The unemployment rate (12.4%) in the quarter from April to June 2018 had a decrease (-0.7 percentage points) in relation to the quarter of January to March of 2018 (13.1%). In relation to the same mobile quarter of the previous year (13.0%), there was a fall (-0.6 percentage points).
Indicator/Period | Apr-May-Jun/2018 | Jan-Feb-Mar/2018 | Apr-May-Jun/2017 |
Unemployment rate | 12.4% | 13.1% | 13.0% |
Usual real earnings | R$2,198 | R$2,192 | R$2,174 |
Chnage of the real usual earnings in relation to: | 0.3% (stability) | 1.1% (stability) |
The unemployed population (13.0 million) fell -5.3%, or 723 thousand less persons compared to the previous quarter (13.7 million). Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, when there were 13.5 million unemployed, there was a fall (-3.9% or 520 thousand less persons in this situation).
The employed population (91.2 million) increased by 0.7%, an additional 657 thousand persons in relation to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter of 2017, there was also an increase (1.1%, or 1.0 million more employed persons).
The number of employees with a formal contract (32.8 million) in the private sector remained stable compared to the previous quarter (January to March 2018). Compared to the same quarter of 2017, there was decrease (-1.5% or 497 thousand less persons).
The number of employees without a formal contract (11.0 million) in the private sector grew by 2.6% (276 thousand more persons) compared to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter of 2017, there was an increase of 3.5%, or 367 thousand more persons.
The category of the self-employed (23.1 million persons) was stable in relation to the previous quarter (January to March 2018). In relation to the same period of 2017, there was an increase of 2.5%, or 555 thousand more persons.
The usual real average earnings (R$2,198) in the April-June 2018 quarter was stable in both comparisons. The real wage bill for the quarter of April to June 2018 was of R$195.7 billion and was stable in both comparisons. The complete publication, the summary table and the presentation of the Continuous PNAD (Monthly Edition) are on the right of this page.
The unemployment rate, estimated at 12.4% in the mobile quarter from April to June 2018, declined -0.7 percentage points (pp) in relation to the quarter of January to March of 2018 (13.1%). Compared to the same mobile quarter of 2017 (13.0%), there was decrease (-0.6 pp).
In the quarter from April to June 2018, there were approximately 13.0 million unemployed persons in Brazil. This contingent fell -5.3%, or 723,000 less persons, compared to the January-March 2018 quarter, when there were 13.7 million unemployed persons. Compared with the same quarter of 2017 (13.5 million unemployed persons), the estimate fell -3.9%, or 520 thousand less unemployed persons.
The number of employed persons (91.2 million in the quarter from April to June 2018) increased by 0.7% over the previous quarter (657 thousand more persons). In relation to the same quarter of 2017, there was an increase of 1.1% (+1.0 million persons).
The employment-population ratio (percentage of employed persons in the working-age population) was 53.7% in the April-June 2018 quarter and was stable in both comparisons.
The workforce (employed and unemployed) in the quarter from April to June 2018 stood at 104.2 million persons. There was stability in both comparisons.
The contingent out of the workforce, in the April-June 2018 quarter (65.6 million persons) rose to 774 thousand more persons (1.2%) compared to the quarter of January to March 2018. In relation to the same quarter of 2017, there was an increase of 1.9% (1.2 million persons).
The number of employees in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers), estimated at 32.8 million persons, was stable compared to the previous quarter (January to March 2018). Compared to the quarter of April to June 2017, there was a change of -1.5% (-497 thousand persons).
In the period from April to June 2018, employees in the private sector without a formal contract (11.0 million persons) increased by 2.6% over the previous quarter (276 thousand more persons). In relation to the same quarter of the previous year, there was an increase of 3.5% or 367 thousand more persons.
The category of the self-employed, 23.1 million persons, was stable in comparison with the previous quarter (January to March 2018). In relation to the same period of the previous year, the indicator increased 2.5% in this quarter, representing an additional 555 thousand persons.
In the period from April to June 2018, the employers' group (4.4 million persons) showed stability in relation to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter of the previous year, there was an increase of 4.2%, or 176 thousand more persons.
Among domestic workers (6.2 million persons) there was stability in both comparisons.
The group of employees in the public sector (including the military and statutory servants), estimated at 11.6 million persons, rose 3.5% compared to the previous quarter. In relation to the same quarter of 2017, there was an increase of 2.7%, or 310 thousand more persons.
The analysis of the contingent of employed persons, according to activity groups, of the mobile quarter from April to June 2018, compared to the quarter of January to March of 2018, showed an increase in: Industry (2.5%, or 286 thousand more persons) and Public Administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (3.8%, or 588 thousand more persons). The other groups did not present a significant change.
In comparison with the quarter from April to June 2017 there was an increase in the following categories: Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (3.7%, or 571 thousand more persons) and Other services (6.0 %, or 267 thousand more persons). The other groups did not present a significant change.
The usual average real earnings (R$2,198) in the quarter from April to June 2018 registered stability in both comparisons.
According to the activity groups, the mobile quarter from April to June 2018, compared to January to March 2018, did not show growth in any categories. There was a reduction in the group of Domestic Services (2.0%, or - $18). In comparison with the quarter from April to June 2017 there was an increase in the category of Public Administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (3.6%, or + R$113). The other groups did not present a significant change.
The analysis of the average real usual earnings of the main job, according to the employment type, of the mobile quarter of April to June of 2018, compared to the quarter of January to March of 2018, did not show growth in any categories. There was reduction among Domestic Workers (2.0%, or - R$18). Compared to the quarter from April to June 2017, there was stability in all positions.
The usual real wage bill in all jobs of employed persons was estimated, for the mobile quarter from April to June 2018, at R$195.7 billion. There was stability when compared to the mobile quarter of January to March of 2018 and also against the same quarter of the previous year.