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The storing net of agricultural products in the country increases in 2004

December 16, 2004 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 20, 2018 05h34 PM

The results of the survey of Stocks of the first quarter of 2004 show that the storing net of agricultural products in operation in the country presented a slight growth of 1.6% ...

The results of the survey of Stocks of the first quarter of 2004 show that the storing net of agricultural products in operation in the country presented a slight growth of 1.6% in the number of active establishments, compared to the ones operating on  June 30, 2003. By the end of the first semester of 2004, this network accounted for 8,958 active establishments.

As to the capacity of the storage facilities, it was observed that the conventional, structural and inflatable warehouses sum up 78,509,964 cubic meters and of the total a little more than 70% were concentrated in the South and Southeast Region.

The storage facilities such as automated warehouses and bulk warehouses totaled 43,799,930t of the storage capacity, whereas the Central-West Region had 46.4% of the storage capacity and the South, 38.1%.

Grain silos presented 33,386,873 t of the total capacity in the country, the South Region has 54.4% of the total, and the Central-West Region has 24.0% and the Southeast Region, 17.0%.

The second last estimate for the 2004 harvest indicates a production of 119,242 million metric tons

According to November's estimate the national harvest of cereal, legumes and oilseeds (cottonseed, peanut, rice, beans, castor beans, corn, soybean, oat, rye, barley, sunflower, sorghum, wheat and triticale) could reach a production of 119,242 million metric tons, 3.55% lower than the harvest in 2003 (123,632 million metric tons).

Among the analyzed products, three presented positive change in the output estimate in relation to the previous year: upland cottonseed (62.30%), paddy rice (28.40%) and sorghum (21.87%). Negative changes were seen in: bean seed - 1st crop (-11.81%), bean seed - 2nd crop (-5.96%), bean seed - 3rd crop (-10.10%), corn grain 1st crop (-10.43%), corn grain 2nd crop (-18.85%), soybean grain (-4.42%) and wheat (-1.11%).

In November, forecast for the year 2005 is of 134 million metric tons.

In the 2nd survey of planting intentions (of the planted areas or to be planted, as well as of production for the 2005 harvest), the following areas were surveyed, in November: the Southeast, South, Central-West Regions, and the states of Rondônia, Bahia, Piauí and Maranhão.

For the national production estimate, besides the Regions and states previously mentioned, where the survey was carried out, the same information gathered in the 2004 harvest was registered for the other states, for the winter crops (oat, rye, barley and wheat), as well as for products of the 2nd and 3rd harvests, which, because of the agricultural calendar, have no forecast whatsoever. The national harvest of cereals, legumes and oilseeds (cottonseed, peanut, rice, beans, castor beans, corn, soybean, oat, rye, barley, sunflower, sorghum, wheat and triticale) registered a production of 134,000 million metric tons, 12.38% higher than the harvest in 2004.

Among the analyzed products, two showed positive change in comparison to the planted area in 2004: peanuts in the shell 1st crop (0.41%) and soybean grains (5.69%). The negative change came from: upland cotton (-3.08%), paddy rice (-1.33%), bean seed - 1st crop (-9.61%) and corn grain 1st crop (-5.53%).

Of this list of products, positive changes of the expected production are seen in: beans seeds 1st crop (11.65%), corn grain 1st crop (3.35%) and soybean grains (28.55%). Presenting negative changes are: upland cotton (-2.43%), peanuts in the shell 1st crop (-5.88%) and paddy rice (-3.17%).

Concerning the second estimate for the upland cotton's harvest in 2005, there is a negative change of 2.43% in comparison to 2004, when there was a volume of 3.619 million metric tons. As to the planted area, there is a decrease of 3.08%, reaching 1,119 million hectares.

In the case of rice, this second estimate for the 2005 harvest shows a reduction of 3.17% in expected production, 12,831 million metric tons, against 13,251 million metric tons harvested in 2004. Current prices are the main reason for this decrease. In Rio Grande do Sul, the biggest rice producer of the country, the production for next year shows a reduction of 7.74%, reaching 5,847 million metric tons. With the weather stability in the state and rainfalls occurring in the major rice producing areas, there is less concern about the water reservoirs' supply that irrigate the crops.

The second forecast for the 2005 harvest of the beans 1st crop shows an expansion in the production of 11.65%, despite the decrease of 9.61% in the planted area. On the other hand, productivity grew 11.76%, justifying the significant growth in the expected production, and finds itself in the level of 1.6 million metric tons. Paraná, the biggest national producer, indicates in the 2005's 2nd estimate a decrease of 13% in production (424 thousand metric tons), although productivity rate is 2.16% bigger. In the beginning of this harvest, prices of beans are not attractive, and factors, such as climate and scarce labor force, also influenced the producer's decision.

The culture of soybeans, in this 2nd forecast for 2005, even with the low market prices and bigger production costs, shows a 6% increase in the planted area (22,758 million hectares) and a 29% rise in the estimated production (63,243 million metric tons). This tendency is justified by the lack of options to plant other crops, especially corn, since prices are also low. The different characteristics for the commercialization of soybeans might have had an influence in the increase of the planted area. Every state that decides on planting soybeans posts increase in the 2005 prospects. The most significant rises were seen in Piauí (30%), Paraná (24%), Santa Catarina (43%), Rio Grande do Sul (68%), Mato Grosso do Sul (62%), Mato Grosso (21%) and Goiás (27%).

Animal slaughter in Q3 2004


The survey registered an increase in the number of slaughtered cattle. The increase was of 7.75% on the second quarter of 2004 and of 30.85% in the same period last year. In the reference period, there were 6,924 million slaughtered head.

The states which slaughter the most are, in decreasing order: São Paulo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Mato Grosso and Goiás. In the North Region, the highlight goes to Pará.


There were 5,492 million slaughtered hogs and pigs, indicating an increase of 1.57% in the second quarter of 2004 and a decrease of (-2.31%) in the same period of 2003. The animals were slaughtered in the third quarter of 2004 weighing about 87 kilos, keeping the average of the last months.

The states of the South Region of the country are ahead in the hogs and pigs slaughter national scenario. In the Southeast Region, Minas Gerais is the main producer of this type of meat.


There were 892,207 million chicken slaughtered, reflecting an increase of 1.53% in the second quarter of 2004 and of 9.92% in comparison with the third quarter of 2003. The average chicken weight was of two kilos, a little higher than the number obtained in the third quarter of 2003.

The states which slaughter the most are: Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul and São Paulo.

Collection and industrialization of milk in Q3 2004

There were 3,547 billion liters of milk collected, indicating an increase in the volume delivered for pasteurization of 7.89% in comparison with the second quarter of 2004 and of 9.00% in comparison with the same period of 2003. The volume of milk that left the industry and pasteurization establishments was of 3,531 billion liters. As a result, industrialized milk had an increase of 7.73% in the second quarter of 2004 and of 9.06% in the third quarter of 2003.

The main milk producing states in Brazil are: Minas Gerais (28%), São Paulo (16%), Goiás (11%) and Rio Grande do Sul (11%).

Leather acquisition in Q3 2004

An amount of 9,148 million pieces of leather were acquired in the country, indicating an increase of 4.57% in the second quarter of 2004 and of 20.23% in the third quarter of 2003. For tanned leather, a volume of 9,056 million pieces was recorded. The increase was of 4.75% in the second quarter of 2004 and of 21.09% in the third quarter of 2003.

The main ride tanning states are, in decreasing order, Rio Grande do Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul and Goiás.

Production of hen eggs in Q3 2004

In the third quarter of 2004, 489,255 million dozen eggs were produced in Brazil, an increase of 2.35% in comparison with the second quarter of 2004 and of 4.97% with the third quarter of 2003.