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Continuous PNAD: unemployment rate is 6.6% and underutilization rate is 16.0% in the quarter ended in August

September 27, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: September 27, 2024 06h47 PM

The unemployment rate (6.6%) in the quarter ended in August 2024 fell by 0.5 percentage points (pp) compared to the quarter from March to May 2024 (7.1%) and fell by 1.2 pp compared to the same moving quarter in 2023 (7.8%). This was the lowest unemployment rate for a quarter ended in August in the Continuous PNAD Contínua time series, which began in 2012.

Indicator/Period Jun-Lul-Aug 2024 Mar-Apr-May 2024 Jun-Jul-Aug 2023
Unemployment rate 6.6% 7.1% 7.8%
Underutilization rate 16.0% 16.8% 17.6%
Usual real earnings R$ 3,228 R$ 3,209 R$ 3,073
Change of real earnigs in relation to: stable (0.6%) 5.1%

The unemployed population (7.3 million) fell in both comparisons: -6.5% (502 thousand fewer persons) in the quarter and -13.4% (1.1 million fewer persons) in the year. This was the lowest number of unemployed persons since the quarter ending in January 2015.

The employed population (102.5 million) was a new record in the time series that began in 2012, growing in both comparisons: 1.2% (1.2 million more persons) in the quarter and 2.9% (2.9 million more persons) in the year. The employment-to-population ratio (percentage of employed persons in the working-age population) was 58.1%, growing in both comparisons: 0.6 percentage points compared to the previous moving quarter (57.6%) and 1.2 percentage points in the year (57.0%). This was the highest employment-to-population ratio for a quarter ending in August since 2013.

The composite underutilization rate (16.0%) fell in both comparisons: -0.9 pp in the quarter and -1.7 pp in the year. It was the lowest rate for a quarter ending in August since 2014. The underutilized population (18.5 million persons) was the lowest since the rolling quarter ending in June 2015 (18.2 million), falling in both comparisons: -4.7% (919 thousand less) in the quarter and -8.5% (1.7 million less) in the year.

Time-related underemployment (5.1 million) did not have a significant change in the quarter and fell 4.1% (-219 thousand) in the year. The population outside the workforce (66.5 million) fell by 0.5% (-321 thousand) in the quarter and did not change significantly in the year.

The discouraged population (3.1 million) reached its lowest number since the quarter ended in May 2016 (3.0 million), falling by 5.9% (195 thousand less persons) in the quarter and 12.4% (442 thousand less persons) in the year. The percentage of discouraged workers in the workforce or the discouraged (2.8%) fell by 0.2 percentage points in the month and 0.4 percentage points in the year.

The number of workers in the private sector reached 52.9 million, a new record in the series that began in 2012, with increases of 1.7% (882 thousand more persons) in the quarter and 4.9% (2.5 million more persons) in the year. The number of workers with formal employment contracts in the private sector (excluding domestic workers) reached 38.6 million, another record. There was an increase of 0.8% (317 thousand more persons) in the quarter and 3.8% (1.4 million more persons) in the year. The number of workers without formal employment contracts in the private sector (14.2 million) was also a record, with increases of 4.1% (565 thousand more persons) in the quarter and 7.9% (1.0 million more persons) in the year.

The number of self-employed workers (25.4 million) remained stable in both comparisons, as did the number of domestic workers (5.8 million) and employers (4.3 million). The number of workers in the public sector (12.7 million) was a record, increasing 1.8% (221 thousand persons) in the quarter and 4.3% (523 thousand persons) in the year.

The informality rate was 38.8% of the employed population (or 39.8 million informal workers) compared to 38.6% in the quarter ending in May and 39.1% in the same quarter of 2023.

The usual real earnings from all jobs (R$3,228) remained stable in the quarter and grew 5.1% in the year. The usual real wage bill (R$326.2 billion) grew 1.7% (more R$5.5 billion) in the quarter and 8.3% (more R$24.9 billion) in the year.

Taxa de desocupação - Brasil - 2012/2024

A força de trabalho (pessoas ocupadas e desocupadas), no trimestre de junho a agosto de 2024, foi estimada em 109,8 milhões de pessoas, novo recorde da série histórica iniciada em 2012. Esta população cresceu nas duas comparações: 0,6% (mais 683 mil pessoas) ante o trimestre encerrado em maio de 2024 e 1,6% (mais 1,7 milhão de pessoas) no ano.

A análise da ocupação por grupamentos de atividade ante o trimestre de março a maio de 2024 mostrou aumento apenas no grupamento de Comércio, reparação de veículos automotores e motocicletas (1,9%, ou mais 368 mil pessoas). Os demais grupamentos não apresentaram variação significativa.

Frente ao trimestre de junho a agosto de 2023 houve aumento nos grupamentos: Indústria Geral (4,2%, ou mais 526 mil pessoas), Construção (5,2%, ou mais 370 mil pessoas), Comércio, reparação de veículos automotores e motocicletas (2,6%, ou mais 486 mil pessoas), Transporte, armazenagem e correio (6,0%, ou mais 325 mil pessoas), Informação, Comunicação e Atividades Financeiras, Imobiliárias, Profissionais e Administrativas (5,7%, ou mais 699 mil pessoas), Administração pública, defesa, seguridade social, educação, saúde humana e serviços sociais (3,4%, ou mais 614 mil pessoas) e Outros serviços (5,6%, ou mais 293 mil pessoas). Houve redução no grupamento de Agricultura, pecuária, produção florestal, pesca e aquicultura (4,2%, ou menos 354 mil pessoas).

Taxa composta de subutilização – Trimestres de junho a agosto – Brasil – 2012 a 2024 (%)

A análise do rendimento médio mensal real habitualmente recebido no trabalho principal, segundo os grupamentos de atividade, do trimestre móvel de junho a agosto de 2024, ante o trimestre de março a maio de 2024, mostrou aumento na categoria de Construção (4,6%, ou mais R$ 110). Os demais grupamentos não apresentaram variação significativa.

Ante o mesmo trimestre de 2023, houve aumento nas categorias: Indústria (7,3%, ou mais R$ 215) Construção (6,3%, ou mais R$ 148) Comércio, reparação de veículos automotores e motocicletas (4,0%, ou mais R$ 103) Transporte, armazenagem e correio (4,8%, ou mais R$ 138) Administração pública, defesa, seguridade social, educação, saúde humana e serviços sociais (4,6%, ou mais R$ 196) e Outros serviços (6,7%, ou mais R$ 156). Os demais grupamentos não apresentaram variação significativa.

Todas as posições de ocupação mostraram estabilidade no rendimento médio mensal real em relação ao trimestre de março a maio de 2024.

Frente ao trimestre de junho a agosto de 2023, houve aumento nas categorias: Empregado com carteira de trabalho assinada (3,4%, ou mais R$ 99) Empregado sem carteira de trabalho assinada (8,4%, ou mais R$ 173) Empregado no setor público (inclusive servidor estatutário e militar) (3,4%, ou mais R$ 159) e Conta-própria (7,0%, ou mais R$ 171).