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National Index of Civil Construction rises 2.17% in May

June 09, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 17, 2022 02h32 PM

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) increased 2.17% in May, rising 0.96 percentage points in relation to the last month´s rate (1.21%) and registering the highest rate since July 2021. The cumulative index in 12 months, 15.44%, slightly surpassed the rate of 15.00% recorded in the 12 immediately previous months. The cumulative indicator between January and May stayed at 5.77%. In May 2021, the index had been 1.78%.

The national cost of construction, per square meter, which in April closed at R$1,567.76, increased to R$1,601.76 in May, of which R$962.98 were relative to material, and R$638.78 referred to workforce.

The parcel of materials remained rising, registering a rise of 1.96% and, once again, the highest change since August 2021, increasing 0.10 percentage points in relation to the previous month (1.86%). Considering the index of May 2021 (2.66%), it dropped 0.70  percentage points.

Having signed a number of collective work agreements, workforce recorded a rate of 2.49%, rising 2.25 percentage points over April (0.24%). Compared with May last year (0.58%), it increased 1.91 percentage points.

Between January and May, the cumulative indexes were 5.82% (materials) and 5.69% (workforce). The cumulative index in 12 months stood at 18.89% (materials) and at 10.59% (workforce), respectively.

Central-West Region records highest monthly change

Having registered significant rises in the parcel of materials in all the states and collective work agreements in Goiás and Federal District, the Central-West Region recorded the highest regional change for the third month in a row (3.24%). The other regions recorded the following figures: 1.22% (North), 1.40% (Northeast), 3.19% (Southeast) and 0.70% (South).

The regional costs. per square meter. were: R$ 1.590,14 (North); R$ 1.489,50 (Northeast); R$ 1.676,34 (Southeast); R$ 1.649,32 (South) and R$ 1.623,17 (Central-West).

Goiás records highest rise

Having registered a rise in the parcel of materials and adjustments in the professional categories, Goiás was the state with the highest monthly change, 5.16%, followed by São Paulo (4.13%), Acre (3.78%), Rio de Janeiro (3.63%), Espírito Santo (3.43%), Federal District (3.35%) and Maranhão (3.22%), all of them under the same conditions.

SINAPI, created in 1969, has the purpose of producing information on costs and indexes in a systematic way and with a national coverage, in order to elaborate and assess budgets as well as monitor costs.

SINAPI - May 2022
, considering the exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the civil construction sector

BRAZIL              1601.76 801.75 2.17 5.77 15.44
NORTH REGION        1590.14 792.30 1.22 5.56 16.29
Rondônia            1589.76 886.50 1.91 6.11 15.36
Acre                1736.81 921.74 3.78 7.64 20.10
Amazonas            1545.58 756.63 1.14 6.03 16.32
Roraima             1615.66 671.02 0.93 2.68 14.23
Para                1587.91 761.38 0.92 4.44 15.96
Amapá               1543.96 749.87 0.51 8.16 15.83
Tocantins           1639.34 861.86 0.92 7.57 17.00
NORTHEAST REGION     1489.50 804.49 1.40 5.02 13.00
Maranhão            1521.72 801.76 3.22 6.11 13.33
Piauí             1473.20 978.96 1.21 6.38 13.92
Ceara               1440.50 832.08 0.93 3.23 12.28
Rio Grande do Norte 1445.48 728.51 1.37 9.57 17.82
Paraíba             1542.67 853.04 0.88 7.54 15.09
Pernambuco          1431.22 765.21 0.69 3.53 12.83
Alagoas             1443.80 721.31 0.66 6.19 13.12
Sergipe             1397.94 742.72 1.33 3.65 12.85
Bahia               1554.28 822.76 1.51 4.65 11.85
SOUTHEAST REGION      1676.34 802.58 3.19 6.61 16.25
Minas Gerais        1587.00 873.34 1.22 8.27 15.32
Espírito Santo      1505.00 834.86 3.43 6.94 18.54
Rio de Janeiro      1762.39 803.29 3.63 5.21 15.23
São Paulo           1709.43 772.09 4.13 6.28 17.07
SOUTH REGION          1649.32 788.77 0.70 3.42 14.65
Paraná              1630.04 779.50 0.56 3.62 14.63
Santa Catarina      1765.60 956.14 0.93 3.14 16.01
Rio Grande do Sul   1569.62 712.46 0.68 3.35 13.23
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1623.17 828.60 3.24 7.97 19.97
Mato Grosso do Sul 1562.71 735.09 1.33 4.83 21.22
Mato Grosso         1609.66 918.24 2.13 9.57 19.94
Goiás               1624.64 858.16 5.16 9.39 20.74
Federal District    1680.66 742.18 3.35 6.14 18.18


SINAPI - May 2022
, not considering the exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the civil construction sector

BRAZIL              1699.95 850.31 2.19 5.76 15.13
NORTH REGION        1680.18 837.35 1.18 5.44 15.96
Rondônia            1680.69 937.18 1.84 5.77 14.77
Acre                1833.43 973.18 3.87 7.53 19.54
Amazonas            1635.14 800.76 1.14 6.00 16.12
Roraima             1715.45 712.34 0.89 2.53 13.82
Para                1675.47 803.02 0.85 4.21 15.64
Amapá               1637.89 795.50 0.48 8.34 15.58
Tocantins           1729.01 909.31 0.87 7.69 16.51
NORTHEAST REGION     1575.92 851.29 1.39 5.06 12.79
Maranhão            1613.09 850.06 3.51 6.25 13.12
Piauí               1558.68 1035.61 1.11 6.58 13.68
Ceara               1521.13 878.14 0.88 3.19 12.07
Rio Grande do Norte 1531.12 771.47 1.29 9.78 17.78
Paraíba             1637.23 905.31 0.83 7.68 14.83
Pernambuco          1511.71 808.25 0.65 3.33 12.55
Alagoas             1526.40 762.84 0.68 6.45 13.03
Sergipe             1474.35 783.62 1.30 3.80 12.54
Bahia               1645.28 870.18 1.43 4.72 11.66
SOUTHEAST REGION      1784.29 853.77 3.25 6.67 15.97
Minas Gerais        1680.21 924.37 1.16 8.45 15.10
Espirito Santo      1594.98 884.87 3.57 6.91 18.19
Rio de Janeiro      1882.93 858.68 3.70 5.26 14.60
São Paulo           1822.65 823.11 4.23 6.24 16.84
SOUTH REGION         1755.57 839.46 0.66 3.29 14.34
Paraná              1738.17 831.08 0.52 3.54 14.42
Santa Catarina      1886.05 1021.45 0.86 2.92 15.52
Rio Grande do Sul   1659.05 753.11 0.67 3.20 12.86
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1718.20 877.09 3.31 7.94 19.49
Mato Grosso do Sul 1650.59 775.60 1.26 4.55 20.38
Mato Grosso         1701.16 970.32 2.02 9.41 19.17
Goiás               1724.77 910.29 5.42 9.56 20.68
Federal District 1778.22 785.50 3.50 6.14 17.74