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IBGE releases per capita household earnings 2024 for Brazil and Federation Units

February 28, 2025 10h00 AM | Last Updated: February 28, 2025 11h55 AM

The IBGE released today the values of the per capita household earnings related to 2024 for Brazil and Federation Units, based on the Continuous National Household Sample Survey (Continuous PNAD). The per capita household earnings for Brazil were R$2,069, varying from R$1,077 in Maranhão to R$3,444 in the Federal District.

This release complies with Complementary Law 143/2013, which establishes the new criteria for sharing the State and Federal District Revenue Sharing Fund (FPE) and, as a consequence, with the values to be sent to the Brazilian Court of Audit (TCU) to calculate the factors representing the reverse of the per capita household earnings.

The per capita household earnings were calculated as the ratio between the total household earnings – in nominal terms – and the total number of residents. Earnings from labor and other sources are taken into account in this computation. Every resident is taken into account in the computation, including those classified as pensioners, domestic workers and their relatives.

The values were obtained from the gross earnings from labor and other sources, effectively received in the reference month of the survey, by accruing the information of the first visits of the Continuous PNAD made in the first, second, third and fourth quarters of 2024.

Per capita monthly nominal household earnings of the resident population, according to Federation Units - 2024
Federation Units Per capita monthly nominal earnings of the resident population (R$)
Brazil                                       2,069
Rondônia                                        1,717
Acre                                       1,271
Amazonas                                       1,238
Roraima(1)                                       1,538
Pará                                        1,344
Amapá                                       1,514
Tocantins                                       1,737
Maranhão                                       1,077
Piauí                                       1,350
Ceará                                       1,225
Rio Grande do Norte                                       1,616
Paraíba                                       1,401
Pernambuco                                       1,453
Alagoas                                       1,331
Sergipe                                       1,473
Bahia                                       1,366
Minas Gerais                           2,001
Espírito Santo                                       2,111
Rio de Janeiro                                       2,490
São Paulo                                       2,662
Paraná  2,482
Santa Catarina                                       2,601
Rio Grande do Sul                                       2,608
Mato Grosso do Sul                                 2,169
Mato Grosso 2,276
Goiás 2,098
Federal District 3,444
Source: IBGE, Directorate of Surveys, Division of Household Sample Surveys, Continuous National Household Sample Survey - Continuous PNAD - 2024.
Note (1): According to the Writ of Mandamus - Lawsuit: 1000261-89.2020.4.01.4200, the value for Roraima is R$1,445.

Carried out by the IBGE since January 2012, the Continuous PNAD is a sample household survey that follows the quarterly movements and the evolution of the workforce, among other information required to study the socioeconomic development of Brazil.

In the specific case of earnings, information related to labor is collected in every visit, while information related to other sources of earnings, in the first and fifth visits to the households. The first visit to the households is used for annual computation of the per capita household earnings based on the Continuous PNAD.

In 2020 and 2021, the use rate of the data collection significantly dropped, especially in the first visit to the households. The drop in the use rates of the interviews over the last years reflected the outstanding context, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic these years and the procedures adopted to mitigate the losses of information due to the pandemic, social distancing and access to households by interviewers.
From 2022 onwards, the use rate of the interviews began to recover and consolidated in 2023.

Therefore, the fifth visit to the households was adopted in 2020, 2021 and 2022 to compute the per capita household earnings as an alternative to the previous pattern (first visit), temporarily suspended due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

With the return of the use level of the samples in 2023, the computation of the per capita household earnings resumed the first visit to the households.