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National Index of Civil Construction changes 1.48% in July

August 09, 2022 09h00 AM | Last Updated: August 09, 2022 04h31 PM

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) of July was 1.48%, with a drop of 0.17 percentage points from the previous month (1.65%), starting the second semester with the third highest index in the year. The cumulative index over the last 12 months was 14.07%, below the rate of 14.53% recorded over the 12 months prior to that period. Between January and July, the cumulative index closed at 9.11%. In July 2021, the index had been 1.89%.

The national cost of construction by square meter was R$1,652.27 in July, being R$987.88 relative to materials and R$664.39, to workforce. In June, the national cost closed at R$1,628.25.

The share of materials changed 1.38%, a rise of 0.19 percentage points over the preceding month (1.19%). Considering the index of July 2021 (2.88%), it dropped 1.50  percentage points.

The share of workforce presented a change of 1.62%%, falling 0.73 percentage points in relation to June (2.35%). Compared with July last year (0.52%), it increased 1.10 percentage points.

Between January and July 2022, the cumulative indexes closed at 8.56% for materials and at 9.92% for workforce. The cumulative index in 12 months stood at 15.82% (material) and at 11.52% (workforce), respectively.

South Region records biggest monthly change

With collective work agreements signed in Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul, the South Region registered the highest regional change in July (3.33%). The other regions had the following figures: 0.85% (North), 1.50% (Northeast), 1.05% (Southeast) and 1.24% (Central-West).

The regional costs, per square meter, were: R$ 1.622,08 (North); R$ 1.546,52 (Northeast); R$ 1.723,94 (Southeast); R$ 1.717,01 (South) and R$ 1.658,26 (Central-West).

Among the states, the highest rise was in Paraná

With an increase in material and an adjustment observed in the professional categories, Paraná was the state with the highest monthly change (5.18%), followed by Tocantins (3.30%), under the same conditions.

SINAPI, created in 1969, has the purpose of producing information on costs and indexes in a systematic way and with a national coverage, in order to elaborate and assess budgets as well as monitor costs.

SINAPI - July 2022
, considering the exemption from payroll of the enterprises in the civil construction sector

BRAZIL              1652.27 827.04 1.48 9.11 14.07
NORTH REGION        1622.08 808.22 0.85 7.68 15.80
Rondônia            1634.39 911.41 1.38 9.09 12.98
Acre                1766.30 937.34 0.11 9.46 17.44
Amazonas            1578.03 772.53 1.04 8.26 15.99
Roraima             1664.78 691.42 1.03 5.80 14.98
Pará            1610.35 772.14 0.37 5.91 15.67
Amapá             1566.56 760.86 0.61 9.74 14.78
Tocantins           1713.88 901.07 3.30 12.47 18.41
NORTHEAST REGION     1546.52 835.26 1.50 9.03 13.34
Maranhão            1560.74 822.33 1.34 8.83 13.51
Piauí              1488.98 989.46 0.35 7.53 13.02
Ceará              1528.15 882.73 1.48 9.52 14.05
Rio Grande do Norte 1499.81 755.90 1.21 13.69 17.67
Paraíba             1562.70 864.08 0.66 8.93 13.60
Pernambuco          1532.78 819.55 1.25 10.89 15.21
Alagoas             1455.45 727.09 0.52 7.04 12.17
Sergipe             1446.76 768.72 1.83 7.27 13.07
Bahia               1601.12 847.57 2.34 7.80 11.28
SOUTHEAST REGION      1723.94 825.37 1.05 9.64 13.70
Minas Gerais        1607.87 884.89 0.19 9.70 12.35
Espirito Santo      1542.92 855.88 0.37 9.63 14.33
Rio de Janeiro      1818.89 829.01 2.18 8.58 14.70
São Paulo           1770.29 799.55 1.12 10.06 14.03
SOUTH REGION         1717.01 821.15 3.33 7.67 12.84
Paraná          1718.29 821.68 5.18 9.22 13.11
Santa Catarina      1799.20 974.29 0.83 5.10 11.87
Rio Grande do Sul   1635.64 742.37 2.82 7.69 13.35
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1658.26 846.51 1.24 10.30 17.88
Mato Grosso do Sul 1603.12 754.11 1.43 7.54 14.72
Mato Grosso         1659.97 946.92 1.80 13.00 18.61
Goiás               1654.29 873.76 1.22 11.38 19.98
Federal District    1699.31 750.44 0.41 7.32 16.18


SINAPI - June 2022
, not considering exemption from payroll of the enterprises in the civil construction sector
BRAZIL              1754.33 877.48 1.48 9.14 13.89
NORTH REGION     1713.06 853.68 0.85 7.50 15.51
Rondônia            1726.09 962.46 1.36 8.62 12.20
Acre                1862.92 988.86 0.11 9.26 16.82
Amazonas            1668.08 816.85 1.04 8.13 15.87
Roraima             1764.61 732.77 0.97 5.48 14.54
Pará             1698.20 813.88 0.35 5.62 15.38
Amapá             1660.49 806.44 0.57 9.83 14.60
Tocantins           1812.04 952.98 3.56 12.86 18.39
NORTHEAST REGION     1637.05 884.36 1.49 9.14 13.25
Maranhão            1652.89 871.02 1.33 8.87 13.28
Piauí            1573.20 1045.26 0.23 7.57 12.74
Ceará             1615.66 932.73 1.40 9.61 14.03
Rio Grande do Norte 1587.67 800.01 1.19 13.84 17.61
Paraíba            1657.02 916.21 0.61 8.97 13.41
Pernambuco          1623.25 867.92 1.18 10.96 15.07
Alagoas             1538.09 768.72 0.50 7.27 12.15
Sergipe             1529.33 812.80 1.92 7.67 13.20
Bahia               1695.63 896.77 2.42 7.92 11.24
SOUTHEAST REGION      1835.91 878.44 1.04 9.75 13.63
Minas Gerais        1701.08 935.85 0.18 9.79 12.29
Espirito Santo      1635.39 907.23 0.35 9.61 14.07
Rio de Janeiro      1943.02 886.08 2.23 8.62 14.33
São Paulo           1890.21 853.63 1.08 10.18 14.02
SOUTH REGION          1830.76 875.45 3.51 7.72 12.67
Paraná         1836.41 878.04 5.46 9.39 12.90
Santa Catarina      1923.06 1041.46 0.75 4.94 11.74
Rio Grande do Sul   1732.35 786.39 3.12 7.76 13.15
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1753.68 895.16 1.14 10.16 17.47
Mato Grosso do Sul 1691.38 794.79 1.36 7.13 13.86
Mato Grosso         1750.89 998.76 1.69 12.61 17.92
Goiás    1756.00 926.84 1.09 11.55 20.08
Federal District    1796.92 793.77 0.39 7.26 15.84