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Annual Survey of Industry: Biodiesel peaked from 2007 to 2010

In 2010, the Brazilian industry had 299,753 units, which employed 8.4 million people. The net revenue of sales...

June 28, 2012 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 27, 2019 10h11 AM


In 2010, the Brazilian industry had 299,753 units, which employed 8.4 million people. The net revenue of sales was approximately R$ 2.0 trillion and the value added reached R$ 602.6 billion. The sector made investments of R$ 145.1 billion, especially in industrial machinery and equipment (47.4% of the investments). In 2010, in terms of  contribution to the value added, the segment of food products (12.1%) was at the top, which in 2009 belonged to the manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (in 2010, with 11.3%). Among the products, in 2010, as to the value of sales, diesel oil kept the leadership in contribution, registering R$ 44.5 billion. In the rank of the 100 main products manufactured by enterprises with 30 or more employed persons, biodiesel advanced from the 382nd position to the 53rd in the 2007/2010 period. Simultaneously, concentrated orange juice lost 38 positions, from 48th to 86th. This and further information are covered by the Annual Survey of Industry – Enterprise, which can be seen at

and by the Annual Survey of Industry - Product, at



In 2010, automobiles accounted for almost half of the motor vehicles revenue


The picture of the motor vehicles industry (sector of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies), in 2010, reveals that within the universe of industries with 5 or more employed persons, almost 530 thousand (6.3% of the total) of them were employed in 5,317 enterprises (1.8%), generating a value added of R$ 58.5 billion (10.7%). The group automobiles, pickup trucks and utilities has about 98 thousand employees, which are distributed in 20 enterprises, with an average of almost 4,900 employees per enterprise. The same happens with the group trucks and buses, which also has a high average of employees per enterprise, approximately 1,700 in 2010.

In 2010, the activity of motor vehicles registered a net revenue of R$ 232.1 billion, in the enterprises with 5 or more employees, accounting for 12.4% of the industry overall. Almost half (47.3%) of this quantity was due to the group of automobiles, pickup trucks and utilities, followed by parts and accessories (32.1%) and trucks and buses (15.3%). Additionally, the purchases of the sector of motor vehicles, in 2010, accounted for R$ 6.6 billion (4.9% of the industry overall). Again, the segments of automobiles and parts and accessories were responsible for the majority (85.5%) of the purchases, with the former accounting for almost R$ 3 billion and the latter, a little more than R$ 2.7 billion.




Industries made investments of R$ 145.1 billion in 2010


In 2010, the industrial enterprises made investments in fixed assets of R$ 145.1 billion. Among the enterprises with 30 or more employed persons, the value was of R$ 139.5 billion (96% of the total invested). These investments were made principally in industrial machinery and equipment (47.4%), but with a relative loss of importance against the years 2007 (52.2%), 2008 (51.9%) and 2009 (48.1%). On the other hand, the purchases of lands and constructions posted contribution gains, from 13.9%, in 2007, to 15.0% in 2010. The resources applied in transportation means reached 4.3%, whereas other purchases (furniture, computers, etc.) represented 33.3%, with a contribution loss against the year 2009 (37.5%).


Food products surpass petroleum products and hit the top in terms of value added


According to PIA-Enterprise, the value added of the Brazilian industry (R$ 602.6 billion), in 2010, had the following contributions by sector:  manufacture of food products (12.1%), manufacture of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (11.3%), manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies (9.9%), quarrying and mining industries (8.9%), manufacture of chemical products (6.1%), basic metals (6.0%); manufacture of machinery and equipment (5.2%), manufacture of metal products, except machinery and equipment (4.4%), manufacture of non-metallic mineral products (3.9%) and manufacture of rubber and plastic (3.7%), which together account for approximately 72% of the industry overall.

The leadership, in terms of value added in 2010, was with the segment of manufacture of food products (12.1%), which registered a sequence of contribution rises in 2007 (9.2%), 2008 (9.9%) e 2009 (11.7%), favored by a stable hot domestic market throughout this period, jumping from the third position, in 2007 and 2008, to the second, in 2009, and the first in 2010. The sector of coke, petroleum products and biofuels, which was the first in the rank in 2007, 2008 and 2009, fell to the second position in 2010. The sector of manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies, after taking the second position in terms of value added in 2007 and 2008, went to the third position in 2009 and 2010.

The mining and quarrying industries recorded contribution gains in the industry overall from 2006 (6.3%) to 2010 (8.9%), mainly influenced by the positive performance of the metallic minerals extraction.  Another highlight, in terms of position gains, was in the sector of manufacture of non-metallic mineral products, which came from the eleventh position, in 2007 (3.1%) to the ninth (3.9%), in 2010, influenced at a great extent by the expansion seen in civil construction and in infrastructure constructions.




From 2007 to 2010, the industry created more than 900 thousand jobs


The results of PIA-Enterprise 2010 reveal that, in 2010, there were 299,753 units, which employed 8.4 million persons, accounting for 28 employees per enterprise. Even though between 2009 and 2010, there was an increase of 671 enterprises, the  universe of  enterprises has not returned yet to the number registered in 2008 : 309,089. In relation to the total of employed persons, there was a continuous increase from 2007 to 2010 (more than 920 thousand jobs). The industrial enterprises recorded, in 2010, a net revenue of sales of approximately R$ 2.0 trillion, with an average of R$ 6.5 million per enterprise. The expenditure with employees reached almost R$ 278.0 billion, whereas the investments in fixed assets (machinery and equipment, lands and constructions, other purchases and physical assets, etc) accounted for R$ 145.1 billion. The gross value of the production and intermediate consumption registered, respectively, R$ 1.9 trillion and R$ 1.3 trillion. As a result, the value added reached R$ 602.6 billion. The value of the industrial manufacture was R$ 832.7 billion (based on the difference between the gross industrial production value and R$ 987.4 billion related to the costs of industrial operations).


Larger enterprises generated 67.4% of the industrial net revenue


The total of the industrial enterprises revenue reached R$ 2.6 trillion in 2010. The net revenues of the industrial enterprises (based on gross revenues less deductions) were of R$ 2.0 trillion in 2010. The larger enterprises (500 or more employed persons) accounted for 67.4% of the total of net revenues (R$ 1.3 trillion), a slightly higher percentage than the ones seen in 2007 (66.5%), 2008 (67.1%) and 2009 (67.1%). Among the enterprises with 250 up to 499 employed persons, from 2007 to 2010, there was a drop in the contributions to the revenues (from 10.2% to 9.0%).

The total of industrial enterprises costs and expenses in 2010 was of R$ 1.9 trillion. Of the main components of the cost and expense structure, the expenses with personnel reached 14.6% of the total in 2010, a higher contribution than the one observed from 2007 to 2009. The expenditures with the consumption of raw material accounted for 44.2% of the total in 2010 and kept the highest percentage in the cost and expense structure, higher than the one recorded in 2008 and 2009, but lower than the one seen in 2007 (47.0%).



Diesel fuel kept the top of value of sales in 2010


Based on the quantities produced and sold, and on the value of the sales of almost 3,500 items, the Annual Survey of Industry PIA–Product points out that diesel fuel kept the leadership in the rank in 2010, when it recorded sales of R$ 44.5 billion, heading automobiles with engine displacement no less than 1,500 cm³  and no more than 3,000 cm³ , with R$ 40.2 billion. In the following positions, there are raw or improved iron ore, with R$ 34.3 billion; automobiles with engine displacement no more than 1.000cm3, with R$ 30.2 billion; crude petroleum oil, with approximately R$ 29.0 billion; ethyl alcohol for fuel use, with R$ 22.8 billion; motor gasoline, with R$ 22.6 billion, diesel trucks with maximum load capacity above 5 tonnes and fresh or cooled beefs, both with R$ 18.8 billion; and pelleted or sintered iron ore with R$ 18.6 billion.


In the Central-West, biodiesel went from the 36th to the 8th position from 2007 to 2010


In the North region, the product raw or improved iron ore rose two positions in the rank of the value of sales from 2007 to 2010, from the third to the first position. The item television sets kept the second place in both years. In the Northeast, diesel fuel kept the first position in the rank from 2007 to 2010, whereas automobiles, jeeps or pickup trucks with engine displacement no less than 1,500 cm3 and no more than 3,000 cm3 and motor gasoline rose, each one of them, six positions in the rank, staying in the second and third places, respectively, in 2010. In the Southeast region, the three major products were: automobiles, jeeps or pickup trucks with engine displacement no less than 1,500 cm3 and no more than 3,000 cm3, diesel fuel and crude petroleum oil. In the South, the product diesel fuel kept the rank leadership in 2010, followed by frozen poultry meat or giblets and automobiles, jeeps and pickup trucks with engine displacement no less than 1,500 cm3 and no more than 3,000 cm3. In 2010 there were not significant changes in the rank positions in this region, with six of the 10 major products keeping the same position seen in 2007. In the Central-West, there was a predominance (six) of products related to the activity manufacture of food products among the ten first in the rank of value of sales, with a highlight to the first place of cake and residue of soybean oil extraction and the second place of fresh or cooled beefs. Besides, it is worth mentioning the advance recorded by the item biodiesel, which went from the 36th place in 2007 to the 8th in 2010.


Biodiesel went from the 382nd to the 53rd position, from 2007 to 2010


In the set of enterprises with 30 or more employed persons, from 2007 to 2010, the value of the sales of the 100 major industrial products and services reached in 2010, R$ 797.4 billion, which means that 3.0% of the industrial products and services surveyed accounted for 51.2% of the total of the sales revenue. In 2007, the 100 major industrial products and services responded for 51.6 % of the total of sales.

In this group, the 12 industrial products and services that mostly rose in the rank from 2007 to 2010 were: biodiesel, coming from the 382nd position in the former year to the 53rd place; crushed stones, which rose 113 positions; personal portable computers (laptops, notebooks, handhelds and similar products), with a rise of 83 positions; refined sugar (62); harvest machinery (56); gold (including gold plated with platinum), unwrought, in semi manufactured or in powder forms, for non-monetary purposes (56); mass concrete for construction (44), natural gas (44); services related to the production of petroleum and gas, except prospecting (41); soap powder (29), parts or accessories for gear or transmission systems for motor vehicles (29) and synthetic footwear for female use (29).

Conversely, the 10 industrial products and services that mostly lost positions in the 2007/2010 period were: concentrated orange juice, which lost 38 positions, from the 48th to the 86th place; pig-iron (from 31st to the 66th); herbicides and non-alloy aluminum in raw forms (both with a loss of 30 positions), desktop personal computers and plates, coils, strips and rerolled steel strips (both with a loss of 28 positions); diesel or semi-diesel motors for buses or trucks (27 positions less), naphtha for petrochemical industries (-20) and high density polyethylene and refined soybean oil (-19).