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IPCA of November was 0.39%

December 10, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 11, 2024 12h11 AM

The Extended National Consumer Price Index (IPCA) in November was 0.39% and stood at 0.17 percentage points below the October rate (0.56%). In the year, cumulative IPCA is 4.29% and, in the last 12 months, 4.87%, above the 4.76% observed in the immediately previous 12 months. In November 2023, the change had been of 0.28%.

November 2024 0.39%
October 2024 0.56%
November 2023 0.28%
Cumulative in the year 4.29%
Cumulative in the last 12 months 4.87%

Three of the nine groups of products and services surveyed increased in November. The biggest change (1.55%) and the main impact (0.33 p.p.) came from Food and beverages. It was followed by Transportation (0.89% and 0.18 p.p.) and Personal expenses (1.43% and 0.14 p.p.). The main negative impact (-0.24 p.p.) was observed in Housing (-1.53%). The other groups stood between the drops of 0.04% in Education and of 0.31% in Household appliances.

Group Change (%) Impact (p.p.)
October November October November
General Index 0,56 0,39 0,56 0,39
Food and beverages 1,06 1,55 0,23 0,33
Housing 1,49 -1,53 0,23 -0,24
Household appliances 0,43 -0,31 0,02 -0,01
Wearing apparel 0,37 -0,12 0,02 0,00
Transportation -0,38 0,89 -0,08 0,18
Health and personal care 0,38 -0,06 0,05 -0,01
Personal expenses  0,70 1,43 0,07 0,14
Education 0,04 -0,04 0,00 0,00
Communication 0,52 -0,10 0,02 0,00
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Índices de Preços    

In Food and beverages (1,55%), food at home changed from 1.22% in October to 1.81% in November. The prices of beef (8.02%) rose, among which the following cuts stood out: rump steak (9.31%), chuck (8.57%), striploin (7.83%) and rib (7.83%). Rise was also observed in soybean oil (11.00%) and ground coffee (2.33%). Drops were observe in mango (-16.26%), onion (-6.26%) and long life milk (-1.72%). 

The change in food away from home (0.88%) recorded a change above that of a month ago (0.65%). Meals accelerated 0.53% in October, 0.78% in November, whereas snacks changed from 0.88% in October to 1.11% in November. 

In the group Transportation (0.89% and 0.18 p.p.), the subitem airfare rose 22.65% and accounted for 0.13 p.p. of the monthly index. Fuels fell -0.15%, driven by fall of ethanol (-0.19%) and gasoline (-0.16%). Vehicle gas (0.09%) and diesel (0.03%) recorded positive changes. 

Also in Transportation, the subitem urban bus rose by 3.64%, after free fares were granted to the population on the day of municipal elections in several areas of coverage in the month of October. In São Paulo, there were drops of -0.43% in train and subway fares, resulting from the free fares granted to the entire population on the day of ENEM (university entrance) tests. 

In Personal expenses (1.43% and 0.14 p.p.), the result was mainly influenced by cigarettes (14.91% and 0.07 p.p.). On November 1st, there was an increase of the specific share of Excise Tax – IPI incident on cigarettes. Increases were also observed in the subitems tourism packages (4.12%) and accommodation (2.20%).

In Housing (-1.53% and -0.24 p.p.), residential electricity dropped 6.27% in November, with the charge of the yellow tariff flag, which started on November 1st, which added R$ 1.885 to each 100 kWh consumed. Also, there were the following adjustments: 4.97% in Goiânia (-2.13%), since October 22; a drop of 2.98% in Brasília (-9.30%), since October 22; and a drop of 2.88% in one of the concessionaires in São Paulo (-7.23%), since October 23.

Also in Housing, in the subitem water and sewage rate (0.04%), there was an average adjustment of 32.77% in Rio Branco (32.77%), applied on January 5 and that had not been added to the index. In piped gas (-0.15%), there was a drop of 0.51% in fares in Rio de Janeiro (-0.48%), since November 1st. 

By area, the biggest change was observed in Rio Branco (0.92%), influenced by the rise of beef (8.04%). On the other hand, the smallest change was observed in Porto Alegre (0.03%), due to the drop in residential electricity (-7.67%).

Area  Regional Weight (%) Change (%) Cumulative Change (%)
October November Year 12 months
Rio Branco 0,51 0,55 0,92 4,36 5,30
Campo Grande 1,57 0,70 0,63 4,61 5,06
Belo Horizonte 9,69 0,50 0,57 5,70 6,54
Rio de Janeiro 9,43 0,60 0,49 4,09 4,76
Belém 3,94 0,78 0,46 4,04 4,80
Fortaleza 3,23 0,46 0,44 4,24 5,10
Recife 3,92 0,50 0,42 4,00 4,22
Goiânia 4,17 0,80 0,41 4,72 5,18
São Paulo 32,28 0,67 0,40 4,47 5,04
Curitiba 8,09 0,42 0,39 3,95 4,22
São Luís 1,62 0,57 0,33 5,76 6,22
Brasília 4,06 0,68 0,30 3,66 4,47
Salvador 5,99 0,48 0,28 3,75 4,62
Aracaju 1,03 0,11 0,24 4,12 3,82
Vitória 1,86 0,50 0,16 3,73 4,32
Porto Alegre 8,61 0,16 0,03 3,05 3,49
Brazil 100,00 0,56 0,39 4,29 4,87
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Índices de Preços     

In order to estimate the index of the month, the prices collected from October 30 to November 28, 2024 (reference) were compared with the prices in force from September 28 to October 29, 2024 (base). The IPCA has been calculated by the IBGE since 1980. It refers to households with monthly income of 1 to 40 minimum wages, whatever the source and encompasses ten metropolitan areas in Brazil, besides the municipalities of Goiânia, Campo Grande, Rio Branco, São Luís, Aracaju and Brasília.

INPC increases by 0.33% in November

The National Consumer Price Index - INPC rose by 0.33% in November, 0.28 p.p. below the result observed in October (0.61%). In the year, the cumulative INPC is 4.27% and, nin the last 12 months, is 4.84%, above the 4.60% observed in the immediately previous 12 months. In November 2023, the rate was 0.10%.

Food products increased for the third consecutive month, accelerating from 1.11% in October to 1.62% in November. In turn, non food products dropped 0.08%, after an increase of 0.45% in October.

As for regional indexes, Rio Branco registered the biggest change (0.89%), due to the rise of beef (8.61%) and gasoline (2.20%). The lowest change was observed in Porto Alegre (-0.02%), due to the drops in the prices of residential electricity (-7.61%) and gasoline (-1.64%).

Area Regional Weight (%) Change (%) Cumulative Change (%)
October November Year 12 months
Rio Branco 0,72 0,64 0,89 4,77 5,55
Campo Grande 1,73 0,77 0,75 4,66 5,04
Rio de Janeiro 9,38 0,61 0,57 3,94 4,68
Goiânia 4,43 0,94 0,52 5,01 5,64
Belo Horizonte 10,35 0,48 0,48 5,85 6,74
Fortaleza 5,16 0,41 0,47 4,16 5,03
São Luís 3,47 0,55 0,33 5,54 6,02
Recife 5,60 0,40 0,33 3,68 3,95
Salvador 7,92 0,53 0,30 3,51 4,34
Curitiba 7,37 0,52 0,29 4,17 4,42
Aracaju 1,29 0,09 0,28 4,21 3,98
Belém 6,95 0,69 0,27 4,12 4,76
São Paulo 24,60 0,87 0,24 4,25 4,74
Brasília 1,97 0,89 0,15 3,97 4,60
Vitória 1,91 0,58 -0,01 4,00 4,42
Porto Alegre 7,15 0,18 -0,02 3,23 3,68
Brazil 100,00 0,61 0,33 4,27 4,84
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Índices de Preços     

In order to estimate the index of the month, the prices collected from October 30 to November 28, 2024 (reference) were compared with the prices in force from September 28 to October 29, 2024 (base). The INPC has been calculated by the IBGE since 1979. It refers to households with monthly income of 1 to 5 minimum wages, with a salaried head of the household. It encompasses ten metropolitan areas in Brazil, besides the municipalities of Goiânia, Campo Grande, Rio Branco, São Luís, Aracaju and Brasília.