

Every IBGE enumerator and supervisor mobilized in the operation will follow the health protocols established by the Ministry of Health.

More information

For more details about the final operation in the Yanomami Indigenous Land, click here.

For details about the 2022 Census, we invite everyone to read the complete note released by the IBGE Board of Directors on this link.

For details about the Normative Decision of the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU) on the use of IBGE information to calculate the quotas of the Municipal Revenue Sharing Fund (FPM) for 2023, we invite everyone to read the Court´s decision here.

For details of the event with Minister Simone Tebet and the IBGE superintendents in the headquarter of the Ministry of Planning and Budget, click here.

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