Continuous PNAD: unemployment rate is 9.3% and underutilization rate is 21.2% in the quarter ended in June
July 29, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 01, 2022 06h24 PM
The unemployment rate (9.3%) of the moving quarter between April and June 2022 dropped 1.8 percentage points (pp) in relation to the quarter from January to March 2022 (11.1%) and 4.9 pp against the same period of 2021 (14.2%). This is the lowest unemployment rate for a quarter ended in June since 2015, when it was 8.4%. The unemployed population (10.1 million persons) reduced 15.6% (1.9 million less unemployed persons) over the previous quarter and 32.0% (4.68 million less persons) in the annual comparison.
Indicator/Period | Apr-May-Jun 2022 | Jan-Feb-Mar 2022 | Apr-May-Jun 2021 |
Unemployment rate |
9.3% | 11.1% | 14.2% |
Underutilization rate |
21.2% | 23.2% | 28.5% |
Usual Real Earnings |
R$ 2,652 | R$ 2,625 | R$ 2,794 |
Change in usual earnings in relation to: | Stable | -5.1% |
The number of employed persons (98.3 million) was a record in the time series started in 2012, with a high of 3.1% (3.0 million more) against the previous quarter and of 9.9% (8.9 million more persons) against the same period of 2021. Estimated at 56.8%, the employment-population ratio - percentage of employed persons in the population at working age - was the highest one for a quarter ended in June since 2015 (57.4%), increasing by 1.6 pp in the quarter and by 4.7 pp in the year.
The composite rate of underutilization (21.2%) was the lowest one since 2016 (20.9%), falling 2.0 pp in the quarter and 7.3 pp in the year. The underutilized population (24.7 million persons) dropped 7.7% (2.1 million less persons) over the previous quarter and 24.1% (7.9 million less persons) in the annual comparison.
The time-related underemployed population (6.6 million) stood stable against the previous quarter and decreased 14.1% in the year (1.1 million less persons).
The population outside the labor force (64.7 million persons) dropped 1.1% (735 thousand less persons) over the previous quarter and 3.8% (2.6 million less persons) in the annual comparison.
The discouraged population (4.3 million persons) reduced 7.1% (328 thousand less persons) over the previous quarter and 22.5% (1.2 million less persons) in the annual comparison. The percentage of discouraged persons in the labor force (3.8%) fell 0.3 pp against the previous quarter and 1.2 pp against the same quarter a year ago.
The number of workers with a formal employment contract in the private sector (except domestic workers) was 35.8 million persons, having increased 2.6% (908 thousand persons) against the previous quarter and 11.5% (an increase by 3.7 million persons) in the annual comparison.
The number of workers without a formal labor contract in the private sector (13.0 million persons) was the highest in the series. This figure increased 6.8% compared to the previous quarter (827 thousand more persons) and 23.0% (2.4 million persons) in the year.
The number of self-employed workers (25.7 million persons) was the highest one for a quarter ended in June since the beginning of the time series, in 2012. Compared to the previous quarter, there was growth of 1.7% (431 thousand persons), while, in comparison with the same period last year, the increase was 4.3% (1.1 million more persons).
The number of domestic workers (5.9 million) increased by 4.4% (248 thousand more persons) compared to the previous quarter and by 19.4% (950 thousand more persons) in the year.
The number of employers (4.2 million persons) stood stable compared to the previous quarter and increased 13.9% (517 thousand persons) in the annual comparison. The number of workers in the public sector (11.9 million) grew 5.4% in the quarter and 3.5% in the year.
The informality rate was 40.0% of the employed population, against 40.1% in the previous quarter and 40.0% in the same quarter of 2021. The number of informal workers reached 39.3 million, a record in the time series of the indicator, which began in 2015.
The usual real earnings (R$2,652) stood stable over the previous quarter and fell 5.1% in the year. The usual real wage bill (R$255.7 billion) grew 4.4% over the previous quarter and 4.8% in the annual comparison.
Unemployment Rate - Brazil - 2012/2022
Estimated at 108.3 million persons in the moving quarter of April to June 2022, the labor force (employed and unemployed persons) increased 1.0% (1.1 million persons) in comparison with the quarter from January to March and 4.0% (4.1 million persons) against the same quarter last year. It was the greatest number of persons in the labor force of the time series started in 2012.
The following activity groups rose against the previous moving quarter: General Industry (2.7%, or 332 thousand more persons), Construction (3.8%, or 274 thousand more persons), Trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (3.4%, or 617 thousand more persons), Information, Communication and Financial, Real Estate, Professional and Administrative Activities (3.0%, or 336 thousand more persons), Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (4.5%, or 739 thousand more persons), Other services (3.2%, or 158 thousand more persons) and Domestic services (4.0%, or 227 thousand more persons). The other groups did not post any statistically-significant change.
Against the quarter ended in June 2021, increases were observed in: General Industry (10.2%, or 1.2 million more persons), Construction (11.2%, or 753 thousand more persons), Trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (14.2%, or 2.4 million more persons), Transportation, storage and mailing (10.0%, or 463 thousand more persons), Lodging and food (23.1%, or 1.0 million more persons), Information, Communication and Financial, Real Estate, Professional and Administrative Activities (5.1%, or 568 thousand more persons), Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (5.5%, or 893 thousand more persons), Other services (18.7%, or 805 thousand more persons) and Domestic services (18.7%, or 931 thousand more persons). None of the other groups recorded significant changes.
Composite underutilization rate – Quarter from April to June - Brazil - 2012 to 2021 (%)
As to average usual real earnings (R$ 2,652.00), over the previous moving quarter, there was increase just on the category of Transportation, storage and mailing (4.4%, or R$ 110 more) None of the other groups recorded significant changes. Compared to the quarter ended in June 2021, there was increase in Construction (5.8%, or R$ 116 more) and Transportation, storage and mailing (6.3%, or R$ 152 more). In that same comparison, there was reduction in the following groups: Industry (6.0% or R$164 less) and Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (11.1% or R$465 less).
Among the employment types, in comparison with the previous moving quarter, there was an increase in the category of Workers without a formal contract (6.5% or R$110). The other categories did not record significant changes. In the comparison with the same period last year, there was no growth in any of the categories.