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National Index of Civil Construction rises 1.82% in November

December 08, 2020 09h00 AM | Last Updated: December 09, 2020 08h09 PM

The National Index of Civil Construction (Sinapi) rose 1.82% in November, standing 0.11 percentage points above the rate of October (1.71%) and registering the highest index of 2020. The cumulative figure in the last twelve months is 8.30%, a result well above the 6.48% recorded by the preceding twelve months. In the year, the cumulative index was 8.06%. In November 2019, the index was 0.11%.

The national cost of construction, per square meter, which in October closed at R$ 1,229.72, in November increased to R$1,252.10, of which R$ 687.02  is related to materials and R$ 565.08 to workforce.

The share of materials, with a significant increase once again, grew 3.15%, a rate close to that observed in the previous month (3.17%). Compared to the index of November 2019 (0.17%), the change in the share of materials increased by 2.98 percentage points.

The workforce share, in turn, with three rises, registered an increase of 0.25%, growing 0.21 percentage points in relation to the previous month (0.04%) and 0.20 percentage points if compared to the rate of November 2019 (0.05%).

The cumulative indexes from January to November 2020 are 13.43% (materials) and 2.15% (workforce), whereasthe cumulative indexes in the last twelve months were 13.28% (materials) and 2.75% (workforce).

South Region registers highest monthly change

The South Region had the highest regional change in November (2.23%), due to the significant increase in the share of materials in all states and increase in the share of workforce in Rio Grande do Sul. The other regions presented the following results: 1.90% (North), 1.93% (Northeast), 1.59% (Southeast) and 1.79% (Central-West).

The regional costs, per square meter, were: R$ 1,266.21 (North); R$ 1,173.31 (Northeast); R$ 1,295.73 (Southeast); R$ 1,305.70 (South) and R$ 1,243.97 (Central-Wset).

Goiás was the state that presented the greatest monthly change (3.34%), due to the increase in the share of materials and the in workforce.

SINAPI, created in 1969, aims at producing cost and index information systematically for the whole country, in order to support the preparation and evaluation of budgets and cost monitoring.

Sinapi – November 2020
WITH exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the sector

BRAZIL 1252.10 626.70 1.82 8.06 8.30
NORTH REGION 1267.48 631.58 1.90 8.39 8.57
Rondônia 1311.02 730.95 2.10 7.31 7.43
Acre 1383.16 734.21 1.54 7.42 8.04
Amazonas 1253.62 613.82 2.37 9.47 9.80
Roraima 1295.98 538.24 1.57 5.86 6.16
Pará 1248.29 598.41 1.94 8.08 8.14
Amapá 1249.82 607.05 1.24 10.39 10.61
Tocantins 1275.91 670.77 1.19 8.47 8.50
NORTHEAST REGION 1173.31 633.79 1.93 9.89 10.11
Maranhão 1192.07 627.97 0.56 6.87 6.96
Piauí 1192.07 792.25 1.81 8.22 9.42
Ceará 1150.22 664.27 1.84 7.88 8.31
Rio Grande do Norte 1106.31 557.65 0.86 6.32 6.40
Paraíba 1207.73 667.99 1.12 9.64 10.00
Pernambuco 1140.90 610.00 2.44 10.16 10.20
Alagoas 1133.38 566.30 1.44 8.52 8.58
Sergipe 1101.62 585.39 1.41 11.51 11.84
Bahia 1213.26 642.21 2.93 13.63 13.75
SOUTHEAST REGION 1297.90 621.50 1.59 7.37 7.70
Minas Gerais 1196.72 658.61 2.00 7.65 8.38
Espirito Santo 1152.90 639.56 1.91 9.69 9.95
Rio de Janeiro 1375.94 627.12 1.25 6.76 6.84
São Paulo 1339.14 604.87 1.49 7.31 7.55
SOUTH REGION 1305.70 624.42 2.23 6.79 6.81
Paraná 1272.54 608.52 2.50 6.90 6.94
Santa Catarina 1417.38 767.71 1.30 6.48 6.49
Rio Grande do Sul 1253.75 568.97 2.79 6.92 6.92
CNRTAL-WEST REGION 1244.12 635.09 1.79 6.72 6.92
Mato Grosso do Sul 1192.43 560.82 1.38 6.68 6.92
Mato Grosso 1215.19 693.28 0.68 5.90 5.92
Goiás 1251.32 661.01 3.34 7.81 8.12
Federal District 1308.27 577.78 1.41 6.33 6.60

Sinapi – November 2020
WITHOUT exemption in the payroll of the enterprises of the sector

BRAZIL 1338.83 669.73 1.72 7.63 7.89
NORTH REGION 1348.40 672.00 1.78 7.96 8.13
Rondônia 1397.30 779.20 2.13 7.05 7.13
Acre 1471.16 780.81 1.45 6.93 7.51
Amazonas 1331.61 652.09 2.17 8.79 9.09
Roraima 1388.01 576.30 1.46 5.50 5.79
Pará 1327.78 636.32 1.82 7.76 7.81
Amapá 1329.60 645.74 1.16 10.07 10.27
Tocantins 1357.50 713.98 1.11 8.08 8.08
NORTHEAST REGION 1250.05 675.28 1.83 9.47 9.70
Maranhão 1270.48 669.47 0.52 6.70 6.78
Piauí 1267.26 842.07 1.70 7.71 9.09
Ceará 1223.49 706.26 1.85 7.58 7.98
Rio Grande do Norte 1177.89 593.53 0.80 6.06 6.14
Paraíba 1287.44 711.94 1.05 9.57 9.97
Pernambuco 1215.75 649.96 2.28 9.68 9.71
Alagoas 1206.27 602.79 1.35 8.00 8.07
Sergipe 1172.07 622.91 1.32 10.82 11.12
Bahia 1294.28 684.57 2.74 13.02 13.13
SOUTHEAST REGION 1392.40 666.18 1.48 6.94 7.33
Minas Gerais 1277.99 702.99 1.87 7.12 8.01
Espirito Santo 1232.84 683.86 1.78 9.18 9.42
Rio de Janeiro 1481.70 675.69 1.18 6.52 6.59
São Paulo 1438.28 649.66 1.39 6.88 7.14
SOUTH REGION 1401.56 670.09 2.11 6.36 6.37
Paraná            1368,73 654,50 2,31 6,43 6,44
Santa Catarina      1525,07 826,00 1,23 6,03 6,04
Rio Grande do Sul   1337,63 607,15 2,75 6,62 6,62
CENTRAL-WEST REGION 1326,14 676,93 1,73 6,44 6,63
Mato Grosso do Sul 1271,71 597,59 1,29 6,26 6,51
Mato Grosso         1294,73 738,60 0,63 5,54 5,57
Goiás               1334,80 704,51 3,32 7,68 7,96
Federal District  1393,43 615,47 1,32 6,09 6,34