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Construction Index stands at 0.08% in December and closes 2022 at 10.90%

January 10, 2023 09h00 AM | Last Updated: January 10, 2023 10h33 PM

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) was 0.08% in December, standing 0.07 percentage points below the previous month (0.15%) with the lowest index in 2022. The cumulative index in the year reached 10.9%, and fell by 7.75% percentage points from 2021 (18.65%). The index had been 0.52% in December 2020.

The national cost of construction, by square meter, rose to R$1,679.25 in December, of which R$1,001.20 were relative to materials and R$678.05 to workforce. In November, the cost had been R$1,677.96.

Material recorded a change of 0.07%, a figure close to the changes in the last two months (0.01% in November and 0.04% in October). Against the index of December 2021 (0.76%), there was a decrease of 0.69 percentage points.

Workforce (0.08%) also registered the lowest rate in the year, and fell by 0.27 percentage points from November (0.35%) and 0.10 percentage points from December 2021 (0.18%).

The cumulative result in 2022 changed by 10.02% in material, whereas the share of costs relative to expenditure on workforce reached 12.18%. In 2021, the share of material closed the year at 28.12% and workforce, at 6.78%.

North Region records the highest change in December and Central West, the highest in the year

With an increase in six of the seven states, mainly Amazonas (1.08%) and Amapá (1.01%), the North Region recorded the highest change in December: 0.67%. The other Major Regions recorded the following results: -0.04% (Northeast), -0.09% (Southeast), 0.32% (South) and 0.21% (Central-West).

The South registered the highest figure for the cumulative index in 2022 (14.60%), followed by the North (12.70%), South (10.4%), Southeast (10.33%) and Northeast (10.02%). Regional costs of construction in December, by square meter, were: R$ 1,697,69 (North); R$ 1,560.52 (Northeast); R$ 1,735.03 (Southeast); R$ 1,761.89 (South) and R$ 1,722.72 (Central-West).

With adjustment observed in professional categories and a hike in the share of material, Piauí recorded the highest rate in December (2.64%). As for cumulative results in the year, Mato Grosso recorded the highest rate (20.52%), and also the highest cumulative rate for material (22.39%).

More about SINAPI

The National System of Costs Survey and Indexes of Construction – SINAPI, a joint production of IBGE and Caixa Econômica Federal – Caixa, aims at producing monthly series of costs for the housing sector, and monthly series of median wages for labor force and median prices for materials, construction machinery and equipment and services for the basic sanitation, infrastructure and housing sectors.

SINAPI statistics are fundamental in investment programming, especially for the public sector. Prices and costs support the preparation, analysis and assessment of budgets, while indices enable the updating of expense values in contracts and budgets. Access the data at Sidra.

Standard Table - Sinapi - December 2022 (payroll tax exempt)
BRAZIL              1679.25 840.60 0.08 10.90 10.90
NORTH REGION        1697.69 845.88 0.67 12.70 12.70
Rondônia            1752.13 977.12 0.39 16.96 16.96
Acre                1800.14 955.24 -0.17 11.55 11.55
Amazonas            1678.77 821.84 1.08 15.17 15,17
Roraima             1779.49 739.10 0.15 13.09 13.09
Pará              1681.38 806.25 0.70 10.59 10.59
Amapá              1614.56 784.24 1.01 13.11 13.11
Tocantins           1738.08 913.82 0.29 14.06 14.06
NORTHEAST REGION     1560.52 842.80 -0.04 10.02 10.02
Maranhão            1574.63 829,66 0.03 9,80 9.80
Piauí             1547.88 1028,73 2.64 11.79 11.79
Ceara               1543.57 891.64 -0.25 10.62 10.62
Rio Grande do Norte 1542.57 777.48 0.60 16.93 16.93
Paraíba             1591.40 879.99 0.46 10.94 10.94
Pernambuco          1550.94 829.18 0.25 12.19 12.19
Alagoas             1505.81 752.25 -0.05 10.74 10.74
Sergipe             1475.66 784.13 0.23 9.42 9.42
Bahia               1586.05 839.60 -0.85 6.79 6.79
SOUTHEAST REGION      1735.03 830.57 -0.09 10.33 10.33
Minas Gerais        1609.26 885.57 -0.48 9.78 9.78
Espirito Santo      1544.28 856.64 -0.27 9.73 9.73
Rio de Janeiro      1838.04 837.64 -0.03 9.71 9.71
São Paulo           1784.75 806.04 0.11 10.95 10.95
SOUTH REGION          1761.89 842.62 0.32 10.48 10.48
Paraná              1734.83 829.60 0.30 10.28 10.28
Santa Catarina      1906.77 1032.51 0.57 11.38 11.38
Rio Grande do Sul   1667.70 756.88 0.10 9.80 9.80
CENTRAL WEST REGION 1722.72 879.46 0.21 14.60 14.60
Mato Grosso do Sul 1673.61 787.25 0.24 12.26 12.26
Mato Grosso         1770.55 1009.99 -0.03 20.52 20.52
Goiás               1673.66 883.93 0.08 12.68 12.68
Distrito Federal    1760.89 777.54 0.69 11.19 11.19


Standard Table - Sinapi - December 2022 (non-payroll tax exempt)
BRAZIL              1783.53 892.05 0.08 10.95 10.95
NORTH REGION        1795.02 894.50 0.62 12.64 12.64
Rondônia            1854.60 1034.08 0.37 16.70 16.70
Acre                1895,81 1006.35 -0.16 11.19 11.19
Amazonas            1774,71 869.11 1.01 15.05 15.05
Roraima             1888.93 784.41 0.11 12.91 12.91
Pará                1778.12 852.31 0.66 10.60 10.60
Amapá              1708.21 829.66 0.95 12.99 12,99
Tocantins           1836.49 965.80 0.27 14.38 14,38
NORTHEAST REGION     1651.69 892,25 -0,02 10,11 10,11
Maranhão            1666.99 878.43 0.04 9.79 9,79
Piauí              1637.04 1087.67 2.81 11.93 11,93
Ceará               1631.08 941.68 -0.24 10.66 10,66
Rio Grande do Norte 1631.57 822.19 0.59 17.00 17,00
Paraíba             1685.44 931.88 0.43 10.84 10,84
Pernambuco          1641.40 877.68 0.24 12.21 12,21
Alagoas             1595.20 797,18 -0.04 11.25 11,25
Sergipe             1558.26 828.18 0.22 9.70 9,70
Bahia               1680.47 888.70 -0.80 6.94 6,94
SOUTHEAST REGION      1847.89 884.07 -0.08 10.45 10,45
Minas Gerais        1702.77 936.77 -0.44 9.90 9,90
Espirito Santo      1636.75 907.95 -0.26 9.70 9,70
Rio de Janeiro      1961.83 894.59 -0.03 9.67 9,67
São Paulo           1906.51 861.08 0.11 11.14 11,14
SOUTH REGION         1880.53 899.14 0.30 10.63 10,63
Paraná              1855.08 886.94 0.28 10.50 10,50
Santa Catarina      2039.62 1104.65 0.53 11.31 11,31
Rio Grande do Sul   1769.94 803.44 0.08 10.10 10,10
CENTRAL WEST REGION 1823.50 930.84 0.20 14.55 14,55
Mato Grosso do Sul 1770.87 832.27 0.22 12.19 12,19
Mato Grosso         1871.83 1067.87 -0.03 20.41 20,41
Goiás               1773.79 936.23 0.08 12.68 12,68
Distrito Federal    1864.34 823.55 0.66 11.28 11,28