IBGE opens more than 200 thousand job positions for 2020 Census
March 05, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: March 06, 2020 12h14 PM
All the Brazilian municipalities have positions available. Enrollment begins today, March 5, and closes on March 24. Two selection processes are available, one for Municipal Census Agents - ACMs / Supervisor Census Agents - ACSs (secondary education) and another for Enumerators (primary education).
Candidates should enroll through the Cebraspe website, organization in charge of the selection process. The enrollment fee for the secondary education positions is R$35.80 and for Enumerators, R$23.61. Fees can be paid in any bank, lottery or through the Internet. These professionals will collect the information for the 2020 Census, interviewing the residents of all the Brazilian households. The chart showing the distribution of the job positions and the respective call notices are on the right side of this page.
The positions are temporary and the contracts are scheduled to last 3 months (Enumerators) or 5 months (ACMs / ACSs) and can be renewed according to the IBGE needs and budget availability. The professionals temporarily hired by the IBGE will also have the right to vacation and proportional Christmas bonus salary, according to the legislation in force and to the call notices for ACSs / ACMs and Enumerators.
An important information: persons who recently worked as temporary workers for the IBGE or any other public office can also be re-hired, once approved in the selection processes of the 2020 Census.
5,462 (five thousand, four hundred and sixty two) positions are offered for ACMs and 22,676 (twenty two thousand, six hundred and seventy six) positions are offered for ACSs. These two functions are in the same selection process, which requires secondary education.
The best ranked in each municipality will occupy the position of ACM, who will be in charge of the coordination of the data collection of the 2020 Census in that city. The other census agents supervise the enumerator teams. The compensation for these two functions is R$2,100 for ACMs and R$1,700 for ACSs.
Enumerators will be paid per productivity
The enumerators are the professionals who will visit all the households in Brazil, interviewing their residents. They will be paid per productivity, according to the number of households visited. The IBGE website provides a simulator where the candidates can check the compensation to be obtained, based on the values paid per enumeration area in different localities in Brazil.
Candidates will enroll for specific work areas
The positions of this selection process are distributed throughout the country. The positions are offered per specific work areas in the larger municipalities and in remote regions. Such areas can encompass, for example, neighborhoods, slums, difficult-to-reach localities, indigenous villages or quilombola communities.
In order to save shifting costs and provide more productivity in the household visits, the ideal is that the enumerators approved in the selection process are residents of the localities where they will work.
Tests will take place in all the municipalities with job positions
The tests will take place in all the municipalities with job positions for both functions of the selection processes. The call notice with the list of all the places of tests will be released on May 8 for ACMs / ACSs and on May 18 for Enumerators. The complete schedule of both selection processes can be found in the call notices.
The tests for ACMs/ ACSs will take place on May 17, 2020 and those for Enumerators, on May 24, 2020.
The candidates for Enumerator will take an objective test, of eliminatory and qualifying nature, including 10 questions of Portuguese, 10 questions of Mathematics, 5 questions of Ethics in Public Service and 25 questions of Technical Expertise. The link to access the documentation related to Technical Expertise for Enumerators can be found in the call notice.
The candidates for ACM / ACS will take an objective test, of eliminatory and qualifying nature, including 10 questions of Portuguese, 10 questions of Quantitative Logical Thinking, 5 questions of Ethics in Public Service, 15 questions of Notions of Administration / Managerial Situations and 20 questions of Technical Expertise. The links to access the documentation related to this program content are in the call notice.