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Quarterly Livestock Surveys

Cattle slaughter reaches record in time series; slaughter of chicken and of hogs and pigs decrease

June 06, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: June 10, 2024 07h10 PM

The results of animal production in the 1st quarter of 2024 indicate that cattle slaughter rose 24.6%, the slaughter of hogs and pigs fell 1.6% and chicken slaughter fell 1.2% compared to the same period in 2023. Compared to the 4th quarter of 2023, cattle slaughter grew 1.6%, the slaughter of hogs and pigs decreased 1.4% and chicken slaughter increased 4.0%. The acquisition of milk was 6.21 billion liters, an increase of 3.3% compared to the 1st quarter of 2023 and a decrease of 4.4% compared to the previous quarter.

The acquisition of leather pieces by tanneries increased by 19.9% ​​compared to the 1st quarter of 2023 and increased by 4.2% compared to the 4th quarter of 2023, totaling 9.32 million pieces.

The amount of hen eggs produced added up to 1.10 billion dozen in the 1st quarter of this year, an increase of 6.1% in the annual comparison and an increase of 2.6% compared to the 4th quarter of 2023.

Animal Slaughter, Milk Acquisition, Raw Hide Acquisition and Hen Egg Production 2023 2023 2024 Change (%)
Q1 Q4 Q1 3 / 1 3 / 2
1 2 3
Number of slaughtered animals (1,000 head)
CATTLE 7 467 9 159 9 302 24,6 1,6
Oxes 3 712 5 149 4 627 24,7 -10,1
Caws 2 461 2 538 2 969 20,6 17,0
Steers 402 421 379 -5,9 -10,2
Heifers 891 1 051 1 327 49,0 26,3
HOGS AND PIGS 14 176 14 148 13 946 -1,6 -1,4
CHICKEN 1 611 900 1 530 932 1 592 746 -1,2 4,0
Weight of carcasses (tonnes)
CATTLE 1 933 161 2 433 023 2 398 288 24,1 -1,4
Oxes 1 106 723 1 545 432 1 374 317 24,2 -11,1
Caws 535 653 555 441 649 397 21,2 16,9
Steers 105 371 109 283 98 440 -6,6 -9,9
Heifers 185 414 222 867 276 135 48,9 23,9
HOGS AND PIGS 1 292 250 1 299 765 1 280 797 -0,9 -1,5
CHICKEN 3 455 317 3 191 547 3 366 050 -2,6 5,5
Milk (1,000 liters)
Acquired 6 006 785 6 490 516 6 205 687 3,3 -4,4
Processed 5 987 508 6 479 760 6 200 188 3,6 -4,3
Leather (1,000 units)
Acquired (raw) 7 771 8 949 9 321 19,9 4,2
Tanned 7 446 8 671 8 856 18,9 2,1
Eggs (1,000 dozens)
Production 1 035 837 1 070 778 1 098 653 6,1 2,6
Source: IBGE - Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Agropecuária - Pesquisa Trimestral do Abate de Animais, Pesquisa Trimestral do Leite, Pesquisa Trimestral do Couro e Pesquisa da Produção de Ovos de Galinha.
Note: Data for 2024 are preliminary.

Cattle slaughter rises 24.6% compared to the 1st quarter of 2023 and reaches record in time series started in 1997

In the 1st quarter of 2024, 9.30 million cattle were slaughtered under some type of health inspection service. This mark represents a record, considering the entire time series of the survey, which began in 1997. In comparison with the same period of the previous year, there was an increase of 24.6% and in relation to the 4th quarter of 2023, the growth was 1.6% .

January was the most intense month of the quarter, with a total slaughter of 3.15 million head, a positive change of 23.7% compared to the same month of the previous year.

The slaughter of females increased by 28.2% compared to the 1st period of 2023, presenting the highest result in the entire time series for the category. In the same comparison, the slaughter of males rose 21.7% and reached the best result for a 1st quarter

The slaughter of 1.84 million more cattle head in the 1st quarter of 2024, compared to the same period of the previous year, was driven by increases in 23 of the 27 Federation Units (FUs). Among those with national participation bigger than 1.0%, the most significant increases occurred in: Mato Grosso (+420.07 thousand head), Goiás (+263.41 thousand heads, São Paulo (+219.41 thousand head), Minas Gerais (+206.49 thousand head), Pará (+180.04 thousand head), Rondônia (+155.75 thousand head), Mato Grosso do Sul (+110.36 thousand head), Bahia (+58.08 thousand head) and Paraná (+46.73 thousand head). On the other hand, the most significant negative change occurred in Rio Grande do Sul (-34.41 thousand head).

Mato Grosso continues to lead the slaughter of cattle, with 18.3% of in the national share, followed by Goiás (10.8%) and São Paulo (10.0%).

Slaughter of hogs and pigs falls 1.6% compared to the Q1 2023

In the 1st quarter of 2024, 13.95 million head of pigs were slaughtered, representing a drop of 1.6% compared to the same period in 2023 and 1.4% compared to the 4th quarter of 2023.

The slaughter of 229.81 thousand fewer heads of hogs and pigs in the 1st quarter of 2024, compared to the same period of the previous year, was driven by declines in 15 of the 24 Federation Units participating in the survey. Among the states with a share of at least 1.0%, falls occurred in: Minas Gerais (-179.32 thousand head), Rio Grande do Sul (-85.35 thousand head), Santa Catarina (-83.07 thousand head), Mato Grosso do Sul (-42.80 thousand head), Mato Grosso (-40.48 thousand head) and Goiás (-9.04 thousand head). On the other hand, the most significant increases occurred in: Paraná (+197.93 thousand head) and São Paulo (+14.57 thousand head).

Santa Catarina continues to lead the slaughter of hogs and pigs, with 29.8% of the national share, followed by Paraná (22.3%) and Rio Grande do Sul (17.1%).

Chicken slaughter drops 1.2% compared to the 1st quarter of 2023

In the 1st quarter of 2024, 1.59 billion chicken head were slaughtered, representing a drop of 1.2% compared to the same period in 2023 and an increase of 4.0% compared to the 4th quarter of 2023. This result it is the second largest in the survey's time series, surpassed only by the result achieved in the 1st quarter of 2023 (1.61 billion head).

The slaughter of 19.15 million fewer chicken heads in the 1st quarter of 2024, compared to the same period of the previous year, was determined by the drop in slaughter in 13 of the 25 Federation Units that participated in the survey. Among those with a share above 1.0%, falls occurred in: Rio Grande do Sul (-21.52 million head), Minas Gerais (-3.83 million head), Goiás (-2.92 million head), Bahia (-2.80 million head) and Mato Grosso (-631.25 thousand head). On the other hand, increases occurred in: Santa Catarina (+7.13 million head), Paraná (+3.83 million head), São Paulo (+1.87 million head) and Mato Grosso do Sul (+73.30 thousand head).

Paraná still largely leads the slaughter of chicken, with 34.6% of the national share, followed by Santa Catarina (13.6%) and Rio Grande do Sul (11.9%).

Milk acquisition increases by 3.3% year-on-year

In the 1st quarter of 2024, the acquisition of raw milk was 6.21 billion liters, equivalent to an increase of 3.3% compared to the 1st quarter of 2023, and a decrease of 4.4% compared to the previous quarter.

The increase of 198.90 million liters of milk collected nationally comes from increases recorded in 21 of the 26 FUs participating in the Quarterly Milk Survey. At the level of Federation Units, the most significant positive changes occurred in: Minas Gerais (+116.11 million liters), Paraná (+27.33 million liters), Goiás (+24.29 million liters), Rondônia (+18.81 million liters), Rio de Janeiro (+5.73 million liters) and Sergipe (+5.63 million liters). On the other hand, the most relevant decreases occurred in Rio Grande do Sul (-41.78 million liters), São Paulo (-37.05 million liters) and Pernambuco (-5.96 million liters).

Minas Gerais continues at the top of the milk acquisition ranking, with 25.3% of national capture, followed by Paraná (14.5%), Santa Catarina (12.6%) and Rio Grande do Sul (11.6%).

Leather acquisition grows 19.9% ​​compared to Q1 2023

In the 1st quarter of 2024, tanneries declared having received 9.32 million pieces of leather. This total represents increases of 19.9% ​​compared to the same quarter of the previous year and 4.2% compared to the 4th quarter of 2023.

The comparison between the 1st quarters of 2023 and 2024 indicates a positive change of 1.55 million pieces in the total purchased by establishments. Increases were observed in 13 of the 17 Federation Units that had tanneries eligible for the survey universe. The most significant positive changes, in states with more than 5.0% participation in national acquisition, occurred in Goiás (+461.49 thousand pieces), Mato Grosso (+319.34 thousand pieces), São Paulo (+221.90 thousand pieces), Mato Grosso do Sul (+169.79 thousand pieces), Pará (+141.93 thousand pieces), Rondônia (+129.00 thousand pieces) and Rio Grande do Sul (+41.49 thousand pieces).

Mato Grosso continues to lead the list of Federation Units that receive pieces of rawhide for processing, with 17.2% of the national share, followed by Goiás (15.5%) and Mato Grosso do Sul (12.5%).

Hen egg production reaches record of 1.10 billion dozen

The production of hen eggs in the 1st quarter of 2024 reached 1.10 billion dozen, corresponding to an increase of 6.1% in relation to the quantity raised in the same quarter in 2023 and an increase of 2.6% over that recorded in the preceding quarter. This was the highest production ever estimated in the survey, reaching a new record in the time series.

The production of 62.82 million more dozen eggs, at a national level, compared to the 1st quarters of 2024 and 2023, was a consequence of increases in 21 of the 26 FUs with farms included in the survey universe. The most significant increases occurred in São Paulo (+20.13 million dozen), Minas Gerais (+11.97 million dozen), Pernambuco (+11.93 million dozen) and Paraná (+5.80 million dozen). On the other hand, the most significant reduction was seen in Bahia (-1.30 million dozen).

The State of São Paulo, with 26.4% of national production, remained the largest egg producer among the Federation Units in the first quarter of 2024, followed by Paraná (10.1%), Minas Gerais (9.2% ) and Espírito Santo (7.8%).