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Construction costs decelerate to 1.33% in February

Section: Economic Statistics | Carmen Nery

March 11, 2021 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 11, 2021 03h32 PM

National cost by square meter reached R$ 1,319.18 in February - Photo: Pixabay

The National Civil Construction Index (Sinapi) stayed at 1.33% in February, 0.66 percentage points below the January rate (1.99%), the first instance of deceleration since July 2020. There was increase of the indicator in mal the Major Regions, mainly due to the rise of materials. In the year, the index had a cumulative increased of 3.35% and, in the last 12 months, of 13.22%, a result above the 12.01% registered in the previous 12 months. In January 2020, the index was 0.25%.

National construction cost by square meter, which had closed January at R$ 1,301.84, went to R$ 1,319.18 in February, being R$ 748.58 relative to material and R$ 570.60 to manpower.

Workforce, despite the collective agreements established, recorded a rate of 0.02%, and decreased by 0.76 percentage points from January (0.78%). Compared to February a monte ago (-0.06%), it increased by 0.08 percentage points.

Materials rose 2.35% and was 0.61 percentage points below the figure a month ago (2.96%). From February 2020 (0.53), there was a 1.82 percentage point increase.

“Despite deceleration in February, materials kept its Strong influence on the monthly index as in preceding months. In February, it accounted for the sixth highest rate since the start of payroll exemption in 2013, 1.33%. That rate is only below that recorded between September 2020 and January 2021. It is worth mentioning that the change of materials has been the sixth highest since July 2013,” says Augusto Oliveira, head of Sinapi.

Cumulative figures in the year are 5.38% (materials) and 0.80% (workforce); in 12 months: 22.18% (materials) and 3.28% (workforce).

Mr. Oliveira explains there has been significant decrease in the contribution from workforce in Minas Gerais, a Federation Unit of great relevance, which influenced reduction of national indexes and of workforce.

“Bargaining has starter but civil construction is not fully recovered, due to the pandemic os been to lack of material. What we see now is that materials still keeps its high rates, in spite of the deceleration against preceding months. And workforce is leveled off now”, Mr. Oliveira adds.

South Region records biggest increase

The South Region recorded the biggest change, 1.60%, due to rising figures in mal the status, and a collective agreement in Santa Catarina. The other Major Regions recorded the following results: 0.90% (North), 1.40% (Northeast), 1.30% (Southeast), and 1.29 (Central West).

Regional costs, by square meter, were: R$ 1,317.87 (North); R$ 1,246.23 (Northeast); R$ 1,364.56 (Southeast); R$ 1,381.65 (South) and R$ 1,297.35 (Central West).

Among the states, Paraíba recorded the biggest monthly change, 2.55%, with an increase in materials and a collective agreement established for professional categories.

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