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National Index of Civil Construction changes 0.11% in November

December 06, 2019 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 06, 2019 03h29 PM

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) changed 0.11% in November, a decrease of 0.08 percentage points (pp) compared to the previous month (0.19%) and 0.13 pp compared to November 2018 (0.24%). This rate, the same as the one registered in May, was the lowest observed in 2019. The cumulative rate for the year was 3.80%. In the last twelve months, Sinapi posted a result of 4.03%, below the 4.17% recorded for the previous twelve months.

The national construction cost, per square meter changed to R$1,156.31, with R$606.41 related to materials and R$549.90, to labor force. In October, the price was R$1,155.01.

The share of materials recorded the lowest changed in the year, 0.17%, decreasing 0.08 percentage points in relation to previous month (0.25%) and 0.19 pp compared to November 2018 (0.36%). The share of labor force, with 0.05%, also presented decrease, of 0.06 pp in comparison to previous month and November 2018.

From January to November, the cumulative indexes are 4.67% to materials and 2.86% to labor force. In twelve months, it sums up to 5.15% (materials) and 2.81% (labor force).

Central-West has the biggest monthly change

The Central-West Region was the biggest change in November (0.45%) with high rates in three states. Northeast (0.10%), Southeast (0.08%) and South (0.14%) recorded less expressive increases. Only North recorded a negative change, of 0.08%. The regional cost, per square meter, was:  R$1,167.47 (North); R$1,065.52 (Northeast); R$1,205.14 (Southeast); R$1,222.41 (South) and R$1,163.57 (Central-West). With highs in the share of materials, and under the impact of adjustments in professional categories, Goiás, with 1.01%, was the state that recorded the biggest monthly change.

 Sinapi - November/2019
WITH exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the sector

BRAZIL              1156.31 578.68 0.11 3.80 4.03
NORTH REGION        1167.41 581.73 -0.08 4.05 4.45
Rondônia            1220.30 680.42 -0.03 5.69 6.01
Amazonas            1141.69 559.02 -0.22 5.30 5.57
Roraima             1220.83 506.99 0.07 3.96 4.58
Acre                1280.37 679.57 0.32 3.77 4.49
Pará                1154.38 553.35 -0.30 3.70 4.20
Amapá               1129.80 548.82 0.75 3.79 3.94
Tocantins           1175.86 618.19 0.34 1.24 1.44
NORTHEAST REGION    1065.52 575.57 0.10 2.71 2.97
Maranhão            1114.45 587.10 0.59 4.38 4.60
Piauí              1089.50 724.05 0.02 3.26 3.61
Ceará               1061.82 613.30 0.37 2.55 2.76
Rio Grande do Norte 1039.77 524.12 0.33 1.46 1.42
Paraíba             1097.97 607.26 0.13 1.20 1.43
Pernambuco          1035.22 553.55 -0.28 2.14 2.31
Alagoas             1043.77 521.54 0.21 2.11 2.40
Sergipe             985.01 523.43 -0.05 1.61 1.97
Bahia               1066.59 564.60 -0.11 3.08 3.49
SOUTHEAST REGION      1205.14 577.05 0.08 4.07 4.14
Minas Gerais        1104.34 607.69 0.24 6.01 6.03
Espírito Santo      1048.72 581.67 -0.08 3.50 3.51
Rio de Janeiro      1288.10 586.98 0.14 5.15 5.26
São Paulo           1245.11 562.43 -0.03 2.64 2.72
 SOUTH REGION        1222.41 584.60 0.14 5.62 6.15
Paraná             1189.87 569.00 0.12 5.13 5.60
Santa Catarina      1330.98 720.92 0.38 6.65 7.19
Rio Grande do Sul   1172.38 532.13 -0.09 5.33 5.94
 CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1163.57 593.99 0.45 3.49 3.73
Mato Grosso do Sul 1115.32 524.54 -0.08 2.08 2.18
Mato Grosso         1147.27 654.51 0.45 1.86 2.34
Goiás               1157.34 611.39 1.01 5.53 5.79
Federal District  1227.18 541.99 0.07 3.82 3.80


Sinapi - November/2019
WITHOUT the exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the sector

BRAZIL  1240.89 620.73 0.11 3.75 3.96
NORTH REGION      1247.01 621.47 -0.07 4.05 4.43
Rondônia            1304.47 727.35 -0.06 5.93 6.24
Acre                1368.37 726.28 0.33 3.84 4.51
Amazonas            1220.35 597.74 -0.21 5.24 5.50
Roraima             1312.02 544.78 0.07 3.81 4.38
Pará                1231.74 590.20 -0.28 3.69 4.16
Amapá               1205.81 585.60 0.73 3.86 4.01
Tocantins           1256.06 660.63 0.37 1.23 1.43
NORTHEAST REGION     1139.52 615.55 0.10 2.77 3.02
Maranhão            1189.74 626.97 0.55 4.33 4.51
Piauí            1161.87 771.93 0.02 3.29 3.62
Ceará               1133.24 654.07 0.35 2.75 2.94
Rio Grande do Norte 1109.78 559.22 0.28 1.36 1.32
Paraíba             1170.71 647.40 0.12 1.12 1.35
Pernambuco          1108.30 592.42 -0.26 2.19 2.34
Alagoas             1116.30 557.78 0.19 2.27 2.66
Sergipe             1054.72 560.59 -0.05 1.73 2.06
Bahia               1144.12 605.14 -0.11 3.08 3.46
SOUTHEAST REGION      1297.29 620.68 0.07 3.84 3.89
Minas Gerais        1183.22 650.88 0.23 5.85 5.87
Espírito Santo      1126.61 624.97 -0.08 3.60 3.61
Rio de Janeiro      1390.13 633.90 0.13 4.96 5.05
São Paulo           1342.44 606.35 -0.03 2.39 2.44
SOUTH REGION         1317.49 629.96 0.14 5.62 6.12
Paraná              1285.78 614.89 0.10 5.09 5.54
Santa Catarina      1438.12 778.95 0.41 6.60 7.13
Rio Grande do Sul   1254.48 569.47 -0.08 5.44 6.06
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1243.58 634.81 0.48 3.51 3.72
Mato Grosso do Sul 1194.00 561.08 -0.04 2.28 2.38
Mato Grosso         1226.58 699.65 0.42 1.66 2.11
Goiás               1236.41 652.59 1.10 5.63 5.84
Federal District   1310.36 578.77 0.08 3.93 3.88