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Volume of services changes by -0.4% in August

October 11, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 12, 2024 01h46 AM

InAugust 2024, volume of services in Brazil recorded a negative change of 0.4% from July, in the non-adjusted series, after an increase of 1.6% in the period June-July.

Period Change (%)
 Volume  Nominal Revenue
August 24 / July 24* -0.4 0.1
August 24 / August 23 1.7 7.5
umulative in January-August 2.7 7.5
Cumulative in the last 12 months 1.9 6.7
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Estatísticas Conjunturais em Empresas    *seasonally adjusted series  

As a result, the services sector is 15.0% above the level of February 2020 (pre-pandemic) and 0.4% below that of July 2024 (peak of the time series).

In the non-adjusted series, against August 2023, volume of services recorded an increase of 1.7% in August 2024, the fifth consecutive positive result.

As for the cumulative index in the year, volume of services recorded an increase of 2.7% from the same period in 2023.

The cumulative index in the last 12 months, having advanced by 1.9% in August, repeated the rates of June and July 2024.

Monthly Survey of Services
Indicators of Volume of Services, dissemination activities
August 2024 - Change (%)
Dissemination Activities Month/Previous
month (1)
Monthly (2) Cumulative
in the year (3)
12 months (4)
Volume of Services - Brazil 1,4 0,2 -0,4 1,8 4,0 1,7 2,6 2,8 2,7 1,9 1,9 1,9
1. Services rendered to households 0,5 0,1 0,8 4,5 2,0 7,1 4,7 4,3 4,6 4,3 4,0 4,6
1.1 Lodging and feeding services 0,7 0,2 0,8 5,2 1,6 7,6 4,8 4,3 4,7 4,5 4,1 4,8
   1.1.1 Lodging  -  -  - 4,4 -2,8 1,5 2,6 1,8 1,7 3,8 3,4 3,3
   1.1.2 Feeding  -  -  - 5,3 2,9 9,1 5,4 5,0 5,6 4,3 4,1 4,9
1.2 Other services rendered to households 2,7 -0,6 0,8 0,5 4,5 4,2 4,1 4,1 4,1 3,1 3,3 3,6
2. Information and communication services 1,5 2,1 -1,0 4,4 9,3 6,9 5,1 5,7 5,8 3,4 3,8 4,2
2.1 Information and communication technology services (ICT) 0,4 2,8 -1,2 4,6 8,6 7,8 5,3 5,8 6,0 3,9 4,2 4,7
2.1.1 Telecommunications 0,4 1,1 -1,0 5,7 6,5 5,4 5,1 5,3 5,3 4,9 5,0 5,3
2.1.2 Information technology services 0,6 3,0 0,7 3,4 10,9 10,3 5,6 6,4 6,9 2,9 3,4 4,1
2.2 Audiovisual services 2,1 7,4 -6,6 3,1 14,8 0,1 3,1 4,7 4,1 -0,2 1,2 0,6
3. Professional, administrative anf complementary services 1,6 -0,5 0,0 6,8 9,0 1,9 8,3 8,4 7,5 7,5 8,0 7,4
3.1 Technical professional services -0,4 1,6 -1,3 16,9 23,1 4,0 22,6 22,7 19,9 17,6 19,0 17,5
3.2 Administrative and complememtary services 2,5 -1,6 1,0 0,4 0,5 0,3 -0,5 -0,4 -0,3 0,9 0,6 0,4
   3.2.1 Non real estate rentals 0,3 1,7 1,9 2,6 3,9 5,2 4,2 4,2 4,3 9,8 8,7 7,8
   3.2.2 Support services to business activities 5,1 -3,4 0,7 -0,3 -0,6 -1,2 -2,0 -1,8 -1,8 -1,9 -1,9 -1,9
4. Transportation, support services to transportation and mailing 1,7 -1,5 -0,4 -2,7 -1,7 -2,9 -2,4 -2,3 -2,4 -2,2 -2,5 -2,7
4.1 Road transportation 0,7 -1,5 0,4 -5,4 -4,3 -5,2 -1,6 -2,0 -2,4 0,4 -0,5 -1,3
   4.1.1 Road transportation of cargo  -  -  - -10,6 -8,7 -8,2 -2,8 -3,7 -4,3 3,0 0,5 -1,2
   4.1.2 Road transportation of passengers  -  -  - 1,1 6,0 1,0 -1,1 -0,2 0,0 -5,8 -4,4 -3,6
   4.1.3 Other segments of road transportation  -  -  - 9,3 1,9 -0,1 2,7 2,6 2,2 1,9 2,0 2,0
4.2 Waterway transportation 2,6 -0,1 -2,3 7,4 6,6 4,5 2,2 2,8 3,0 1,5 1,9 2,5
4.3 Air transportation 11,1 -3,2 -4,0 8,1 -0,2 -4,6 -4,8 -4,1 -4,1 -2,6 -3,5 -4,7
4.4 Storage, support services to transportation and mailing -0,9 0,1 -1,6 -1,8 2,3 1,6 -4,5 -3,5 -2,9 -8,2 -7,3 -6,1
5. Other services -0,2 0,3 1,4 -1,0 3,6 3,0 1,5 1,8 2,0 -1,0 -1,1 -0,3
    5.1 Sewage, waste management, recovery of materials and decontamination  -  -  - 6,9 13,3 10,4 2,6 4,1 4,9 2,3 3,2 4,0
    5.2 Support activities to financial services  -  -  - -2,8 1,9 2,4 1,4 1,4 1,6 -2,0 -1,8 -1,4
    5.3 Real estate activities  -  -  - 0,8 2,4 2,3 2,4 2,4 2,4 7,5 6,8 5,9
    5.4 Other services not previously specified  -  -  - -1,4 3,6 -4,3 0,0 0,5 -0,1 0,3 0,1 -0,7
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Estatísticas Conjunturais em Empresas          
(1) Base: immediately previous month - seasonally-adjusted    (2) Base: same month a year ago (3) Base: same period a year ago     (4) Base: 12 previous months         

The decrease of volume of services (-0.4%), observed from July to August 2024, was followed by only two of the five activities surveyed, among which information and communication stands out (-1.0%), having made up for part of the increase of 3.7% cumulative in the two previous months.

Transportation (-0.4%) also recorded drops, having recorded the second negative result in a row, with a cumulative decrease of 2.0%.

On the other hand, other services (1.4%) and services rendered to households (0.8%) registered the main advances in the month, with the former recording an increase of 1.7% in the period July-August, whereas the latter had a cumulative increase of 4.7% between May and August. In turn, the sector of professional, administrative and complementary services (0.0%) stood unchanged in the month.

Also in the seasonally adjusted series, the evolution of the quarterly moving average index for total volume of services increased by 0.4% in the quarter ended August 2024 from the previous month.

Among the sectors, also Against the marginal movement of the index, there was a predominance of positive rates, since four of the five sectors surveyed also increased: information and communication (0.9%); services rendered to households (0.5%); other services (0.5%); and professional, administrative and complementary services (0.4%); whereas transportation (-0.1%) registered the only drop in the month.

From August 2023, volume of services increased by 1.7% in August 2024, fifth positive result in a row. The advance of this month was followed by four of the five dissemination activities and also recorded an increase of 59.0% of the 166 types of services surveyed.

Among the sectors, information and communication (6.9%) accounted for the main positive impact, mainly driven by the increase of revenue from telecommunications; portals, content providers and other information services on the Internet; software development and licensing; consulting in information technology; and broadcast TV activities.

In turn, Transportation, support services to transportation and mailing (-2.9%) accounted for the only negative influence, mainly affected by the lower revenue from road transportation of cargo; air transportation of passengers; mailing; and transportation logistics.

As for the cumulative index (January to August), against the same period a year ago, the sector of services recorded an increase of 2.7%, with four of the five activities recording positive rates, with an increase of 60.2% of the 166 types of services investigated.

Among the sectors, the most relevant positive contributions were those of professional, administrative and complementary services (7.5%); and information and communication (5,8%), driven, to a great extent, by the rise of revenue from enterprises in the segments of agency of advertising spaces; legal activities; business mediation in general; and organization, promotion and management of fairs, congresses and conventions, in the former; and of telecommunications; portals, content providers and other information services on the Internet; software development and licensing; consulting in information technology; and broadcast TV activities.

Transportation, support services to transportation and mailing (-2.4%) accounted for the only negative influence, mainly due to the reduced revenue from road transportation of cargo; management of ports and terminals and air transportation.

By area, 20 Federation Units recorded drops in volume of services in August

By area, most (20) of the 27 Federation Units recorded drops in volume of services in August 2024, Against the immediately previous month, following the drop observed in the result of Brazil (-0.4%)


Among the areas that recorded negative results this month, the most significant impacts came from the Federal District (-9.4%) and Rio de Janeiro (-1.6%), followed by Minas Gerais (-1.1%), Goiás (-2.3%), São Paulo (-0.1%) and Pará (-2.7%).

Mato Grosso (2.1%) and Bahia (1.2%) represented the main positive influences.

Against August 2023, the expansion of volume of services in Brazil (1.7%) was observed in 18 of the 27 Federation Units (Graph 6). The most importatn positive contribution was that of São Paulo (4,3%), followed by Rio de Janeiro (1.9%), Santa Catarina (5.7%), Bahia (3.5%), Amazonas (8.3%), Espírito Santo (6.0%) and Paraná (1.6%).

Rio Grande do Sul (-15.7%), in turn, led the drop in the month, followed by Mato Grosso (-12.1%), Mato Grosso do Sul (-14.4%) and Goiás (-7.6%).

As for the cumulative index in the year (January to August), against the same period a year ago, the advance of volume of services in Brazil (2.7%) was widespread in the areas investigated, as 21 of the 27 Federation units also recorded expansion in the real revenue from services.

The main positive impact in regional terms was found in São Paulo (4.0%), followed by Rio de Janeiro (3.8%), Paraná (3.7%), Santa Catarina (5.6%) and Minas Gerais (2.4%). On the other hand, Rio Grande do Sul (-7.4%) and Mato Grosso (-9.1%) accounted for the main negative influences on the national index.

In August, tourism activities stood stable

In August 2024, the index of tourism activities recorded stability (0.0%) from the immediately previous month, after a drop of 0.8% in July. Therefore, the tourism segment is 6.9% above the level of February 2020 and 0.8% below the peak of the series, reached in February 2014.

By Major Region, there was a bigger number of areas recording decreases (11 out of 17 ones). The most relevant negative influences were those of São Paulo (-0.8%) and Rio de Janeiro (-2.1%), followed by Minas Gerais (-1.7%) and Pará (-7.9%).

Rio Grande do Sul (8.0%), on the contrary, led the increases in tourism activities, followed by Santa Catarina (2.3%), Federal District (2.1%) and Paraná (1.3%).

In the comparison between August 2024 and August 2023, the volume of tourism activities in Brazil grew by 2.6%, third consecutive positive result.

In regional terms, twelve of the seventeen Federation Units where the indicator is surveyed recorded increases in tourism services, where São Paulo (2.4%) and Minas Gerais (8.1%) stood out, followed by Santa Catarina (17.5%), Bahia (10.2%) and Paraná (5.4%).

Rio Grande do Sul (-17.9%) and Mato Grosso (-20.6%) accounted for the main negative impacts in the month.

As for the cumulative index in the year (January to August), the special aggregated result of tourism activities recorded an increase of 1.5% against the same period a year ago.

By area, nine of the seventeen areas surveyed also recorded positive rates, with increases in Minas Gerais (9.1%) and Rio de Janeiro (4.4%), followed by Bahia (8.2%), Santa Catarina (8.2%) and Paraná (5.4%).

On the other hand, Rio Grande do Sul (-17.2%) registered the biggest negative cumulative impact on tourism in the year, followed by Mato Grosso (-15.3%), Federal District (-4.1%), Amazonas (-8.7%) and Espírito Santo (-6.8%).

Transportation of passengers drops and transportation records stability

In August 2024, volume of transportation of passengers registered a drop of 0.8% from July, in the series without seasonal adjustment, after a drop of 2.4% in the previous month.

Therefore, the segment is, in this month of reference, 1.6% below the level of February (pre pandemic) and 23.9% below that of February 2014 (peak of the time series).

Volume of cargo transportatiom stood stable (0.0%) in August 2024, after a decrease of 0.7% in the previous month.

As a result, the segment is 7.7% below the peak of its series (August 2023).

As for the pre pandemic level, transportation of cargo is 32.6% above the level of February 2020.