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IBGE updates list of agricultural products, meets new reality of countryside

Section: IBGE | Pedro Renaux | Design: Marcelo Barroso

February 07, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 07, 2018 12h05 PM

The estimate for the agricultural harvest in January 2018, which will be released tomorrow by the IBGE, will bring an updated list of the products surveyed. Firstly, 36 items will be reduced to 27 items and later to 18, for the first projection and estimate of the 2019 harvest. The changes were due to the loss of economic relevance of some products over time.

Products of the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - LSPA
Estimate of the 2018 harvest Projection/Estimate of the 2019 harvest
Maintained Removed Maintained Removed
Upland cotton (seed and fiber)* Pineapple Upland cotton (seed) Oat
Peanuts Garlic Rice Peanuts
Rice Onions Banana Rye
Oat Coconuts Potatoes Barley
Banana Guarana Cacao Sunflower
Potatoes Apples Coffee (arabica and canephora) Castor beans
Cacao Mallow Sugarcane Triticale
Coffee (arabica and canephora)* Black pepper Cashew nuts                   
Sugarcane Sisal/agave Beans
Cashew nuts                  Tobacco
Rye Oranges
Barley Cassava
Beans Corn
Tobacco Soybeans
Sunflower Sorghum
Oranges Tomatoes
Castor beans Wheat
Cassava Grapes








* Equals to two products in the overall counting.

From this update onwards, every item surveyed should represent at least 1% of the value of the national production or 1% of the Brazilian agricultural area. As a result, the 18 products together represent nearly 93% of the value of production and 97% of the Brazilian agricultural area.

Watch the commentaries of the IBGE´s manager of Agriculture, Carlos Alfredo Guedes

The estimate and the projection of the harvest are shown in the Systematic Survey of Agricultural Production - LSPA, a survey carried out by the IBGE since 1972. The list of products will be reassessed at each five years from the analysis of the Municipal Agricultural Production - PAM, an annual survey that will remain investigating the items removed from the LSPA.

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