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New edition of IBGE's journal - Revista Brasileira de Geografia - analyzes pollution of urban rivers

Section: Geosciences | Carlos Alberto Guimarães

September 28, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: September 29, 2020 11h19 AM

  • Highlights

  • Number 1 of volume 65 contains three articles and a review of Azares y decisiones: recuerdos personales, autobiography by the Spanish geographer Horacio Capel.
  • Environmental management is discussed in an article on contamination of urban river channels, such as Paraíba do Sul (RJ), Tietê (SP) and Manaus streams.
  • Paris et Le Désert Français, a book on French regional planning, is the object of the article by Professor Pedrosa from UFRGS.
  • In another article, two researchers analyze the formation of production chains in triple-bordered areas in Brazil, which imply spatial articulations at daily, economic and institutional levels.

Today (28) the IBGE launches the first number of volume 65 of the Revista Brasileira de Geografia (Brazilian Journal of Geography - RBG), which is published every six months. In digital format, the new edition features three articles and a review, discussing topics such as the intense modification and contamination of rivers crossing big cities, the formation of productive chains and regional planning in 20th century France, among others.

“In this edition, we also present the review of Horacio Capel's autobiography, an important reference for every professional in the field of Geography”, says executive editor Maria Lúcia Vilarinhos about the Spanish geographer and writer, now aged 79 years old. "We also have two articles focused on regionalization and one on the urban issue, which have been so much discussed at this moment", she adds.

The text "Rios urbanos: contribuições da antropogeomorfologia e dos estudos sobre os terrenos tecnogênicos" (Urban rivers: contributions from anthropogeomorphology and from studies on technogenic terrains), by André Souza Pelech and Maria Naíse de Oliveira Peixoto, reflects on the need for new approaches to problems related to the high degree of modification and pollution of urban river channels . The authors' study, using examples from Rio de Janeiro (Paraíba do Sul), São Paulo (Tietê) and Amazonas (Manaus streams), enriches the debate on Brazilian environmental and territorial management.

Contaminated, the Tietê river triggers debate on environmental management - Photo: Rovena Rosa/Agência Brasil

The impact of the book Paris et Le Désert Français, by Jean-François Gravier, on French regional planning in the second half of the 20th century, was analyzed by Professor Breno Viotto Pedrosa from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). He presents the author's influences, the context of the book's production and the reactions that followed its publication. One of Gravier's concerns was precisely the emptying of French regions due to the strong industrial concentration in Paris.

Gisela Pires do Rio and Maria Célia Nunes Coelho discuss the creation of productive chains in two of our triple borders. In Formação de regiões transfronteiriças na América do Sul: um estudo comparado de cadeias produtivas em espaços trinacionais (Formation of cross-border regions in South America: a comparative study of productive chains in tri-national spaces), the authors analyze the articulation of cross-border spaces in parts of the Paraná River basin involving Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Then, they compare it with the articulation between Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, in sections of the rivers: Acre, Madeira and Madre de Dios. In the researchers' view, the formation of productive chains implies spatial articulations at daily, economic and institutional levels.

As the journal's editor pointed out, this issue also includes the review of Azares y decisiones: recuerdos personales, Horacio Capel's autobiography launched in Madrid in 2019. Capel's intellectual production has influenced the training of geography professionals worldwide, particularly in the studies of epistemology of geography - an area in which  his 1988 book Filosofia y Ciencia en la Geografía Contemporanea became a classic. Capel evaluates in the book his trajectory as a geographer and the geographic studies in Spain; in addition, he brings some personal thoughts.

Published by the IBGE, the RBG is a digital scientific publication with two releases per year, in April and in September. The submission of papers is continuous and open to researchers from national and international institutions, including those from the  IBGE.

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