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Editorias: IBGE
Localidade da Notícia: Brasil - BR
Destaque Principal no Censo2020: Não
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IBGE Schedule brings the IBGE´s schedule for this week - Picture: Bel Corção/Brasil com S

Released today (13), the IBGE Schedule brings the schedule for the week between May 13 and 19. This edition includes internal and external meetings, as well as events and appointments from several IBGE areas, from the Presidency, Directorates and Advisories, State Superintendencies to the National School of Statistical Sciences (ENCE).

Since January, the IBGE has released the IBGE Schedule to the public every Monday at 9 AM. The complete schedule is available on the IBGE Schedule channel.


On Monday (13) at 3 PM, the Presidency participates in a comptroller event with the General Comptroller´s Office (CGU) on Correctional Maturity. At the time, “Key Process Area 2.3 to 2.7” will be presented (key area of operation).

On Tuesday (14), at 11 AM, a preparatory meeting for the First International Forum of the General Assembly on the Total Official Support for Sustainable Development (TOSSD) will take place. At 2:30 PM, representatives of the Presidency take part in the 33rd Meeting of the South American Regional Development and Integration sub-Committee.

On Wednesday (15), at 3 PM, a workshop with the CGU will be accomplished to discuss questions on “Key Process Area 2.3 to 2.7” (key are of operation), presented on Monday.

On Thursday (16, at 10 AM, the Presidency will take part in the meeting on SDG 15.7.1 indicator, to discuss the proportion of the wildlife traded from poaching or illicit trafficking.

IBGE´s Directorates and Advisories

On Monday (13), at 10 AM, a team of the Directorate of Surveys (DPE) participates in the Ministry of Agrarian Development and Family Farming´s event “Dedo de Prosa” (Chat) on the Census of Agriculture. At the same time, an on-line meeting of the Ottawa Group on Price Indices will take place. At 2 PM, a team of the Directorate of Geosciences (DGC) takes part in a meeting with Hexagon company. At 4:30 PM, it participates in a meeting to organize the IV Brazilian Symposium on Spatial Data Infrastructure (SBIDE IV). Along the day, a field expedition to the Espinhaço Hill and Iron Quadrangle will take place.

Still on Monday, an ENCE representative participates in the event “TOOLS package module 3” in Luanda, Angola. The event will take a full day. At 9 AM, an ENCE team takes part in the opening session of the Public Policies Core: Analysis and Assessment (NUPPAA), of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Public Policies, Strategies and Development (INCT-PPED). At 10 AM, an on-line meeting of the Program Committee of the 8th Conference on Big Data will be carried out. At 6:30 PM, an on-line meeting of the Project of Environmental Indicators and Climate Changes will take place.

On Tuesday (14), at 8 AM, a DGC team carried out a field work in the Lobélia brasiliensis Project: Ecology and population recovery of Lobelia brasiliensis A.O.S.Vieira & G.J.Sheph and their habitats in the IBGE´s Ecological Reserve. At 8:30 AM, a meeting of the “Global Sea Level Observing System” (GLOSS-Brazil) will take place. At 9 AM, the Coordination of Social Communication (CCS) carries out the press conference of the Monthly Survey of Services (PMS). During the day, an ENCE team takes part in the IAOS-ISI 2024 Conference in Mexico.

On Wednesday (15), at 11 AM, a meeting of the Quarterly PINTEC Project will be held at DPE with the Brazilian Agency of Industrial Development (ABDI) and the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). At noon, the second on-line Stat.Agric meeting of the Statistical Conference of the Americas (SCA) on Diagnosis of Milestones will take place. At 2 PM, an ENCE team participates in a meeting with the Federal University of Goiás (UFG).

On Thursday (16), at 10 AM, an Executive Directorate´s team takes part in a meeting with the Presidency to discuss about internal management. At 2 PM, an ENCE team participates in a meeting with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). On the same day, the results of the 2022 Census - Education will be released in São Paulo (SP), with the participation of José Daniel Castro da Silva, General-Coordinator of the Center for Information Documentation and Dissemination and Coordination of Social Communication (CDDI-CCS), and Jorge Gonzaga dos Santos, Marketing Coordinator.

On Friday (17), at 9 AM, the CCS will carry out the press release of the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD) - Quarterly Edition)> At 10 AM, the release of the 2022 Population Census - Literacy: Population results will take place. The event will be held at the movie theater of the Unidos de Vila Maria Samba School, in Jardim Japão, São Paulo (SP).

Still on Friday, at 2 PM, a DGC team will take part in the Workshop of Managers and Users. On the same day, DPE representatives will participate in the “Data collection of the Municipal Basic Information Survey (MUNIC)” presentation in the National Meeting of Managers of the National system of Penal Information (SISDEPEN), accomplished by the National Secretariat of Penal Policies (SENAPPEN). The event will take a full day and will take place in Brasília (DF).

State Superintendencies

On Monday, students from the Administration course of the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul will visit the State Superintendence of Mato Grosso do Sul (SES-MS) to know the activities and major IBGE surveys. The visit will take a full day.

Along Monday, a team of the State Superintendence of Sergipe (SES-SE) takes part in an ENAP course on sizing workforce. The event will take a full week.

On Tuesday, at 8:30 AM, a SIDRA training will be carried out in the State Superintendence of Paraná (SES-PR) for the Commandment of the 5th Army Military Region, in Curitiba. During the entire day, a team of the State Superintendence of Tocantins (SES-TO) will participate in the 2024 Agricultural Technology Fair of Tocantins (Agrotins).

On Wednesday, during all the day, a team of the State Superintendence of Alagoas (SES-AL) will represent the IBGE in the Annual Seminar of Integration of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (Flacso), in Argentina.

On Thursday, at 8 PM, a team of the State Superintendence in São Paulo (SES-SP) will participate in a party with representatives from Rotary Club Taubaté, to be distinguished and speech about the IBGE.