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In January, industry advances in eight of the 15 areas surveyed

March 18, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: March 18, 2025 03h59 PM

With a null change (0.0%) of national industry in January, in the seasonally adjusted series, eight of the 15 areas surveyed by the IBGE in this indicator recorded positive rates.

In the month, Ceará (7.9%) recorded the main increase and partially made up for the loss of 9.5%, cumulative in the last two months of 2024, followed by São Paulo (2.4%), Rio de Janeiro (2.3%) and Bahia (2.0%). On the other hand, Pernambuco (-22.3%) recorded a two-digit drop and the highest negative rate in he month, followed by the Northeast Region (-4.0%) and Pará (-3,9%).

As for the quarterly moving average, 10 of the 15 areas surveyed recorded negative rates in the quarter ended January, with significant drops found in Pernambuco (-5.8%), Mato Grosso (-2.8%), Espírito Santo (-2.4%), Pará (-2.2%), Paraná (-1.6%), São Paulo (-1.2%) and the Northeast Region (-1.1%). On the other hand, Amazonas (2.2%), Bahia (1.4%) and Rio de Janeiro (0.9%) showed the main advances in January 2025.

As for the cumulative index in 12 months, the industrial sector grew 2.9%, with positive rates in 16 of the 18 areas surveyed.

Short-Term Indicators of Industry
Regional Results - January 2025
Areas  Change (%)
January 2025/
December 2024*
January 2025/
January 2024
Cumulative in the Last 12 Months
Amazonas -0.6 -1.4 -1.4 2.6
Pará -3.9 0.9 0.9 5.4
Northeast Region -4.0 -3.0 -3.0 2.1
Maranhão - -11.4 -11.4 1.3
Ceará 7.9 0.1 0.1 6.5
Rio Grande do Norte - -15,4 -15,4 3,4
Pernambuco -22.3 -15.6 -15.6 3.2
Bahia 2.0 4.3 4.3 2.4
Minas Gerais 0.8 -0.4 -0.4 2.0
Espírito Santo -2.6 -8.8 -8.8 -2.5
Rio de Janeiro 2.3 -2.6 -2.6 -0.6
São Paulo 2.4 0.5 0.5 2.8
Paraná 0.7 0.7 0.7 3.9
Santa Catarina 1.1 8.6 8.6 7.7
Rio Grande do Sul -0.3 8.1 8.1 1.6
Mato Grosso do Sul - -9.6 -9.6 2.7
Mato Grosso -2.8 0.9 0.9 4.8
Goiás 0.4 0.2 0.2 1.8
Brazil 0.0 1.4 1.4 2.9
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Estatísticas Conjunturais em Empresas
* Seasonally-adjusted series

In the null change (0.0%) of national industry from December to January, in the seasoally-adjusted series, eight of the fifteen areas surveyed recorded positive rates. In the month, Ceará (7.9) recorded the main increase and partially made up for the cumulative loss (9.5%) of the last two months of 2024. São Paulo (2.4%), Rio de Janeiro (2.3%), Bahia (2.0%), Santa Catarina (1.1%), Minas Gerais (0.8%), Paraná (0.7%) and Goiás (0.4%) complete the group of areas with positive indexes in January 2025.

On the other hand, Pernambuco (-22.3%) showed a two-digit drop abd the highest negative rate in the month, after avances in production in the months of December (3.7%) and November 2024 (1.9%). Northeast Region (-4.0%), Pará (-3.9%), Mato Grosso (-2.8%), Espírito Santo (-2.6%), Amazonas (-0.6%) and Rio Grande do Sul (0.3%) also recorded negative rates in January 2025.

The quarterly moving average index of industry changed -0.3% in the quarter ended January 2025 against the result in the previous month, after a drop in December 2024. In regional terms, also against the marginal movement of the index, ten of the 15 areas surveyed recorded negative rates in the month, amon which stand out the drops of Pernambuco (-5.8%), Mato Grosso (2.8%), Espírito Santo (-2.4%), Pará (-2.2%), Paraná (-1.6%), São Paulo (-1.2%) and Northeast Region (-1.1%). On the other hand, Amazonas (2.2%), Bahia (1.4%) and Rio de Janeiro (0.9%) showed the main advances in January 2025.

From January 2024, national industry increased 1.4%, with positive rates in nine of the 18 areas surveyed. It is worth mentioning that January 2025 had the same number of business days (22) as the preceding month. Santa Catarina (8.6%) and Rio Grande do Sul (8.1%) recorded the main drops in the month.

In Santa Catarina, increase was driven to a great extent, by the activities food products (frozen meat and poultry offal, frozen, sausage or salami products and other poultry and pork preparations, frozen chilled or cooled pork, and ice cream and popsicles), machinery and equipment (valves, faucets and their parts and pieces, centrifugal pumps, forklift trucks, machinery and applainces for the agricultural sector), electrical machinery and apparatuses (alternating or direct current electric engines, refrigerators or freezers for domestic use and converter) and wood fiber panels, simple pallets and other wooden items for cargo, miscellaneous wooden articles, wooden windows and doors and sawed, planed or polished wood).

In Rio Grande do Sul, the explanation to the second positive result is in the performance of sectors oc coke, petroleum products and biofuels (diesel and automotive gasoline), motor vehicles, trailers and trucks (car pieces, cars and trailers and semi trailers), food products (cakes, bagasses, crumps and other residues from soybean oil extraction, rice, fresh or cooled beef and crude soybean oil) and chemicals (mineral or chemical NPK fertilizers, linear polyethylene and polypropilene).

Bahia (4.3%) also recorded a positive rate above the national average (1.4%), whereas Pará (0.9%), Mato Grosso (0.9%), Paraná (0.7%), São Paulo (0.5%). Goiás (0.2%) and Ceará (0.1%) complete the group of areas with an increase in production in the January 2025 index.

On the other hand, Pernambuco (-15.6%), Rio Grande do Norte (-15.4%) and Maranhão (-11.4%) recorded two-digit drops and the highest figures in the month, mainly due to the activities of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and fuel oils), in the first area; coke, petroleum products and biofuels (automotive gasoline), in the second; and pulp, paper and paper products (cellulose) and mining and quarrying industry (iron ore pellets and sintered and natural gas), in the last one. Mato Grosso do Sul (-9.6%), Espírito Santo (-8.8%), Northeast Region (-3.0%), Rio de Janeiro (-2.6%), Amazonas (-1.4%) and Minas Gerais (-0.4%) also showed negative results in the monthly index of January 2025.

As for the cumulative index in 12 months, 16 of the 18 areas surveyed recorded positive rates in January 2025, but 16 recorded lower dynamism from indexes in December 2024. Rio Grande do Norte (from 7.4% to 3.4%), Pernambuco (from4.6% to 3.2%), Maranhão (from2.5% to1.3%), Amazonas (from 3.6% to 2.6%), Espírito Santo (from -1.6% to -2.5%), Mato Grosso do Sul (from 3.5% to 2.7%), Goiás (from 2.6% to 1.8%) and Rio de Janeiro (from0.1% to -0.6%) recored the main drops between December 2024 and January 2025, whereas Rio Grande do Sul (from 0.6% to 1.6%) and Santa Catarina (from 7.6% to 7.7%) recorded increases between the two periods.