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The IBGE releases today (28) the values of per capita monthly household earnings (RDPC) and the coefficient of regional imbalance (CDR) for 2019...
Product: Continuous National Household Sample Survey
The unemployment rate (12.6%) in the moving quarter ended in April 2020 increased 1.3 percentage points in relation to the quarter from November...
The country's unemployment rate in the 1st quarter of 2020 was 12.2%, rising 1.3 percentage points in relation to the 4th quarter of 2019 (11.0%)....
In 2019, the country had 72.4 million housing units, out of which a total 70.7 million (97.6%) had piped water and 63.8 million (88.2%), access to...
In 2019, the real average monthly earnings from work of the 1% of the population with the highest income was R$28,659, which corresponds to 33.7...
The unemployment rate (12.2%) in the moving quarter ended March 2020 increased 1.3 percentage points in comparison with that of the quarter October-December 2019...
The percentage of households that used the Internet increased from 74.9% to 79.1% between 2017 and 2018. The per capita average income of those who...
About half (49.5%) of the total calories available for consumption in Brazilian households come from natural or minimally processed foods, 22.3%...
Product: Consumer Expenditure Survey
ERRATA: An error was identified in the calculation of the quarterly and annual changes in the real average earnings and in the real wage bill. The...
The IBGE releases today the values of the per capita household earnings relative to 2019, for Brazil and Federation Units, calculated based on the...
Product: National Household Sample Survey
The unemployment rate (11.2%) in the moving quarter ended in January 2020 fell in both comparisons: -0.4 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to...
The unemployment rate in Brazil was 11.0% in the fourth quarter of 2019, falling 0.8 percentage points in relation to the quarter between July and...
The unemployment rate (11.0%) in the quarter October-December 2019 fell -0.8% percentage points against that of July-September (11.8%). In comparison...
The unemployment rate (11.2%) in the moving quarter ended in November 2019 fell in both comparisons: -0.7 percentage points (p.p.) in relation to...
In 2018, of the 92.3 million employed persons, 12.5% (11.5 million persons) were union members, which represents the lowest percentage of unionization...
The cultural sector employed, in 2018, more than 5 million persons, according to data from the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous...
Despite the 1.6% reduction in the total civil marriages between 2017 and 2018 (1,070,376 to 1,053,467), the number of same-sex marriages increased 61.7%...
Product: System of Vital Statistics
The unemployment rate (11.6%) remained statistically stable in the moving quarter ended in October 2019 both in relation to the quarter from May...
A person born in Brazil in 2018 was expected to live, on average, up to 76.3 years. This represented an increase of three months and 4 days in relation...
Product: Complete Life Tables
The unemployment rate in the 3rd quarter of 2019 was 11.8%, with a reduction of 0.2 percentage points (pp) in comparison with the 2nd quarter of...
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