Continuous PNAD: unemployment rate is 11.9% and labor underutilization rate is 24.2% in quarter ended in September
October 30, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: November 01, 2018 01h17 PM
The unemployment rate (11.9%) retreated 0.6 percentage points in the quarter from July to September 2018 in relation to the quarter from April to June 2018 (12.4%). In relation to the same quarter of 2017 (12.4%), it dropped (-0.5 percentage points).

The unemployed population (12.5 million) dropped -3.7% (474 thousand less persons) in relation to the previous quarter (13.0 million persons). Compared with the same quarter in 2017, when 13.0 million persons were unemployed, this estimate decreased 3.6% (469 thousand less unemployed persons in the workforce).
The employed population (92.6 million) in the quarter from July to September 2018 increased 1.5% (1,384 thousand more persons) in relation to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter a year ago, when there was 91.3 million employed persons, the indicator also presented a positive change of 1.5% (1,325 thousand persons).
The labor underutilization rate (24.2%) in the quarter from July to September 2018 changed -0.4 percentage points in relation to the previous quarter (24.6%). In relation to the same quarter in 2017 (23.9%), the indicator remained stable.
The underutilization rate (27.3 million persons) was stable over the previous quarter (27.6 million persons). In relation to the same quarter of 2017 (26.8 million), this group grew 2.1%, amounting to 559 thousand more persons.
The number of discouraged persons (4.8 million) was stable in the previous quarter and increased 12.6% in relation to the same quarter of 2017 (4.2 million).
The percentage of discouraged persons was of 4.3% in the quarter of July/September 2018. The rate was stable in relation to the previous quarter (4.4%) and changed 0.4 percentage points in the comparison with the same quarter of 2017 (3.9%).
The contingent of persons employed in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers) was 33.0 million persons, saying stable against the previous quarter and against the same quarter of 2017.
The number of persons employed in the private sector without a formal contract (11.5 million persons) increased in relation to the previous quarter (4.7%), representing 522 thousand more persons. It rose 5.5% (601 thousand more persons) in relation to the same quarter last year.
The self-employed (23.5 million persons) grew 1.9% in relation to the previous quarter (432 thousand more persons) and increased 2.6% (586 thousand persons) in relation to the same period in 2017.
The average usual real earnings in the quarter of July to September 2018 (R$2,222) remained stable in both comparisons. The usual real wage bill (R$200.7 billion) remained stable in both comparisons. The complete publication, summary chart and presentation of the Continuous PNAD - monthly edition are on the right side of this page.
Table 1 - Unemployment Rate - Brazil - 2012/2018

The unemployment rate was of 11.9% in the moving quarter from July to September 2018, recording a change of -0.6 percentage points in relation to the previous quarter (12.4%). It dropped (-0.5 percentage points) in relation to the same moving quarter last year, when the rate was estimated at 12.4%.
In the quarter from July to September 2018, there was nearly 12.5 million unemployed persons in Brazil. This contingent presented a decrease of -3.7% (474 thousand less persons), against the previous quarter (13.0 million persons). This indicator fell -3.6% (469 thousand less unemployed persons) in relation to the same quarter in 2017 (13.0 million).
The compound rate of labor underutilization (percentage of unemployment, time-related underemployment and the potential workforce) was estimated at 24.2%, recording a change of -0.4 percentage points in relation to the previous quarter (24.6%) and stability in relation to the same quarter of 2017 (23.9%).
Compound rate of Labor Underutilization - quarters from July to September - 2012/2018
In the quarter from July to September 2018, there was nearly 27.3 million underutilized persons in Brazil. Such figure presented stability, i.e., had no significant change in relation to the quarter from April to June 2018, when the underutilization was estimated at 27.6 million persons. Compared with the same quarter last year, when there were 26.8 million underutilized persons, this estimate changed 2.1%, representing an amount of 559 thousand more underutilized persons).
The contingent of time-related underemployed persons (6.9 million) increases 5.4% in relation to the previous quarter, 351 thousand more persons. This indicator also posted a positive change (9.3%) in relation to the same quarter last year, when there were 6.3 million underemployed persons in Brazil.
The number of persons out of the workforce (65.2 million) had a reduction of -445 thousand (-0.7%) when compared to the previous quarter. It rose 1.1% (734 thousand more persons) against the same quarter in 2017.
The number of discouraged persons (4.8 million) stayed stable in relation to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter of 2017, this indicator also posted a positive change (12.6%), when there were 4.2 million discouraged persons in Brazil.
The percentage of discouraged workers in relation to the workforce or discouraged population(4.3%) stood stable at 4.4%, in relation to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter of 2017 (3.9%), it increased (0.4 percentage points).
The contingent in the workforce – employed and unemployed persons – in the quarter of July to September 2018, was estimated at 105.1 million persons. In relation to the previous quarter, there was an increase of 910 thousand persons (-0.9%). Over the same quarter a year ago, there was expansion of 0.8% (increase of 856 thousand persons).
The number of persons out of the workforce (65.2 million) had a reduction of -445 thousand (-0.7%) when compared to the previous quarter. Over the same quarter a year ago, there was expansion of 1.1% (increase of 734 thousand persons).
The contingent of employed persons (92.6 million) increased in relation to the previous quarter (1.5%), 1,384 thousand more persons. This indicator also posted a positive change of 1.5% in relation to the same quarter last year, i. e., 1,325 thousand more workers, when there were 91.3 million employed persons in Brazil.
The employment-population ratio (indicator that measures the percentage of employed persons in the population at working age) was estimated at 54.4% in the quarter of July to September 2018, registering an increase of 0.7 percentage points against the previous quarter (53.7%). This indicator did not record any statistically-significant change over the same quarter last year.
The contingent of persons employed in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers) was 33.0 million persons, saying stable against the previous quarter and the same quarter of 2017.
Conversely, the number of employed persons in the private sector without a formal contract (11.5 million persons) grew 4.7% in relation to the previous quarter (522 thousand more persons) and 5.5% against the same quarter of 2017 (601 thousand more persons).
The self-employed workers (23.5 million) grew 1.9% in relation to the previous quarter (432 thousand more persons) and increases 2.6% in relation to the same period of 2017 (586 thousand more persons).
The number of employers (4.4 million persons) remained stable in relation to the previous quarter. It rose (4.3%) in relation to the same quarter a year ago, representing an additional estimated at 184 thousand persons.
The category of domestic workers (6.3 million persons) remained stable when compared with the previous quarter and also compared to the same quarter of 2017.
Estimated at 11.7 million persons, those employed in the public sector – including statutory servants and military – remained stable in both comparisons.
The average usual real earnings from all jobs of employed persons were estimated at R$2,222, in the quarter from July to September 2018, holding steady over the previous quarter and same quarter of 2017.