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National Index of Civil Construction stays at 0.52% in December, closes 2021 at 18.65%

January 11, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: January 13, 2022 11h30 AM

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) was 0.52% in December, standing 0.55  percentage points below the previous month (1.07%) and registering the lowest index in 2021. The cumulative index in the year hit 18.65%, increasing 8.49  percentage points in relation to 2020 (10.16%) and reaching the highest rate for this indicator in the time series, started in 2013. In December 2020, the index had been 1.94%.

The national cost of construction, by square meter, rose to to R$1,514.52 in December, from which R$910.06 were relative to materials and R$604.46, to workforce. In November, the cost had been R$1,506.76.

The share of materials changed 0.76%, a drop of 0.90 percentage points over the preceding month (1.66%). The drop was even more relevant in relation to December 2020 (3.39%), 2.63 percentage points.

Having registered 0.15% and no collective work agreements, the parcel of workforce maintained the level when compared with the previous index (0.18%) and with December 2020 (0.18%).

The cumulative result in 2021 rose 28.12% in material, whereas the parcel of the cost related to the expenses with workforce hit 6.78%. In 2020, the parcel of material closed at 17.28% and workforce, at 2.33%.

North registers the highest change in December and South, the highest one in the year

The North Region reported the highest regional change in December (0.81%), with the parcel of material rising in all the states. The other regions recorded the following figures: 0.66% (Northeast), 0.32% (Southeast), 0.53% (South) and 0.61% (Central-West).

The South registered the highest figure for the cumulative index in 2021 (19.43%), followed by the Central-West (19.23%), Southeast (19.11%), Northeast (18.07%) and North (16.80%).

As for the costs of construction, the regions recorded the following values by square meter in December: R$ 1.506,36 (North); R$ 1.418,32 (Northeast); R$ 1.572,22 (Southeast); R$ 1.594,85 (South) and R$ 1.503,31 (Central-West).

With the rise in the parcel of material, Tocantins reported the highest rate for the last month of the year: 1.61%. In the cumulative index in the year, Mato Grosso do Sul was the state with the highest rate (24.47%), also recording the highest rate in the cumulative index of the parcel of material (34.81%).

SINAPI, created in 1969, has the purpose of producing information on costs and indexes in a systematic way and with a national coverage, in order to elaborate and assess budgets as well as monitor costs.

Sinapi - December 2021
WITH the exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the sector

BRAZIL 1514.52 758.00 0.52 18.65 18.65
NORTH REGION 1506.36 750.57 0.81 16.80 16.80
Rondonia 1498.19 835.44 0.19 12.48 12.48
Acre 1613.45 856.35 1.10 15.39 15.39
Amazonas 1457.51 713.58 1.10 14.84 14.84
Roraima 1573.51 653.52 0.62 17.41 17.41
Para 1520.61 729.04 0.54 19.51 19.51
Amapa 1427.51 693.32 1.11 12.63 12.63
Tocantins 1523.74 801.19 1.61 16.56 16.56
NORTHEAST REGION 1418.32 766.07 0.66 18.07 18.07
Maranhão 1434.26 755.61 1.35 18.06 18.06
Piaui 1384.82 920.21 0.66 14.30 14.30
Ceara 1395.35 806.01 0.32 18.00 18.00
Rio Grande do Norte 1319.17 664.91 0.38 16.78 16.78
Paraiba 1434.64 793.24 0.46 16.64 16.64
Pernambuco 1382.32 739.08 0.54 18.81 18.81
Alagoas 1359.69 679.26 0.66 17.65 17.65
Sergipe 1348.77 716.60 0.56 20.37 20.37
Bahia 1485.45 786.23 0.68 18.83 18.83
SOUTHEAST REGION 1572.22 752.79 0.32 19.11 19.11
Minas Gerais 1465.74 806.66 0.05 20.29 20.29
Espirito Santo 1407.29 780.71 1.32 19.89 19.89
Rio de Janeiro 1675.02 763.48 0.42 19.42 19.42
São Paulo 1608.42 726.48 0.36 18.32 18.32
SOUTH REGION 1594.85 762.67 0.53 19.43 19.43
Parana 1573.04 752.29 0.64 20.88 20.88
Santa Catarina 1711.86 927.06 0.12 18.91 18.91
Rio Grande do Sul 1518.71 689.34 0.80 17.58 17.58
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1503.31 767.43 0.61 19.23 19.23
Mato Grosso do Sul 1490.96 701.25 0.69 24.47 24.47
Mato Grosso 1468.89 838.02 0.38 19.74 19.74
Goias 1485.01 784.48 0.59 16.09 16.09
Federal District 1583.41 699.27 0.87 19.58 19.58

Sinapi - December 2021
WITHOUT the exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the sector

BRAZIL 1607.45 804.00 0.49 17.90 17.90
NORTH REGION 1593.52 794.12 0.76 16.24 16.24
Rondonia 1589.12 886.07 0.18 12.05 12.05
Acre 1705.02 905.05 1.04 14.74 14.74
Amazonas 1542.51 755.41 1.04 14.46 14.46
Roraima 1673.16 694.74 0.58 16.82 16.82
Para 1607.85 770.59 0.51 18.94 18.94
Amapa 1511.84 734.28 1.05 12.23 12.23
Tocantins 1605.26 844.36 1.53 15.57 15.57
NORTHEAST REGION 1499.91 810.31 0.63 17.37 17.37
Maranhão 1518.34 800.08 1.35 17.40 17.40
Piaui 1462.51 971.72 0.63 13.69 13.69
Ceara 1474.15 850.98 0.29 17.38 17.38
Rio Grande do Norte 1394.77 702.75 0.36 16.09 16.09
Paraiba 1520.22 840.75 0.45 15.98 15.98
Pernambuco 1462.97 782.20 0.52 18.16 18.16
Alagoas 1433.99 716.60 0.63 16.74 16.74
Sergipe 1420.49 754.93 0.53 19.28 19.28
Bahia 1571.20 830.99 0.64 18.04 18.04
SOUTHEAST REGION 1672.93 800.42 0.31 18.28 18.28
Minas Gerais 1549.43 852.37 0.05 19.20 19.20
Espirito Santo 1492.02 827.66 1.36 19.01 19.01
Rio de Janeiro 1788.68 815.74 0.39 18.62 18.62
São Paulo 1715.44 774.74 0.35 17.59 17.59
SOUTH REGION 1699.84 812.74 0.50 18.76 18.76
Parana 1678.51 802.63 0.60 20.10 20.10
Santa Catarina 1832.63 992.45 0.10 18.35 18.35
Rio Grande do Sul 1607.67 729.75 0.75 16.86 16.86
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1591.94 812.60 0.58 18.53 18.53
Mato Grosso do Sul 1578.85 741.87 0.67 23.61 23.61
Mato Grosso 1554.87 886.90 0.36 18.95 18.95
Goias 1574.17 830.89 0.56 15.53 15.53
Federal District 1675.37 740.04 0.83 18.87 18.87