Continuous PNAD: unemployment rate is 6.5% and labor underutilization rate is 15.5% in the quarter ended in January
February 27, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: February 27, 2025 02h54 PM
The unemployment rate (6.5%) in the quarter ended in January 2025 changed 0.3 percentage points (pp) against the quarter from August to October 2024 (6.2%) and fell 1.1 pp. against the moving quarter from November 2023 to January 2024 (7.6%).
Indicator/Period | Nov-Dec-Jan 2025 | Aug-Sept-Oct 2024 | Nov-Dec-Jan 2024 |
Unemloyment rate | 6.5% | 6.2% | 7.6% |
Labor Underutilization Rate | 15.5% | 15.4% | 17.6% |
Usual Real Earnings | R$3.343 | R$3.298 | R$3.224 |
Change of Usual Earnings in relation to: | 1.4% | 3.7% |
The unemployed population (7.2 million) rose 5.3% in relation to the quarter from August to October 2024 (6.8 million). But it fell 13.1% (1.1 million less unemployed persons) compared with the same quarter a year ago (8.3 million).
The employed population (103.0 million) dropped by 0.6% (641 thousand less persons) in the quarter and increased by 2.4% (2.4 million more persons) in the year. The employment-population ratio - percentage of employed persons in the population at working age - fell to 58.2%, decreasing 0.5 pp. in the quarter (58.7%) and changing 0.9 pp. in the year (57.3%).
The composite underutilization rate (15.5%) showed stability in the quarter and fell by 2.0 pp in the year (17.6%). The underutilized population (18.1 million) stood stable in the quarter (17.9 million) and dropped 11.0% (2.2 million less persons) in the year (20.3 million).
The time-related underemployed population (4.7 million) fell in both comparisons: 8.3% (428 thousand less thousand persons) and 10.8% in the year (569 thousand less persons). The population out of the workforce (66.8 million) incresaed 1.0% (640 thousand more persons) in the quarter and presented stability in the year.
The discouraged population (3.2 million) grew 4.8% in the quarter (147 thousand more persons) and dropped 10.9% (389 thousand less persons) in the year. The percentage of discouraged persons (2.8%) changed 0.1 pp in the quarter (2.7 pp) and decreased 0.4 pp. in the year (3.2 pp).
The number of persons employed in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers) was 33.0 million persons. There was stability in the quarter and high of 3.6% (1.4 million more persons) in the year. The number of persons employed without a formal contract in the private sector (13.9 million) fell in the quarter (553 thousand less persons) and grew 3.2% (436 thousand more persons) in the year.
The number of workers in the public sector (12.5 million) shrank by 2.8% in the quarter and increased by 2.9% (352 thousand more persons) in the year.
The number of self-employed workers (25.8 million persons) remained stable in both comparisons. The number of domestic workers (5.8 million) decreased 2.4% in the quarter and remained stable in the year.
The informality rate was 38.3% of the employed population (or 39.5 million informal workers) against 38.9% (or 40.3 million) in the quarter ended in October and 39.0% (or 39.2 million) in the the quarter from November 2023 to January 2024.
Usual real earnings from all jobs (R$3,343) grew 1.4% in the quarter and 3.7% in the year. The average usual real wage bill (R$339.5 billion) held steady against the previous quarter and grew 6.2% (or R$19.9 billion more) in the year.
Unemployment rate - Brazil -2012/2025
The workforce (employed and unemployed persons) in the quarter from November 2024 to January 2025 reached 110.2 million persons, remaining stable over the quarter from August to October 2024 and growing 1.2% (1.3 million more persons) over the same moving quarter in the previous year.
Concerning the groups of activity over the quarter from August to October 2024, the analysis pointed out a lack of growth in every category. Agriculture, livestock, forestry, fishery and aquaculture (2.1% or 170 thousand less persons) and Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (2.5% or 469 thousand less persons) showed reduction.
Five groups grew against the quarter from November 2023 to January 2024: Overall Industry (2.7% or 355 thousand more persons), Construction (3.3% or 246 thousand more persons), Trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (3.4% or 654 thousand more persons), Information, communication and financial, real estate, professional and administrative activities (2.9% or 373 thousand more persons) and Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (2.9% or more 523 thousand more persons). The other groups did not change significantly.
Composite underutilization rate – Quarters from November to January – Brazil - 2012 to 2025 (%)
O rendimento médio mensal real habitualmente recebido no trabalho principal, segundo os grupamentos de atividade, do trimestre móvel de novembro de 2024 a janeiro de 2025, em relação ao trimestre de agosto a outubro de 2024, mostrou aumento em três categorias: Administração pública, defesa, seguridade social, educação, saúde humana e serviços sociais (2,7%, ou mais R$ 122), Outros serviços (6,8%, ou mais R$ 171) e Serviços domésticos (2,3%, ou mais R$ 29). The other groups did not change significantly.
The comparison with the quarter from November 2023 to January 2024 showed an increase in the categories: Industry (4.1% or R$222 more), Construction (5.9%, R$ 143 more), Transportation, storage and mailing (4.4% or R$133 more), Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (2.5% or R$111 more), Other services (9.3% or R$229 more) and Domestic services (3.1%, or R$ 38 more). The other groups did not change significantly.
The analysis of the real monthly average earnings by employment type of the moving quarter from November 2024 to January 2025 over the quarter from August to October 2024 showed an increase in two categories: Domestic workers (2.3% or R$29 more) and Persons employed in the public sector (including statutory servants and the military) (3.6% or R$ 175 more). The other categories did not record significant changes.
The comparison with the quarter from November 2023 to January 2024 pointed out an increase in four categories: Persons employed with a formal contract (3.2% or R$ 96 more), Domestic workers (3.1% or R$ 38 more), Persons employed in the public sector (including statutory servants and the military) (3.0% or R$146 more) and Self-employed workers (5.3% or R$138 more).