In November, industry drops in nine of the 15 areas surveyed
January 14, 2025 09h00 AM | Last Updated: January 14, 2025 03h22 PM
In November 2024, national industrial production decreased by 0.6% from October, in the seasonally adjusted series, and nine of the 15 areas surveyed recorded negative rates.
Espírito Santo (-7.2%) and São Paulo (-4.7%) recorded the main drops. Pará (4.4%), Amazonas (2.7%) and Pernambuco (2.6%) recorded the main increases.
The quarterly moving average was null (0.0%), with positive results in five of the 15 areas surveyed, where Pará (3.6%), Mato Grosso (2.2%) and Goiás (1.3%) stood out. On the other hand, Espírito Santo (-2.1%), Minas Gerais (-1.3%) and Ceará (-1.0%) recorded the main drops in November 2024.
Against the same month a year ago, industry increased by 1.7% in November 2024, with positive results in 10 of the 18 areas surveyed. The main ones were found in Pará (17.7%), Mato Grosso (15.2%), Pernambuco (15.1%), Amazonas (13.5%) and Rio Grande do Norte (10.3%).
As for the cumulative index in 2024, the growth of national industry (3.2%) included positive results in 17 of the 18 areas surveyed. Rio Grande do Norte (10.6%), Ceará (8.3%) and Santa Catarina (7,3%) registered the main increases.
Short-Term Indicators of Industry Regional Results November 2024 |
Areas | Change (%) | |||
November 2024/ October 2024* |
November 2024/ November 2023 |
Cumulative in January-November | Cumulative in the last 12 months | |
Amazonas | 2.7 | 13.5 | 3.0 | 2.7 |
Pará | 4.4 | 17.7 | 6.0 | 6.7 |
Região Nordeste | 0.0 | 4.7 | 2.3 | 2.3 |
Maranhão | - | -4.8 | 3.2 | 2.7 |
Ceará | -1.1 | 5.2 | 8.3 | 8.1 |
Rio Grande do Norte | - | 10.3 | 10.6 | 11.8 |
Pernambuco | 2.6 | 15.1 | 4.1 | 5.0 |
Bahia | -0.6 | -1.2 | 2.6 | 2.7 |
Minas Gerais | -2,6 | 0,0 | 2.9 | 3.2 |
Espírito Santo | -7.2 | -11.7 | -0.8 | 1.4 |
Rio de Janeiro | 1.3 | -8.3 | 0.6 | 1.0 |
São Paulo | -4.7 | -2.7 | 3.4 | 3.0 |
Paraná | -1.8 | 4.9 | 4.2 | 3.8 |
Santa Catarina | -0.6 | 7.1 | 7.3 | 7.0 |
Rio Grande do Sul | -0.8 | 1.3 | 0.3 | -0.4 |
Mato Grosso do Sul | - | -3.2 | 4.7 | 3.9 |
Mato Grosso | 0.0 | 15.2 | 4.9 | 4.8 |
Goiás | -0.7 | -2.5 | 3.1 | 4.1 |
Brazil | -0.6 | 1.7 | 3.2 | 3.0 |
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Estatísticas Conjunturais em Empresas *Seasonally-adjusted series |
Nine of the 15 areas surveyed had negative rates in November, in the seasonally adjusted series. Espírito Santo (-7.2%) and São Paulo (-4.7%) accounted for the main drops. The former intensified the decrease of 1.3% of last October, and the latter eliminated the cumulative increase, 3.4%, of September and October 2024.
Minas Gerais (-2.6%), Paraná (-1.8%), Ceará (-1.1%), Rio Grande do Sul (-0.8%) and Goiás (-0.7%) also recorded negative results below the national average (-0.6%).
Santa Catarina (-0.6%) and Bahia (-0.6%) complete the group of areas with negative results in November 2024.
Mato Grosso and Northeast Region, both with null change (0.0%), repeated the level of production registered in October 2024.
On the other hand, Pará (4.4%), Amazonas (2.7%) and Pernambuco (2.6%) recorded the main drops in the month, with the former recording an increase of 12.8% in two consecutive months with increase in production, and the latter interrupting a sequence of three months with negative rates, with drops of 5.2% and 4.8, respectively. Rio de Janeiro, with an increase of 1.3%, also recorded a positive result in November 2024.
The quarterly moving average had null change (0.0%) in the quarter ended November 2024 from the level of a month ago, following results of 0.3% in October and -0.1% in September 2024. Five of the 15 areas surveyed recorded positive rates in November, with the main increases observed in Pará (3.6%), Mato Grosso (2.2%) and Goiás (1.3%).
On the other hand, Espírito Santo (-2.1%), Minas Gerais (-1.3%) and Ceará (-1.0%) accounted for the main drops in November 2024.
Against November 2023, industry grew by 1.7% in November 2024, with positive rates in 10 of 18 areas surveyed. It is worth mentioning that November 2024 (19 days) had 1 business day less than the same month a year ago (20).
Pará (17.7%), Mato Grosso (15.2%), Pernambuco (15.1%), Amazonas (13.5%) and Rio Grande do Norte (10.3%) recorded two digit increases, the highest this month, mainly due to mining and quarrying industry (manganese and iron ore – raw or processed), in the first location; food products (fresh or cooled beef, refined or crude soybean oil, residue from soybean oil extraction, frozen poultry meat and giblets and granulated sugar) and coke, petroleum products and biofuels (ethyl alcohol), in the second; coke, petroleum products and biofuels (diesel) and motor vehicles, trailers and bodies (cars, car pieces and vehicles for the transportation of goods), in the third one; computer equipment, electronic and optical products (television sets, mobile telephones, printed circuit boards for computer use and apparatuses for voice, image or data reception, conversion and transmission), in the fourth one; and coke, petroleum products and biofuels (diesel and aviation kerosene), in the last one.
Santa Catarina (7.1%), Ceará (5.2%), Paraná (4.9%) and Northeast Region (4.7%) also recorded positive rates above the national average (1.7%), whereas Rio Grande do Sul (1.3%) completed the group of areas with increase in production regarding the monthly index of November 2024. Minas Gerais, with a null change (0.0%), repeated the level of November 2023.
On the other hand, Espírito Santo (-11.7%) and Rio de Janeiro (-8.3%) had the highest drops in November 2024, mainly due to the activities of mining and quarrying industry (crude oil and natural gas), in the former; and mining and quarrying industry (crude oil and natural gas) and coke, petroleum products and biofuels (LP gas, fuel oils, aviation kerosene and naphtha), in the latter.
Maranhão (-4,8%), Mato Grosso do Sul (-3,2%), São Paulo (-2,7%), Goiás (-2,5%) e Bahia (-1,2%) também mostraram resultados negativos no índice mensal de novembro de 2024.
In the comparison between results of the second quadrimester in the year and the period of September-November 2024, both comparisons against similar period a year ago, 10 of the 18 areas surveyed increased in dynamism, following the movement observed in the national total, with a change from 2.6% to 3.7%. In regional terms, Mato Grosso (from -0.2% to 10.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (from -5.1% to 2.4%), Pernambuco (from 1.9% to 8.6%), Amazonas (from -0.5% to 4.2%), Northeast Region (from 2.7% to 5.4%), Espírito Santo (from -5.5% to -3.0%) and Santa Catarina (from 6.5% to 8.6%) recorded the main increases, whereas Rio de Janeiro (from 1.4% to -6.5%), Maranhão (from 5,6% to 2.0%), Ceará (from 10.1% to 6.7%), Rio Grande do Norte (from 4.2% to 2.1%) and São Paulo (from 3.7% to 2.1%) accounted for the main drops between the two periods.
As for the cumulative index in the year, against the same period a year ago, there was an increase of 3.2%, with positive results in 17 of the 18 areas surveyed. Rio Grande do Norte (10.6%), Ceará (8.3%) and Santa Catarina (7.3%) recorded the biggest cumulative increases in 11 months of 2024.
Pará (6.0%), Mato Grosso (4.9%), Mato Grosso do Sul (4.7%), Paraná (4.2%), Pernambuco (4.1%) and São Paulo (3. 4%) also recorded higher positive rates in relation to the national average (3.2%), whereas Maranhão (3.2%), Goiás (3.1%), Amazonas (3.0%), Minas Gerais (2.9%), Bahia (2.6%), Northeast Region (2.3%), Rio de Janeiro (0,6%) and Rio Grande do Sul (0,3%) completed the group of areas with increase in the cumulative index in the year.
On the other hand, Espírito Santo, with a drop of 0.8%, recorded the only negative result for the cumulative index in the period January-November 2024.
The cumulative index in 12 months, with an increase of 3.0% in November 2024, repeated the result of October, and had, therefore, a higher pace of increase than in previous months.
In regional terms, 17 of the eighteen areas surveyed had positive rates in November 2024,but only nine with increased dynamism from last October: Amazonas (from 0.9% to 2.7%), Pernambuco (from 3.6% to 5.0%), Rio Grande do Norte (from 10.8% to 11.8%), Rio Grande do Sul (from -0.9% to -0.4%) and Pará (from 6.2% to 6.7%) accounted for the main increases from October to November 2024, whereas Espírito Santo (from 3.8% to 1.4%), Rio de Janeiro (from 2.8% to 1.0%), Goiás (from 5.7% to 4.1%), Maranhão (from 3.8% to 2.7%), Bahia (from 3.5% to 2.7%) and Paraná (from 4.5% to 3.8%) recorded the main decreases between the two periods.