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Agricultural production

In April, IBGE forecasts harvest of 299.6 million tonnes for 2024

May 14, 2024 09h00 AM | Last Updated: May 15, 2024 04h35 PM

In April, the production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds estimated for 2024 should add up to 299.6 million tonnes, 5.0% below that obtained in 2023 (315.4 million tonnes), a reduction of 15.8 million tonnes, and 0.4% above that reported in March, an increase of 1.2 million tonnes.

April estimate for 2024  299.6 million tonnes 
April 2024/March 2024 change  (0.4%) 1.2 million tonnes 
2024 harvest/ 2023 harvest change  (-5.0%) 15.8 million tonnes 

The area to be harvested was of 77.9 million hectares, remaining stable (0.0%) over the area harvested in 2023, with an increase of 9.4 thousand hectares, and an increase of 0.2% (134.9 thousand hectares) in relation to March.

Rice, corn and soybeans were the three main products in this group. They represented 91.6% of the output estimate and accounted for 87.0% of the area to be harvested. Compared with 2023, increases of 10.9% were registered in the area to be harvested of upland cottonseed, 4.6% of paddy rice, 5.9% of beans and 2.5% of soybeans, and decreases of 5.5% in corn (drop of 8.0% in corn - 1st crop and of 4.8% in corn - 2nd crop), of 7.5% in wheat and of 4.3% in sorghum.

Concerning the output, increases of 7.7% were recorded for upland cottonseed, 2.0% for rice, 11.1% for beans and 27.0% for wheat, and decreases of 2.4% for soybeans, 6.8% for sorghum and 11.7% for corn (reductions of 13.5% in corn - 1st crop and of 11.2% in corn - 2nd crop).

The April´s estimate for the production of soybeans was 148.3 million tonnes. As for corn, the estimate was 115.8 million tonnes (24.0 million tonnes for corn - 1st crop and 91.8 million tonnes for corn - 2nd crop). The output of rice was estimated at 10.5 million tonnes, that of wheat, at 9.8 million tonnes, that of upland cottonseed, at 8.3 million tonnes and that of sorghum, at 4.0 million tonnes.

The estimated production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds registered a positive annual change in two Major Regions: South (8.3%) and North (7.6%). The other regions changed negatively: Central-West (-12.2%), Southeast (-10.5%) and Northeast (-3.1%). Concerning the monthly change, the Northeast (1.2%), North (5.8%) and Central-West (0.9%) grew, whereas the others declined: Southeast (-1.9%) and South (-0.9%).

Mato Grosso led the national production of grains with a share of 28.0%, followed by Paraná (13.4%), Rio Grande do Sul (13.3%), Goiás (10.6%), Mato Grosso do Sul (8.3%) and Minas Gerais (5.6%). These states together accounted for 79.2% of the national estimate. As for the participation of the Brazilian Major Regions, the distribution was as follows: Central-West (47.2%), South (28.9%), Southeast (9.2%), Northeast (8.7%) and North (6.0%).

Highlights in the April 2024 estimate in relation to the previous month

Compared with March, the following output estimates increased: potatoes - 3rd crop (6.8% or 73 719 t), sorghum (6.6% or 249 743 t), potatoes - 1st crop (2.6% or 44 750 t), soybeans (0.9% or 1 380 088 t), beans - 1st crop (0.8% or 7 893 t), barley (0.6% or 2 600 t), tomatoes (0.5% or 20 164 t), rice (0.3% or 32 234 t) and oat (0.2% or 2 858 t), whereas the following ones declined: cacao (-1.1% or -3 162 t), wheat (-1.0% or -101 191 t), beans - 3rd crop (-0.8% or -5 396 t), potatoes - 2nd crop (-0.7% or -8 900 t), corn - 1st crop (-0.4% or -91 296 t), corn - 2nd crop (-0.3% or -248 837 t) and beans - 2nd crop (-0.0% or -691 t).

Among the Major Regions, the volume of production of cereals, legumes and oilseeds presented the following distribution:  Central-West, 141.4 million tonnes (47.2%), South, 86.4 million tonnes (28.9%); Southeast, 27.4 million tonnes (9.2%); Northeast, 26.1 million tonnes (8.7%) and North, 18.1 million tonnes (6.0%).

The major absolute positive changes in the output estimates, in relation to the previous month, occurred in Goiás (1,279,774 t) and Pará (998,575 t). The negative changes occurred in Paraná (-801,000 t), São Paulo (-442,380 t) and Minas Gerais (-96,291 t).

PADDY RICE - The estimate for 2024 pointed out an output of 10.5 million tonnes, an increase of 0.3% in relation to the estimate in the previous month, and a growth of 2.0% in relation to the volume produced in 2023. The increase was mainly due to the planted area, which grew 3.7%, whereas the average yield retracted 2.5%. It is important to highlight the increase in the areas of rice, as these crops reduced over the last years, mainly due to the replacement for other more profitable crops, like soybeans.

In Rio Grande do Sul, which accounted for more than 70% of the national output, the weather conditions did not favor this crop, showing a drop in the productivity due to the excess of rainfall in the first months of the crop, as well as a larger period of cloudiness, directly jeopardizing the performance of this crop. The production in Rio Grande do Sul should hit 7.4 million tonnes, an increase of 4.3% in relation to 2023, due to the increase of 8.1% in the harvested area, since the productivity, of 8 269 kg/ha, reduced 3.6% over the previous harvest.

POTATOES - Potatoes are cropped in three different times in Brazil: summer (first crop), fall (second crop) and winter (third crop), with crops demanding a fair weather, availability of water during the productive cycle and strict control of plagues and diseases. Considering the three crops of the product, the output should reach 4.3 million tonnes, an increase of 2.6% in relation to the March´s estimate, highlighted by São Paulo, which rose its production estimate by 15.0% in relation to the previous month, and should produce 999.5 thousand tonnes in 2024, which represented a share of 23.3% in relation to the Brazilian harvest of potatoes. The Brazilian output of potatoes should grow 0.9% in relation to 2023.

The first crop should contribute with 41.6% of the total amount of potatoes to be produced in the year. The production estimate was of 1.8 million tonnes, representing an increase of 2.6% in relation to the March´s estimate. The second crop, which represented 31.6% of the total production, was estimated at 1.4 million tonnes, 0.7% below the March´s estimate. The production estimate of the third crop amounted to 1.2 million tonnes, with an increase of 6.8% in relation to the previous month.

COCOA (nuts) - The production estimate was 294.2 thousand tonnes, representing a decline of 1.1% against the previous month and a growth of 1.2% in relation to 2023. Pará revised its April´s estimates, reporting declines of 2.1% in the output and of 3.4% in the average yield, whereas the area grew 1.4%. This state is the biggest producer of cacao in Brazil and should contribute with 50.7% to the national production in 2024. The output should reach 149.3 thousand tonnes, whereas the area to be harvested should reach 158.5 thousand hectares and the productivity, 942 kg/ha, being the highest one in Brazil. As the second biggest producer of cacao in Brazil, Bahia should participate with 41.9% of the national output and its production should reach 123.3 thousand tonnes, a growth of 2.7% in relation to 2023.

WINTER CEREALS (grain) - The main winter cereals produced in Brazil are wheat, white oat and barley. Concerning wheat (in grain), the output should reach 9.8 million tonnes, a decline of 1.0% in relation to the March´s estimate, and a growth of 27.0% in relation to 2023, when Brazil had a record harvest frustrated due to a series of weather problems, which jeopardized the crops in the South Region.

The output of oat (in grain) was estimated at 1.2 million tonnes, an increase of 0.2% over March and of 35.8% against 2023. The average yield declined 0.1% in relation to the previous month and 32.6% in relation to 2023, when the harsh weather jeopardized the oat crops in the Brazilian South Region. The biggest producers of this cereal were Rio Grande do Sul, with 849.9 thousand tonnes, an increase of 45.6% in relation to the volume harvested in 2023; and Paraná, with 300.1 thousand tonnes, increasing 0.4% over March and 21.4% in relation to 2023. The production of Santa Catarina was estimated at 33.5 thousand tonnes, a growth of 5.4% in relation to the previous year. The South Region should contribute with 97.5% of the Brazilian output of oat in 2024.

As for barley (in grain), the estimated output (465.3 thousand tonnes) increased 0.6% in relation to March and 22.6% in relation to the previous year. The average yield grew 41.8% in relation to 2023, when the harsh weather jeopardized the oat crops in the Brazilian South Region. The biggest producers of barley were Paraná, with 331.4 thousand tonnes, an increase of 0.8% in relation to the previous month and of 19.3% in relation to 2023, and Rio Grande do Sul, with 110.5 thousand tonnes, an increase of 39.7% in relation to what was produced in 2023. These states should account for 95.0% of the Brazilian output of barley in 2024.

BEAN (seed) - Considering the three crops of the product, the estimate of the output of beans for 2024 should reach 3.3 million tonnes, a growth of 0.1% in relation to the previous month and of 11.1% in relation to 2023. This production should address the Brazilian domestic consumption in 2024, not requiring to import the product.

The production of the first crop of beans was of 1.0 million tonnes, an increase of 0.8% over the March´s estimate. The expected average yield was 3.3% higher, whereas the area to be harvested declined 2.4%. The positive highlights were Ceará, which expected a growth of 24.3% in the output, due to the positive reassessment of the average yield, of 22.9% and of the harvested area, of 0.9%; Paraná, which reported a monthly growth of 1.7%; and Pernambuco, which reported a growth of 38.8% in the output, as a result of the increase of 52.6% in the average yield, though the harvested area declined 9.2%. Declines in the output were reported in Bahia (-14.8%), Minas Gerais (-1.5%) and São Paulo (-5.7%).

The second crop of beans was estimated at 1.6 million tonnes, virtually stable in relation to March, with a decline of 691 tonnes (-0.0%). Declines in the output were reported in Pará (-3.9%), Maranhão (-0.3%), Pernambuco (-20.8%) and Paraná (-0.4%). Increases in the output were reported in Ceará (3.0%), Paraíba (12.0%), Alagoas (16.0%), Minas Gerais (4.7%), São Paulo (3.4%) and Goiás (0.5%). In the current harvest, Paraná should be considered as a major producer of beans during the second crop, participating with nearly half of the expected production (49.8%). The output in Paraná should reach 774.0 thousand tonnes in the current harvest.

As for the third crop of beans, the estimated production was of 711.6 thousand tonnes, a decline of 0.8% against the estimate of March, with a reduction in the area to be harvested of 0.8%. The estimated production in São Paulo declined 3.6% over March, having the planted area retracted by 4.2% and the average yield increased by 0.6%.

CORN (grain) - The estimate for the output of corn added up to 115.8 million tonnes, representing a drop of 0.3% in relation to the previous month, mainly due to a drop of 0.6% in the average yield. The planted area and the area to be harvested grew 0.3%.

Corn - 1st crop registered a production estimate of 24.0 million tonnes, 0.4% lower in relation to the previous month, mainly due to a drop of 0.6% in the average yield (5 040 kg/ha). The highest negative changes in the output occurred in São Paulo (-10.7% or -195 400 t) and Bahia (-2.5% or -43 170 t). On the other hand, production estimates were higher in Ceará (23.6% or 100 239 t) and Pernambuco (75.1% or 44 483 t). Rio Grande do Sul was the biggest producer of corn- 1st crop and should account for 20.9% of the overall production. According to EMATER-ASCAR, corn harvesting in Rio Grande do Sul decelerated and hit 83% of the area. Besides prioritizing soybean cropping, the period was characterized by a high rainfall and humidity. These weather conditions jeopardized the ripening point of harvesting in several regions of the state.

The estimate of corn - 2nd crop added up to 91.8 million tonnes, representing a decline of 0.3% in relation to the previous month, with the average yield falling 0.6% and the area increasing 0.3%. The biggest reductions in the production estimates in relation to March were registered in Minas Gerais (-6.1% or -180 302 t) and Paraná (-4.9% or -690 000 t), whereas the biggest increases were reported in Pará (35.9% or 408 483 t), Pernambuco (28.2% or 12 608 t), Alagoas (4.5% or 5 693 t), São Paulo (1.5% or 38 029 t) and Goiás (1.3% or 155 572 t). Mato Grosso was the biggest producer of corn - 2nd crop, with a share of 44.9% in the overall production and an output estimate of 41.2 million tonnes.

SOYBEAN (grain) - Mainly influenced by the monthly adjustments in Goiás and Pará, the national production estimate was revised by 0.9%, a percentage that represented an increase of nearly 1.4 million tonnes. As a result, the national output of soybeans should reach 148.3 million tonnes, which still represented an annual decrease of 2.4% over the amount obtained last year, and it should represent nearly half of the total cereals, legumes and oilseeds produced in Brazil in 2024. Producers extended the cropping areas in Brazil by 2.6% in the year, and should add up to 45.4 million hectares planted. However, the effects caused by the climate phenomenon El Niño, characterized by the excess of rainfall in the states of the South Region and the lack of regular rainfall, coupled with high temperatures in the center-north of Brazil, limited the productive potential of this legume in most producing Federation Units, explaining the drop of 4.8% in the national average yield in relation to the previous harvest, adding up to 3 2171 kg/ha.

SORGHUM (grain) - The April´s estimate for the production of sorghum was of 4.0 million tonnes, an increase of 6.6% over what was forecast in March and a reduction of 6.8% in relation to that obtained in the 2023 harvest. The national average yield was 3 173 kilos per hectare and its highest level was recorded in the Federal District (4 200 kg/ha).

Compared with March, the increase in the output was followed by the expansion of the average yield (6.4%) and areas (0.2%). The production increased 0.8% in the Northeast and the area grew 1.1%, even with a lower yield (-0.3%), leveraged by the good performance in Pernambuco. In the Southeast, the production and the area grew, whereas the average yield remained stable. The output increased 13.1% in the Central-West, influenced by the gain in the average yield, since the area reduced 0.2% in Goiás. Goiás has obtained productivity gains in sorghum cropping, increased its output by 19.3% over the immediately previous month. The North and South regions did not reassess their variables.

TOMATOES - The amount produced was estimated at 4.2 million tonnes, an increase of 0.5% over March, explained by the increase in the area (0.4%) and in the average yield (0.1%). The output grew 6.3% in relation to 2023, mainly due to an increase in the yield (5.9%), which hit 74 374 kg/ha.

The production in the Northeast stood out in April, since it grew 2.1% in relation to the previous month, reaching 472.2 thousand tonnes. In Ceará, the production estimate was of 192.9 thousand tonnes, an increase of 1.4%, with a growth of 1.1% in the area to be harvested. Pernambuco, which should produce 51.6 thousand tonnes in the current agricultural year, grew 17.7%, explained by the increase of 10.5% in the planted area and of 6.5% in the average yield.

Goiás was the biggest producer of tomatoes in Brazil, with an estimate of 1.3 million tonnes, followed by São Paulo (1.0 million tonnes). Together, they should account for 56.4% of the national output in 2024. They were followed by Minas Gerais, with a production estimate of 531.2 thousand tonnes. Other important states in the production of tomatoes were: Paraná, with 251.8 thousand tonnes; Ceará, with 192.9 thousand tonnes; Bahia, with 182.3 thousand tonnes; Espírito Santo, with 147.4 thousand tonnes; Rio de Janeiro, with 147.3 thousand tonnes; Santa Catarina, with 127.8 thousand tonnes and Rio Grande do Sul, with 91.9 thousand tonnes.