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Grain harvest should grow 1% and reach 228.8 million tonnes in 2019

Section: Economic Statistics | João Neto

March 12, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 12, 2019 12h44 PM

Both the production and planted area of rice should decrease in 2019 - Photo: Licia Rubinstein/IBGE News Agency

The second estimate for the grain harvest in 2019 pointed out to an output of 228.8 million tonnes, 1% higher than last year. The estimate of the harvested area should increase 1.7% over 2018, adding up to 61.9 million hectares. The data came from the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - LSPA, released today by the IBGE.

The survey also pointed out the evolution of the results in relation to the first estimate, released in February. The estimate of the grain production dropped 0.8% and of the harvested area, 0.3%. Even so, the harvest this year should be the second highest in the time series, only after the 240.6 million tonnes produced in 2017.

Compared with last year, the planted area of soybeans should increase 1.7%, though a drop of 3.8% was expected in the output, adding up to 113.4 million tonnes. According to Carlos Antônio Barradas, manager of the survey, the harvest should be affected by the less favorable climate.

"The major producing states suffered with the drought, which occurred in sensitive phases, like flourishing and grain filling. It lowered the expectation for a bigger harvest this year, though it was still an impressive harvest", comments him.

For corn, the planted area should rise 10.9% and the output, 9.8%, adding up to 89.4 million tonnes, the second biggest result in the time series after 2017, when the harvest reached 99.5 million tonnes.

"As the prices of corn were higher than last year, it was expected that the producers increase their investments in production technology, causing an increase in the productivity", highlights the researcher.

The harvest of cotton also stood out, as it should grow 13% and register a record production in 2019, with 5.5 million tonnes. On the other hand, a drop of 10.9% was expected in the output of rice and of 9.4% in the planted area. "Some producing cities received few sunlight and had low temperatures", stresses Barradas.

Central-West accounts for 44.4% of grain harvest

Among the Major Regions, the Central-West should account for the biggest share in grain harvest this year (44.4%), followed by the South (33.4%), Southeast (10.1%), Northeast (8.2%) and North (3.9%). Mato Grosso led the states and should account for 26.2% of the harvest.

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