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Industrial production grows in 10 of the 14 surveyed areas in July

September 03, 2009 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 03, 2019 05h23 PM

In July 2009, the seasonally adjusted regional indexes of industrial production showed positive results in comparison to June, with 10 of the 14 areas presenting growth. Paraná (15.3%) indicated the largest increase, nearly recovering the 16.1% loss accumulated in the previous three months. Espírito Santo (8.9%), Goiás (6.0%), and Amazonas (3.6%) complete the group of places that grew above national average (2.2%). With positive rates, but below the total of industry, are: Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais (both with 1.8%), São Paulo (1.4%), Rio Grande do Sul (1.1%), Ceará (0.9%), and Santa Catarina (0.8%). Bahia (-6.0%), the Northeast Region (-3.5%), Pernambuco (-1.5%), and Pará (-1.0%) were the areas that presented fall from June to July.

In comparison to June 2008, the indexes were chiefly negative, with all places recording retreat in production, except Goiás, which progressed by 4.4%. The highest negative rates were recorded in Espírito Santo (-20.0%), Minas Gerais (-16.1%), and São Paulo (-11.9%), demonstrating a two-digit fall. The other areas showed retreats below the national average (-9.9%): Rio de Janeiro (-4.1%), Paraná (-5.3%), Pernambuco (-6.2%), Ceará (-6.4%), Pará (-6.6%), Santa Catarina (-7.3%), Rio Grande do Sul (-7.6%), the Northeast Region (-8.2%), Amazonas (-8.6%), and Bahia (-9.6%).

The indicator accumulated in the period January-July also faced overall decrease, with negative indexes in all the areas surveyed. Espírito Santo (-27.9%) and Minas Gerais (-20.5%) had the most significant negative rates in this type of comparison, both affected by the decreases in mining and quarrying industry (iron ore) and metallurgy (iron ingots, blocks, or plates). Other areas with two-digit decreases were: Amazonas (-15.7%), São Paulo (-14.0%), Rio Grande do Sul (-12.6%), Santa Catarina (-12.0%) and Bahia (-10.1%).Considering the negative performance of these areas, there is less dynamism in exports and in the sectors which produce durable consumer goods and capital goods; all of these subsectors have been affected by the high basis for comparison, once national industry had increased by 6.7% in the first seven months of 2008. In the other areas, results ranged between -3.1% in Goiás and -9.5% in the Northeast Region.   

In the comparison of the increase accumulated in the first semester compared to July (with both results compared to those in the same period of the previous year), there was lower reduction of industrial activity in all the areas surveyed, in accordance with the national index, which had a change from -13.4% in the first semester of the year to -9.9% in July.  In this type of comparison, Espírito Santo (from -29.3% to -20.0%), Goiás (from -4.6% to 4.4%) and Amazonas (from -16.8% to -8.6%) faced the most significant reduction of decrease between the se two periods. 

AMAZONAS – The industrial production of Amazonas, in July, increased 3.6% compared to the immediately previous month, in the seasonally adjusted series, after having decreased 1.2% in June. The quarterly moving average index, with increase of 4.6%, has risen for three consecutive months, having accumulated gain of 7.4% in this period. 

Compared to the result in the same month in the previous year, the monthly index decreased by 8.6%, the ninth consecutive negative rate in this type of analysis. In this comparison, six of the eleven subsectors surveyed contributed negatively to the formation of the overall rate, being the highlight electronic material and communication equipment (-23.4%), other transportation equipment (-17.7%) and optical, medical and other type of equipment (-21.0%). On the other hand, the most significant positive contributions to the overall rate came from machinery and equipment (78.5%) and food products and beverages (4.4%). 

The indicator accumulated in the year was -15.7%, and the figure accumulated in the last twelve months, on a downward trend since September 2008, reached -9.2%.


PARÁ – In July, the industrial sector of Pará presents decrease in production once more (-1.0%), compared to the result in the immediately previous month (seasonally adjusted series), after presenting significant decrease between May and June (10.4%). The quarterly moving average index increased 0.8%, after three consecutive negative rates, a period in which it accumulated decrease of 3.4%.

In the July 09/July 08 comparison, the index decreased by 6.6%, with production decrease in five of the six subsectors surveyed. The main negative contribution to the overall average came from mining and quarrying industry (-12.8%). To a lower extent, wood (-33.3%) and food products and beverages (-13.2%) also accounted for significant negative results. Metallurgy, with increase of 17.9 %, was the only subsector to have a positive result in this comparison.

In the indicator accumulated in the period January-July, the overall rate of -7.4% reflected the negative performance of most (five) activities surveyed. The annualized rate, the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months, has remained on a downward trend in the last twelve months, on a downward trend since November last year, after having changed from -1.2% in June to -2.5% in July.

NORTHEAST – In July, the industrial production of the Northeast Region decreased by 3.5% compared to the result in June, in the series without seasonal, adjustment, after having increased for two consecutive months, when it accumulated gain of 5.9%. Also considering the seasonally adjusted series, the quarterly moving average index increased 0.7% after having a positive rate in the previous month (0.3%).

In relation to June 2008, the industrial activity of the Northeast Region decreased 8.2% and had the tenth negative rate in this type of comparison.   To this result, there were negative contributions from ten of the eleven subsectors surveyed, especially petroleum refining and alcohol production (-28.2%). It is also worth mentioning that electric machines, appliances and equipment (-44.8%), cellulose and paper (-15.7%) and metallurgy (-10.3%). On the other hand, the item non-metallic minerals (1.6%) was the only positive contribution.

In the indicator accumulated in the year (-9.5%), all the industrial activities had negative performances. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months changed from -5.4% to -6.1% and has remained on a downward trend since September 2008 (4.4%). 

CEARÁ – In July, the seasonally adjusted industrial production of Ceará increased 0.9% in relation to the immediately previous month, after having decreased for two consecutive months and accumulated decrease of 6.0%. With these results, the quarterly moving average index decreased 1.8%, with its third consecutive negative rate and accumulated decrease of 3.2%.

In terms of the monthly indicator, the industry of Ceará decreased by 6.4%, with negative results in five of the tem industrial activities; the highlights in this case was the subsector   food products and beverages (-15.8%). Other relevant figures were the ones of metallurgy (-31.4%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (-9.7%). On the other hand, the main positive contributions were textiles (4.2%) and chemical products (0.5%).

The indicator accumulated in the year decreased 6.7%, with negative results in eight of the ten subsectors surveyed. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months changed from  -2.1 in June to -3.2% in July, and has remained on a downward trend since September 2008 (3.8%).

PERNAMBUCO – In July, the seasonally adjusted industrial production of Pernambuco decreased 1.5% after having also fallen in June (-0.5%). With these results, the quarterly moving average index also presented negative rate in July (-0.4%), and accumulated decrease of 1.3% in the last few months.

The indicator accumulated in the industry of Pernambuco decreased by 6.2%, having the ninth consecutive negative rate, with decrease in seven of the eleven subsectors surveyed. The main negative contribution came from chemical products (-18.4%), followed by metal products (-21.7%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (-26.5%). On the other hand, metallurgy (4.6%) and non-metallic minerals (8.4%) accounted for the most significant positive impacts. 

Considering the indicator accumulated in the year, production in Pernambuco decreased 8.4%, with negative rates in ten of the eleven industrial activities surveyed. The annualized rate changed from -3.6% in June to -4.2% in July, and has remained on a downward trend since October 2008 (6.2%).

BAHIA – In July 2009, the seasonally adjusted industrial production of Bahia decreased 6.0% in relation to the previous month, after having accumulated gain of 15.6% in the months of May and June. With these results, the quarterly moving average index increased 2.7% in July, after having increased in June as well (1.1%). 

In the monthly indicator, the industrial production of Bahia decreased 9.6%, after having increased by 2.4% in June, a result which had interrupted a series of eight positive rates. Six of the nine industrial activities surveyed presented decrease, being the highlight petroleum refining and alcohol production (-28.4%), due to the lower production of diesel and naphtha. In second place are the negative contributions of cellulose and paper (-16.2%) and automotive vehicles (-54.2%). On the other hand, the main positive contributions came from chemical products (1.6%) and non-metallic minerals (9.3%). 

In the period January-July, the production indicator had decrease of 10.1%, with negative results in seven of the nine subsectors surveyed. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months changed from -4.9% in June to -5.8% in July,  and has presented negative rate since February (-0.9%).

MINAS GERAIS – The seasonally adjusted industrial production of Minas Gerais, increased 1.8% from June to July; it was the seventh consecutive positive rate, with accumulated gain of 21.1% in the period. The increase of industrial activity in Minas is also evidenced by the quarterly moving average index, which changed by 2.3% in July and has had a sequence of five positive results, with increase of 14.7% since March this year. 

In terms of the monthly index, there was decrease of 16.1%, affected by the negative performance of both mining and quarrying industry (-26.3%) and of manufacturing industry (-14.2%). In the former subsector, the main loss came from the extraction of iron ore. In the latter, nine of the ten activities surveyed presented decrease. On the other hand, among the subsectors which contributed positively to the overall rate, the highlights are food products (6.6%) and cellulose and paper (5.2%).

The indicator accumulated in the year was -20.5%, a decrease a little lower than that of the first quarter (-21.4%). The indicator accumulated in the last twelve month has remained on a downward trend, reaching – 14.2% in July.

ESPÍRITO SANTO – In July 2009, the seasonally adjusted industrial production of Espírito Santo once more faced increase of production in comparison with the previous month (8.9%), not considering the seasonally adjusted series, after two consecutive months with decrease: May (-1.0%) and June (-0.6%). With these results, the quarterly moving average index, which increased 2.4% in July, kept the upward trend which started in April, having accumulated increase of 10.0% in the period. 

In the formation of the rate of -20.0% observed in July 2009/July 2008, mining and quarrying industry (-34.9%) and metallurgy (-23.5%) accounted for the main negative contributions. On the other hand, only cellulose and paper (7.0%) and non-metallic minerals (1.9%) presented positive change in this comparison. 

In terms of the indicator accumulated in the year, with decrease of 27.9%, five subsectors surveyed had negative performance. The indicator accumulated in the last twelve months, having changed by 19.3%, confirms the downward trend which started in October last year. 

See the entire release below (in Portuguese). 

RIO DE JANEIRO - A produção industrial do Rio de Janeiro cresceu 1,8% entre junho e julho de 2009, já descontadas as influências sazonais. Essa é a quinta taxa positiva consecutiva, acumulando nesse período um acréscimo de 9,8%. Com esses resultados, o índice de média móvel trimestral avança 1,4% em julho e mantém a trajetória de aceleração iniciada em março último.

No confronto com igual mês do ano anterior, a indústria fluminense recuou 4,1%, com nove dos treze setores pesquisados apontando taxas negativas. Os principais impactos negativos vieram de outros produtos químicos (-30,5%) e de veículos automotores (-16,9%). Vale destacar, também, as quedas observadas em metalurgia básica (-8,6%) e alimentos (-10,5%). O setor extrativo (9,5%), que desde abril do ano passado registra taxa mensal positiva, exerce a influência mais relevante principalmente pela maior extração de petróleo.

No indicador acumulado janeiro-julho de 2009 a queda de 7,6% reflete a redução em nove atividades. A taxa anualizada, indicador acumulado nos últimos doze meses, ao passar de -3,7% em junho para -4,5% em julho, confirma a trajetória descendente iniciada em outubro do ano passado.

SÃO PAULO - A produção industrial de São Paulo aumentou 1,4% em julho, frente ao mês anterior, na série ajustada sazonalmente, após decrescer 1,6% em junho. Ainda na série com ajuste sazonal, o índice de média móvel trimestral (0,7%) apresentou o quinto resultado positivo consecutivo, acumulando ganho de 4,9% nesse período.

Em relação a julho de 2008 (-11,9%), dezesseis das vinte atividades pesquisadas contribuíram negativamente para a formação da taxa geral, com os principais destaques, em termos de participação, vindo de máquinas e equipamentos (-29,5%), material eletrônico e equipamentos de comunicações (-55,0%) e veículos automotores (-16,2%). Por outro lado, outros equipamentos de transporte (16,3%), perfumaria, sabões e produtos de limpeza (10,4%) e farmacêutica (3,6%) foram os impactos positivos mais significativos sobre a média global.

O indicador acumulado no ano recuou 14,0%, com quatorze setores influenciando negativamente este resultado. O índice acumulado nos últimos doze meses manteve trajetória decrescente desde julho do ano passado, atingindo -8,3% em julho de 2009.

PARANÁ - A produção industrial do Paraná avançou 15,3% em julho frente ao mês imediatamente anterior, já descontadas as influências sazonais, após recuar por quatro meses consecutivos, período em que acumulou perda de 16,1%. Com esses resultados, o índice de média móvel trimestral ficou estável (0,0%), após dois meses de taxas negativas, quando recuou 7,0%.

No índice mensal (-5,3%), observaram-se resultados negativos em dez das quatorze atividades pesquisadas, com destaque para veículos automotores (-41,0%), alimentos (-15,0%) e madeira (-27,6%). As influências positivas mais significativas vieram de edição e impressão (117,6%) e outros produtos químicos (33,3%).

No indicador acumulado no período janeiro-julho de 2009, o setor industrial paranaense recuou 5,8%, pressionado principalmente pelo desempenho negativo de dez dos quatorze setores investigados. O indicador acumulado nos últimos doze meses prosseguiu em trajetória descendente desde novembro passado, com queda de 1,7% em julho.

SANTA CATARINA - Em julho de 2009, o índice da produção industrial de Santa Catarina ajustado sazonalmente avançou 0,8% frente a junho, quinta taxa positiva consecutiva, acumulando ganho de 5,2% neste período. Com esses resultados, o índice de média móvel trimestral também apontou expansão (1,2%) em julho, mantendo o ritmo de crescimento de maio (1,0%) e junho (1,1%).

Na queda de 7,3% da produção da indústria catarinense frente a julho de 2008, sete das onze atividades investigadas apontaram taxas negativas, com a principal contribuição sobre a média global vindo de veículos automotores (-64,1%), seguido por borracha e plástico (-24,3%) e metalurgia básica (-38,5%). Entre os quatro setores que assinalaram taxas positivas, as influências mais relevantes vieram de alimentos (7,9%) e de máquinas, aparelhos e materiais elétricos (19,5%).

Na produção acumulada em janeiro-julho, frente a igual período de 2008, a indústria catarinense mostrou recuo de 12,0%, com ligeira diminuição no ritmo queda frente ao fechamento do primeiro semestre do ano (-12,9%). Entre as onze atividades investigadas, nove apontaram queda na produção. A taxa anualizada manteve a trajetória de aceleração no ritmo de queda observada nos últimos meses, ao passar de -7,6% em junho para -8,5% em julho.

RIO GRANDE DO SUL - O setor industrial do Rio Grande do Sul mostrou, pelo segundo mês consecutivo, acréscimo na produção na comparação com o mês imediatamente anterior, na série livre de influências sazonais: 1,2% em junho e 1,1% em julho. Ainda na série com ajuste sazonal, o índice de média móvel trimestral, ao avançar 0,3% em julho, também confirmou o movimento de suave recuperação no ritmo produtivo iniciado em março último.

Com a queda de 7,6% no índice mensal, a produção industrial gaúcha assinalou o nono decréscimo consecutivo, com oito dos quatorze setores investigados apontando redução na produção. As principais influências negativas sobre a média global vieram de veículos automotores (-30,8%), máquinas e equipamentos (-32,9%) e calçados e artigos de couro (-23,3%). O principal destaque positivo ficou com o setor de refino de petróleo e álcool, com expansão de 28,7%.

Os resultados dos demais indicadores permanecem negativos: -12,6% no acumulado do período janeiro-julho de 2009 e -8,1% no acumulado nos últimos doze meses, que mantém trajetória descendente desde outubro do ano passado.

GOIÁS - Em julho, a indústria do Goiás avançou 6,0% frente a junho, na série livre dos efeitos sazonais. Esse foi o segundo resultado positivo, acumulando ganho de 13,7%. O índice de média móvel trimestral acentuou o ritmo de crescimento em julho (4,1%), quarta taxa positiva, com ganho de 8,4% desde abril deste ano.

Na comparação com julho do ano passado, o setor industrial cresceu 4,4%, o que foi sustentado em grande parte pelo desempenho positivo do setor de produtos químicos (72,7%), influenciado pelo avanço na fabricação de medicamentos. Vale citar também os resultados positivos de minerais não metálicos (2,9%) e da indústria extrativa (0,3%). Em sentido contrário, as contribuições negativas vieram de alimentos e bebidas (-5,3%) e de metalurgia básica (-1,5%).

O índice acumulado no período janeiro-julho de 2009 recuou 3,1%, com taxas negativas em três das cinco atividades pesquisadas. A taxa de -0,5% no acumulado nos últimos doze meses foi a primeira negativa desde o início da série histórica.