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Industrial production decreases in 8 of 14 areas surveyed

November 11, 2005 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 22, 2018 01h39 PM

In September, the indicators of industrial production by area decreased in 8 of the 14 areas surveyed, in comparison with September 2004. With figures higher than the national index (0.2%) are: Minas Gerais (4.8%), Pará (4.7%), Rio de Janeiro (4.4%), Amazonas (2.6%), Bahia (2.4%) and Espírito Santo (2.3%). All the areas with results below the average presented negative rates: São Paulo (-1.1%), interrupting a sequence of 22 positive results, Pernambuco (-1.8%), Rio Grande do Sul (-2.8%), Northeast region (-3.2%), Goiás (-6.8%). In Santa Catarina, Paraná and Ceará the falls were even more significant: -10.2%, -11.6% and –12.42%, respectively.

It was observed that in the period July-September this year, over the same period in 2004, there was expansion in most (9) of the 14 areas surveyed, but also deceleration in relation to previous quarters. From the second to the third quarter, dynamism was reduced in 11 localities, thus confirming the deceleration trend of industry. The same had already been detected,at sectorial level, about the national indexes.

In the third quarter of 2005, industry in Amazonas still maintained the best performance among the areas (8.1%), based on the increased production of mobile telephones and television sets. Bahia (7.0%), Minas Gerais (5.2%), Rio de Janeiro (2.2%) and São Paulo (1.6%) were also above the national average (1.5%). In these places the highlights were, respectively, diesel, iron ore and magazines and newspaper. Below the national average, but still with positive results, were: Pernambuco (1.4%), Pará (1.2%), Goiás (1.1%) and Northeast region (0.4%). However, in Espírito Santo (-1.2%) Rio Grande do Sul (-3.6%), Paraná (-5.8%), Ceará (-7.1%) and Santa Catarina (-7.4%) there were reductions in this period.

Regarding the indicator accumulated in the year, in relation to the same period in 2004 ,there was increase in all the areas surveyed, except in Rio Grande do Sul (-3.3%), a consequence of the unfavorable situation of the agricultural sector. In relation to this index, great dynamism was observed in the industry of Amazonas, with an increase of 15.9%. With rates above or similar to the national average were: Minas Gerais (6.8%), Goiás (4.7%), São Paulo (4.6%), Bahia (3.9%) and Pará (3.8%).The results by area confirmed the profile of increase in the year, supported, mainly, by the production of consumer goods (durable and semi-durable), besides the contribution from exports. In this comparison, the remaining areas presented the following results: Northeast region (3.1%), Paraná (2.8%), Pernambuco (1.7%), Espírito Santo (1.7%), Rio de Janeiro (1. 6%), Santa Catarina (1.4%) and Ceará (1.0%).


The industrial production of Amazonas grew by 2.6% in September, compared to the same month of the previous year, after presenting very positive results for this indicator for seven consecutive months. Significant positive results were registered by the indexes accumulated in the year and in the last twelve months: 15.9% and 14.8%, respectively.

The increase of 2.6% of the monthly indicator of industrial production reflected, above all, the good performance of 5 of the 11 subsectors surveyed. The main highlights were electronic material and communication equipment (5.1%), food products and beverages (6.5%) and medical, optical and other equipment (31.5%). On the other hand, the main negative impacts were: other transportation equipment (-7.3%) and rubber and plastic (-18.7%).

The analysis of the quarterly indicators showed less expansion of production from the second to the third quarter (8.1%). It is worth pointing out that this indicator is still above the national average (1.5%). The main contribution to this deceleration, among the periods April-June and July-September, came from electronic material and communication equipment, which changed from 50.1% to 18.5%, followed by food products and beverages (from 16.8% to –1.5%) and other transportation equipment (from 17.2% to 2.5%).

Considering the indicator accumulated in the first nine months of the year, the industrial production grew by 15.9%, reflecting, mainly, the expansion of 8 of 11 subsectors surveyed. Electronic material and communication equipment, with rise of 33.4%, was the highlight as the major contribution to the overall index. Also important was the participation of food products and beverages (9.2%) and other transportation equipment (9.6%). Rubber and plastic, on the other hand, had the main negative result (20.5%).


In September, the industry of Pará improved 4.7% in comparison with the same month of the previous year. The remaining indicators also increased: 3.8% accumulated in the year and 5.9% in the last twelve months.

The positive result was a consequence, to a great extent, of the favorable performance of extraction industry (11.6%) and food products and beverages (35.8%). Wood, on the other hand, had the worst result (-22.4%).

Between the second and the third quarter of the year, the industrial production of Pará decelerated: a rate change from 5.8% to 1.2% was observed. The main subsectors accounting for this result were: extraction industry, changing from 16.2% in the second quarter to 5.1% in the third, and wood, from –0.9% to –19.7%.

The expansion (3.8%) of the indicator accumulated between January and September resulted, mainly, from the good performance of extraction and metallurgy (3.3%). Wood (-5.8%) and non-metallic minerals (-8.9%) had the main negative rates.


In September, the industry of the Northeast fell by 3.2% in comparison with the same month of the previous year. The increase of the indicators accumulated in the year and in the last twelve months were 3.1% and 5.2%, respectively.

Considering the monthly indicator, there was reduction in 7 of the 11 eleven subsectors surveyed. The most relevant negative rates were those of food products and beverages (-6.2%), chemical products (-7.0%) and textiles (-9.9%). On the other hand, the biggest impact on the general index came from petroleum refinement and alcohol production (12.3%) and non-metallic minerals (9.3%).

From the second to the third quarter of 2005, the industrial production of the Northeast decelerated (a change from 2.1% to 0.4%). Eight subsectors followed this trend, especially chemical products, which had previously increased by 3.6% and fell by 3.9%. The same occurred to food products and beverages (from 5.1% to –1.3%). On the contrary, petroleum refining and alcohol production was the activity with the best results (from –3.0% to 20.8%).

Regarding the index accumulated between January and September, there was growth of 7 of the 11 subsectors surveyed. The major positive contributions were: food products and beverages (4.5%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (6.1%) and non-metallic minerals (16.6%). Mining and quarrying (-3.7%) and apparel (-6.7%) were the most relevant negative contributions.


In September, the industrial production of Ceará was reduced by 12.4% in comparison with the same month in 2004. Nevertheless, the indicators for longer periods remained positive: 1.0% accumulated in the year and 5.1% in the last twelve months. In the third quarter of 2005, compared to the same period of the previous year showed reduction of 7.1%.

For the third consecutive month, the monthly indicator for the industry of Ceará decreased. Six of the ten subsectors surveyed contributed to the rate of –12.4%. The most relevant negative contribution came from footwear and leather articles (-24.4%). Other negative impacts: food products and beverages (-13.8%) and textiles (-14.3%). On the other hand, can be highlighted the favorable performance of petroleum refining and alcohol production (39.2%) and metal products (21.4%).

In the quarterly analysis, the industry of Ceará showed lack of dynamism in the third quarter of the year, after increase of 5.2% in the period January-March and 6.9% in the period April-June, all compared to the same period of the previous year. From the second to the third month, this deceleration trend occurred in 8 of the 10 subsectors, especially food products and beverages, which changed from an increase of 2.5% to decrease of 9.9%, textiles (from 5.7% to –8.0%), apparel (from 11.1% to –17.9%) and footwear and leather articles (from 4.9% to –8.3%).

Considering the indicator accumulated in the year, there was increase in six of the ten subsectors surveyed. The main positive influences were those from non-metallic minerals (29.6%) and machines, appliances and electric material (35.5%). On the other hand, the most relevant negative results were: food products and beverages (-2.4%) and footwear and leather articles (-3.6%).


In September, the industrial activity in Pernambuco decreased by 1.8% over the same month last year, interrupting a sequence of four positive results. However, the indicators for longer periods remained positive: 1.7% accumulated both in the year and in the last twelve months. The quarter July-September, in comparison with the equivalent quarter of the previous year, had increase of 1.4 %.

Considering the monthly indicator, there was reduction in eleven industrial subsectors surveyed. The main negative influence was food products and beverages (-10.4%). It is worth mentioning the figures registered for petroleum refining and alcohol production (-49.2%) and metallurgy (-5.5%). Positive figures came from electric machines, appliances and equipment (46.7%) and rubber and plastic (18.7%).

The monthly indicator showed expansion of 1.4% of the industry in Pernambuco in the third quarter. This result is above that of the second quarter of the year, when industry remained stable. This change is related to the dynamism caused by rubber and plastic, which went from a fall of 25.6% to a hike of 16.0%, of metal products (-28.8% to –3.8%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (8.0% to 31.4%).

The indicator accumulated in the year increased by 1.7%, with positive rates in seven of the eleven subsectors surveyed. The main contributions came from chemical products (10.4%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (18.8%). On the other hand, the main negative impacts were those from and metal products (-14.0%) and textiles (-23.5%).




In September, the industrial production in Bahia grew according to the main indicators: 2.4% over the same period of the previous year; 7.0% over the same quarter in 2004; 3.9% accumulated in the year and 6.6% accumulated in the last twelve months.

The monthly indicator showed expansion of 2.4% of the industry in the state, with positive results in six of the nine subsectors surveyed. The major influence came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (19.1%). It is still worth mentioning the rises of food products and beverages (8.3%) and metallurgy (10.6%). The main negative impacts were chemical products (-9.5%) and cellulose and paper (-10.8%).

In the third quarter of the year, production grew by 7.0%, a very positive result considering the rate obtained in the second quarter (1.2%), both over the same period of the previous year. In spite of the loss of dynamism in six of the nine subsectors surveyed, the overall result was positive between the second and the third quarter. The expansion of petroleum refining and alcohol production accounts for this result, having increased from 2.2% to 26%. The same happened to metallurgy (from -14.6% to 9.8%). 

Regarding the indicator accumulated, seven of the nine subsectors surveyed increased. The major impacts came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (6.4%) and food products and beverages (9.0%). On the contrary, the only reductions occurred in metallurgy (-3.5%) and extraction industry (-3.4%).

Minas Gerais

In September, the industrial production of Minas Gerais grew, according to the main indicators: 4.8% in comparison with the same month of the previous year; 6.8% accumulated in the first nine months of the year and 6.5% accumulated in the last twelve months. All the indexes were above the national average: 0.2%, 3.8% and 4.4%, respectively.

The growth of 4.8% of the monthly indicator of industry in the state was the twenty-sixth positive result in this type of comparison. The expansion was maintained, mainly, because of the good performance of extraction indsutry (10.6%). The manufacturing subsector expanded its production by 3.9%, with positive results in 10 of the 12 subsectors surveyed. The main highlights were food products (4.2%), metal products (14.4%) and petroleum refining and alcohol production (8.9%). On the other hand, the only negative results were those of beverages (-7.2%) and tobacco (-4.5%).

The analysis of the third quarter of the year showed increase of 5.2%, with deceleration of production activity, once in the second quarter the expansion was 8.6%. Both rates were measured in comparison with the same period of the previous year. This decrease was observed in eight of the 13 activities surveyed, with the main highlights being automotive vehicles (from 21.7% to 4.5%) and non-metallic minerals (from 18.9% to 5.6%).

The increase (6.8%) of the indicator accumulated in the year reflected the expansion registered in extraction industry (13.3%), which was favored by the good performance of iron ore, and in manufacturing industry (5.8%), with growth of nine of the 12 twelve subsectors surveyed. The main positive highlights were automotive vehicles (12.4%) and metal products (37.6%). Among the negative results, metallurgy (-4.0%) and beverages (-12.3%) were the main contributions.

Espírito Santo

The industrial activity of Espírito Santo, in September 2005, increased by 2.3% in relation to the same month last year. For longer periods, there was increase of 1.7% of the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months. The production of the quarter July-September versus the same period of the previous year decreased (-1.2%).

The expansion of 2.3% was a consequence of the good performance of three subsectors: extraction industry (4.8%), cellulose and paper (5.8%0 and non-metallic minerals (8.9%). The only falling subsector was food products (-10.8%).

The negative rate registered in the third quarter of 2005, interrupted the sequence a sequence of six months with positive results and confirmed the deceleration process started in the last quarter of 2004 to the first quarter of 2005. With reduction of the industrial activity, between the periods April-June and July-September are metallurgy (from 3.0% to –7.2%) and cellulose and paper (from 2.4% to –1.1%).

In terms of the indicator accumulated in the year, four of the five subsectors surveyed increased. The favorable results occurred due to the good performance of extracxtion industry (2.4%), cellulose and paper (2.8%) and non-metallic minerals (5.1%). Metallurgy, with fall of 2.0%, was the olny subsector with reduced production.

Rio de Janeiro

In September, the industry of Rio de Janeiro kept growing (4.4%) in comparison with the same month of the previous year, being this one the second consecutive positive rate in this type of comparison. Considering the indicators for longer periods there was increase of the index accumulated in the year (1.6%) and in the last twelve months (1.9%).


In the comparison September 05/September 04, the industrial sectors in the state expanded 4.4%, having mining and quarrying as the main contribution (14.9%). The overall expansion was also positively influenced by manufacturing industry (2.3%), in which six of the 12 subsectors had positive results, especially: petroleum refining and alcohol production (11.9%) and non-metallic minerals (20.7%0. On the other hand, among the six subsectors of manufacturing industry,which reduced their production, the highlights were rubber and plastic (-22.5%) and pharmaceutial industry (-8.0%).

The industry in the state has presented positive results for three consecutive quarters, with a slight growth trend in the three quarters of 2005. The rates were 0.9% in the period January-March, 1.7% in the second quarter and 2.2% in the third one; all in comparison with the same period of the previous year. The gain in dynamism from the second to the third quarter showed, above all, the recovery of manufacturing industry (from –2.5% to –0.5%). The highlight, in this case, was pharmaceutical industry (from –9.6% to 6.1). On the other hand, extraction industry, which changed from 23.2% to 15.5%, was the subsector which most decreased from the second to the third quarter.

The indicator accumulated in the year increased by 1.6%, with expansion of extraction industry (13.9%) and fall of the manufacturing industry (-0.9%). The favorable performance of the extraction subsector along the year, due to the area of petroleum and natural gas, is the major positive influence on the overall rate. In manufacturing industry, seven of the twelve subsectors fell, being metallurgy (-9.1%) and rubber and plastic (-24.0%) the main highlights. Differently from these, non-metallic minerals (25.8%), automotive vehicles (16.0%) and food products (8.8%) were the industrial subsectors which exerted most positive influences.

São Paulo

The industry of São Paulo presented the lowest result in the year in September (reduction of 1.1% over the same month last year). With the decrease of the monthly indicator, the production accumulated in the period January-September (4.6%) was below that registered in August (5.4%) and the indicator accumulated in the last twelve months contributed to the deceleration (5.6% versus 7.1% in August). The third quarter brought growth slightly above the national average (1.6% versus 1.5%).

The industry of São Paulo had its first negative rate after twenty years and two consecutive months of increase: 1.1% over September 2004. There were negative results in 13 of the 20 subsectors surveyed. The main impacts to the formation of the overall rate were electronic material and communication equipment (-21.0%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (-6.6%) and food products (3.3%). The main positive influences were editing and printing (18.5%), electric machines, appliances and equipment (18.3%) and pharmaceutical industry (11.3%).

In the third quarter this year, the expansion (1.6%) in comparison with last year, showed a fall of 5.6 percentage points in relation to the results of the second quarter (7.2%). The reduction observed between the two quarters was due, mainly, to the falls observed in machinery and equipment (from 12.0% to 2.1%), automotive vehicles (from 5.3% to -0.3%), electronic material and communication equipment (from 0.9% to -12.2%) and food products (from - 4.9% to -1.4%).


Concerning the index accumulated in the year, 14 subsectors had positive rates. The main highlights in the formation of the overall rate were pharmaceutical industry (24.3%), editing and printing (20.5%) and machinery and equipment (8.7%). On the other hand, the main negative influences were represented by electronic material and communication equipment (-7.8%), textiles (-7.7%) and petroleum refining and communication equipment (-1.3%).


The industrial indicators of Paraná in September presented the following results: -11.6% compared to September 2004, -5.8% in the quarter July-September, 2.8% accumulated in the year and 5.1% in the last twelve months.

In comparison with September 2004, the fall (11.6%) reflected he negative performance of 10 of the 14 subsectors surveyed. Among these, the highlights are editing and printing (-41.1%). Other negative impacts were also relevant to the formation of the overall index: food products (-12.0%), machinery and equipment (-25.5%), petroleum refining and alcohol production (-13.7%) and wood (-20.5%). Among the sectors presenting positive results are: automotive vehicles (9.8%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (45.6%).

In the quarter July-September, the reduction of 5.8% changed the upward trend observed since the third quarter of 2002. The main contributions to the deceleration observed in since the second to the third quarter of 2005 are petroleum refinement and alcohol production (from 82.3% to 4.2%), automotive vehicles (from 34.6% to 3.8%) and editing and printing (from 38.5% to –15.6%).

The indicator accumulated in the year showed that half (7) of the subsectors surveyed expanded their production. Automotive vehicles, with growth of 22.9%, was the main positive impact. Another positive contribution to the overall result came from petroleum refining and alcohol production (16.4%). Among the subsectors with negative rates, the main highlights were other chemical products (-23.1%), food products (-4.2%) and wood (-10.4%).

Santa Catarina

The industrial production of Santa Catarina was reduced by 10.2% over the same month of the previous year, being this one the third consecutive negative rate since May 2003. The indicators for longer periods show that the industry in the state kept its positive results (but with deceleration): 1.4% accumulated in the period January-September and 3.7% accumulated in the last twelve months.

Most (nine) of the eleven subsectors surveyed contributed to the formation of the negative rate (-10.2%). The highlight in this case was machinery and equipment (-39.5%). It is worth mentioning hat this activity has registered its lowest rate since August 1992. Falls were also observed in the subsectors: apparel (-18.6%) and electric machines, appliances and equipment (-28.8%). On the other hand, only automotive vehicles (23.2%) and cellulose and paper (2.9%) had positive results.

The downward trend (11.1%), which started in the last quarter of 2004, continued in the state up to the third quarter this year (7.4%). Both rates are compared to the same period of the previous year. The deceleration was mostly observed in the subsectors: machinery and equipment (rates from –7.7% to -27.6% in the following quarter), food products (from 6.5% to –2.3%) and apparel (from –5.9% to –20.3%).

The indicator accumulated in the year showed growth of eight of the 11 subsectors surveyed. The main highlight was automotive vehicles (52.2%). Other relevant contributions were those from food products (3.6%) and textiles (6.1%). In terms of negative contributions, machinery and equipment was the most relevant subsector, with fall of 11.8%.

Rio Grande do Sul

In September, the industry of Rio Grande do Sul decreased by 2.82% in comparison with the same month of the previous year. The indicators for longer periods also had similar performance: -3.3% accumulated in the year and -1.9% in the last twelve months.

In terms of the monthly indicator, the reduction (2.8%) resulted from the deceleration observed in eight of the 14 subsectors surveyed. The major negative impacts came from footwear and leather articles (-15.5%), metal products (-22.5%) and machinery and equipment (-11.5%). On the other hand, the main positive contribution to the overall rate were petroleum refining and alcohol production (44.5%) and automotive vehicles (10.0%).

The industry of Rio Grande do Sul has completed its third quarter with negative rates, contributing to the deceleration trend from the second (-2.9%) to the third quarter (-3.6%). In these two periods, production was reduced in eight of the fourteen subsectors surveyed, especially in footwear and leather articles, which changed from 5.2% to –10.1%, and food products (from 2.9% to -2.4%).

In terms of the indicator accumulated in the year, machinery and equipment (-19.2%) was the main negative impact. Other important negative contributions came from other chemical products (-6.0%) and tobacco (-4.5%). Food products (2.6%), on the contrary, and petroleum refining and alcohol production (3.2%) were the main positive contributions.


In September, the industrial production of Goiás over he same month of the previous year was reduced by 6.8%. However, for longer periods, the indicators were positive: 1.1% in the quarter July-September, 4.7% accumulated in the year and 7.0% accumulated in the last twelve months.

The industry of Goiás had its first fall (-6.8%), the worst result since January 2003, after sixteen consecutive months with positive rates. The performance of extraction industry (-15.5%), which presented its worst result in the year, was one of the main impacts on the overall rate. In the transformation industry, which also had a negative rate (-6.1%), the results prevailed in most of the areas, being chemical products (-22.2%) and non-metallic minerals (-38.0%) the main negative impacts. On the other hand, only metallurgy (14.2%) increased.

In the third quarter, the industrial activity of the state decreased in relation to two previous quarters. The production of July-September was 1.1%, whereas January-March and April-June increased by 3.8% and 9.8%. The reduction occurred between the second and the third quarter was related, mainly to the decreased activity of food products and beverages (from 10.2% to 4.2%) and extraction industry (from 18.5% to –7.2%).

From January to September, the production accumulated increased by 4.7%. There was expansion of three subsectors, being food products and beverages (6.8%) the highlight. On the other hand, among the subsectors with reduction of production, it is worth mentioning chemical products (-9.0%).