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Em novembro, Índice Nacional da Construção Civil varia 0,24% (2)

December 10, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 10, 2024 01h48 PM

The National Index of Civil Construction (SINAPI) changed by 0.24% in November, 0.29 percentage points below the October index (0.53%). The cumulative result over the last 12 months was 4.03%, a result above the 3.86% recorded in the preceding 12 months. The index for November 2023 was 0.08%.

The national construction cost, per square meter, went from R$1,782.51 in October to R$1,786.82 in November, with R$1,031.57 related to materials and R$755.25 to labor force.

The portion of materials with a rate of 0.41% fell by 0.38 percentage points compared to the previous month (0.79%). This rate represents the fourth highest one recorded in the year. Compared to November 2023 (0.08%), there was an increase of 0.33 percentage points.

Labor force, without agreements signed during the period, registered a rate of 0.01%, falling both in relation to the previous month (0.16%) and to November 2023 (0.08%), totaling 0.15 and 0.07 percentage points, respectively.

From January to November, the cumulative figures were: 2.98% (materials) and 4.83% (labor force). The cumulative figures in twelve months were 3.25% (materials) and 5.09% (labor force), respectively.

Southeast Region records the highest monthly change in November

The Southeast Region, with an increase in the share of materials in all states, had the highest regional change in November, 0.30%. The other regions presented the following results: 0.16% (North), 0.22% (Northeast), 0.26% (South) and 0.10% (Central-West)

In November, Espírito Santo records the highest increase

With an increase in materials, Espírito Santo was the state with the highest rate in November, 0.68%.

SINAPI – November 2024

BRAZIL              1786.82 894.44 0.24 3.76 4.03
NORTH REGION        1852.56 923.04 0.16 4.52 4.85
Rondônia            1983.25 1105.83 0.63 8.77 9.06
Acre                1963.94 1042.17 0.40 4.70 4.76
Amazonas            1825.28 893.40 0.06 1.79 2.18
Roraima             1987.66 825.51 0.40 6.12 7.09
Pará                1821.75 873.53 0.09 5.15 5.53
Amapá               1779.71 864.41 0.29 4.89 4.79
Tocantins           1883.32 990.23 -0.16 4.29 4.33
NORTHEAST REGION   1661.51 897.57 0.22 3.92 4.14
Maranhão            1731.30 912.32 0.21 4.68 5.05
Piauí               1663.61 1105.65 0.40 3.02 5.54
Ceará               1662.95 960.65 0.06 5.14 5.33
Rio Grande do Norte 1685.06 849.38 0.44 4.14 4.56
Paraiba             1724.84 953.88 0.49 4.45 4.52
Pernambuco          1600.23 855.45 0.21 1.96 1.89
Alagoas             1605.19 801.76 0.51 2.66 2.70
Sergipe             1592.84 846.30 0.04 4.13 4.66
Bahia               1660.01 878.75 0.17 4.12 4.03
SOUTHEAST REGION      1833.32 877.58 0.30 3.91 4.06
Minas Gerais        1684.62 927.02 0.53 4.51 4.56
Espirito Santo      1626.78 902.61 0.68 3.06 2.93
Rio de Janeiro      1968.41 897.17 0.11 3.92 3.95
São Paulo           1885.33 851.24 0.24 3.66 3.91
SOUTH REGION          1906.57 911.91 0.26 3.48 3.74
Paraná              1913.78 915.15 0.38 4.89 5.29
Santa Catarina      2027.09 1097.49 0.31 2.00 2.14
Rio Grande do Sul   1778.27 806.91 -0.03 2.52 2.69
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1795.33 916.24 0.10 2.28 3.20
Mato Grosso do Sul 1737.50 817.29 -0.22 2.11 2.29
Mato Grosso         1845.92 1052.81 0.24 2.45 4.89
Goiás               1754.52 926.76 0.25 2.66 2.86
Federal District  1824.24 805.78 -0.07 1.77 2.12

SINAPI – November 2024
WITHOUT payroll exemption

BRAZIL              1902.88 951.55 0.23 3.81 4.08
NORTH REGION        1961.89 977.65 0.14 4.60 4.91
Rondônia            2104.73 1173.44 0.60 9.02 9.30
Acre                2076.76 1102.36 0.38 4.89 4.95
Amazonas            1937.40 948.72 0.06 2.03 2.39
Roraima             2110.66 876.43 0.39 6.15 7.09
Pará                1926.36 923.49 0.06 5.11 5.46
Amapá               1883.97 915.25 0.27 4.92 4.85
Tocantins           1993.33 1048.41 -0.15 4.34 4.39
NORTHEAST REGION 1763.40 952.42 0.21 3.94 4.17
Maranhão            1835.89 967.45 0.18 4.69 5.07
Piauí               1761.65 1170.70 0.40 2.94 5.68
Ceará               1761.21 1016.78 0.04 5.18 5.36
Rio Grande do Norte 1785.60 899.80 0.44 4.12 4.52
Paraíba             1830.15 1011.89 0.48 4.51 4.60
Pernambuco          1701.01 909.71 0.20 2.15 2.08
Alagoas             1700.35 849.72 0.49 2.58 2.64
Sergipe             1688.65 897.46 0.04 4.22 4.72
Bahia               1765.33 933.65 0.16 4.17 4.10
SOUTHEAST REGION      1958.87 937.17 0.28 3.93 4.08
Minas Gerais        1788.77 983.89 0.48 4.48 4.56
Espírito Santo      1731.06 960.46 0.66 3.26 3.15
Rio de Janeiro      2110.18 962.43 0.10 3.97 4.00
São Paulo           2018.97 911.78 0.23 3.70 3.94
SOUTH REGION         2037.99 974.59 0.25 3.68 3.91
Paraná              2049.60 980.04 0.35 5.10 5.48
Santa Catarina      2171.58 1176.15 0.33 2.31 2.36
Rio Grande do Sul   1889.76 857.98 -0.03 2.65 2.80
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1906.15 972.86 0.08 2.35 3.32
Mato Grosso do Sul 1846.17 867.77 -0.21 2.29 2.46
Mato Grosso         1954.85 1115.33 0.18 2.29 4.96
Goiás               1866.90 985.26 0.24 2.84 3.01
Federal District 1936.93 855.73 -0.07 1.88 2.22