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Estadic: in 2019, employed persons in state administrations decreased 4.6% in relation to 2018

December 02, 2020 10h00 AM | Last Updated: December 08, 2020 09h10 AM

In 2019, there was a 4.6% reduction in the number of employed persons in state and district administration compared to 2018. The majority of the employed persons (85.4%) were in direct administration. Statutory employees are the majority in direct administration in all FUs and the largest proportions are in Minas Gerais (96.8%), Rio de Janeiro (94.8%), Rio Grande do Norte (94.0%). In indirect administration, the participation of the employees increased from 27.9% in 2018, to 35.4% in 2019 and they were the majority in Rio Grande do Sul (53.5%) and São Paulo (77.8%). The number of civil servants without a permanent link increased 5.98% in both administrations: 4.53% in the direct and 20.99% in the indirect.a.

All FUs had an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) structure and had a presence on social media. All FUs had a state law on access to information and nine (33.3%) already used open data.

In 2019, the state's military police had a total of 416,923 professionals, less than in 2014 (425,248). In 2019, 89.0% of that number were men and 11.0%, women. The civil police, on the other hand, had 117,228 professionals, of whom 72.4% were men and 27.6%, women. Despite a slight reduction in this number compared to 2014 (117,642), the participation of women increased from 26.4% to 27.6%..

From 2014 to 2019, the number of exclusive secretariats for public security dropped from 23 to 19. Of the 27 UFs, 17 had a State Public Security Council. The number of states receiving resources from the National Public Security Fund fell from 23 in 2014 to 15 in 2019. Of the 27 UFs, 23 had secretariats focused on the defense of human rights and five were exclusive secretariats.

Number of non-permanent workers in the states grows

The number of persons employed in the direct and indirect administration of Brazilian states in 2019 fell 4.6% to 2,983,603 from 3,128,944 in 2018. Of this total, 85.4% (2,548,542) were linked to direct administration and 14.6% (435,351) to indirect administration.

The statutory (permanent) servants continue to predominate, but their participation has decreased. In direct administration, they were 82.0% (2,233,553) in 2018 and 80.6% (2,053,269) in 2019, and in indirect administration, 51.7% in 2018, and 44.2%, in 2019.

Table 1 - Personnel employed in direct and indirect administration, by employment contract
Brazil - 2018/2019
Major Regions and Federation Units Personnel employed in direct administration, by employment contract
Total (1) Statutory staff CLT (Labor Code) Only appointed staff Interns Non-permanent staff
          Total 3 128 944 2 442 070  126 149  108 444  39 072  413 209
Direct administration 2 725 981  2 233 553   13 782   76 982   25 202   376 462
Indirect administration  402 963  208 517  112 367  31 462  13 870  36 747
          Total 2 983 603 2 245 833  164 229  92 790  42 793  437 958
Direct administration 2 548 542  2 053 269   10 284   66 446   24 719   393 534
Indirect administration  435 351  192 564  153 945  26 344  18 074  44 424
Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de  População e Indicadores  Sociais, Pesquisa de Informações Básicas Estaduais 2018 e 2019.
(1) For the construction of this table, the sum of the number of reported employment relationships was considered as total.                                                                                                     (2) In 2018: the State of Tocantins and Sergipe did not report the total number of interns in the direct and indirect administration, Rio Grande do Sul did not report the total number of non-permanent employees in the direct administration; and Minas Gerais did not report the total number of employees and interns in the indirect administration.                                                      (3) In 2019: the State of Minas Gerais did not report the total number of interns and the general total of direct administration, the total of hired workers, interns and the general total of indirect administration. The State of Roraima did not inform the personnel employed by the indirect administration.

The participation of non-permanent staff in direct administration rose from 13.8% (376,462) in 2018 to 15.4% in 2019. The number of workers under the Consolidation of Labor Laws - CLT were insignificant: 0.5% (13,782 ) in 2018 and 0.4% (10,284) in 2019.

In indirect administration, CLT workers increased from 27.9% (112,367) in 2018 to 35.4% (153,945) in 2019; and those without permanent contracts, from 9.1% (36,747), in 2018, to 10.2% (44,424), in 2019.

Staturory servants still prevail in all FUs

In direct administration, statutory servants were the majority in all FUs, with the largest proportions in Minas Gerais (96.8%), Rio de Janeiro (94.8%), Rio Grande do Norte (94.0%); the lowest in Mato Grosso (59.3%), Paraíba (58.2%) and Espírito Santo (56.7%).

CLT employees were present only in Rio Grande do Norte (1.5%), Goiás (1.5%), São Paulo (1.3%), Rio Grande do Sul (0.9%), Sergipe (0.9% ), Rondônia (0.4%), Paraná (0.2%), Pará (0.1%), Bahia (0.1%) and the Federal District (0.1%).

The highest proportions of exclusively appointed personnel were in Roraima (17.4%), Paraíba (7.9%), Amapá (7.4%) and Maranhão (7.1%), and the smallest, in São Paulo (0.8%), Rio Grande do Norte (0.7%), Santa Catarina (0.7%) and Minas Gerais (0.6%).

The highest proportions of non-permanent staff were in Mato Grosso (39.1%), Espírito Santo (34.9%), Paraíba (33.8%), Santa Catarina (33.7%) and Tocantins (33.6%) %), while Sergipe (4.6%), Minas Gerais (2.6%), Rio Grande do Norte (2.3%) and Rio de Janeiro (2.2%) had the lowest.

In indirect administration, statutory servants were the majority in almost all FUs, with a highlight to Alagoas (86.2%), Mato Grosso do Sul (82.8%), Paraná (79.2%) and Amazonas (70.2%). The lowest proportions were in Paraíba (28.4%), Sergipe (27.9%), Rio Grande do Sul (25.4%) and São Paulo (18.1%). These states were also the ones with the highest proportions of CLT workers, respectively, 41.5%. 41.1%, 53.5% and 77.8%.

Those appointed only had higher proportions in Maranhão (21.6%), Paraíba (19.9%), Bahia (17.8%) and Amapá (17.4%); and the smallest, in Minas Gerais (2.7%), São Paulo (2.2%), Santa Catarina (1.5%) and Rio Grande do Norte (1.4%).

The states with the highest proportions of non-permanent employees were Santa Catarina (44.3%), Pernambuco (30.6%) and Minas Gerais (30.3%), while Paraná (2.0%) and Amazonas (1, 8%) had the smallest.

Administrations of all FUs were present on social media

All FUs were present on the Internet and in most there was an increase in the supply of information and services. Bidding data was published by 22 FUs (81.5%) in 2014, increasing to 25 FUs (92.6%) in 2019 - exceptions were Alagoas and Bahia.

Only three states offered an online scheduling for medical appointments in the public health system: Rondônia, Paraíba and Espírito Santo - in 2014 only Rondônia offered the service.

In 2019, for the first time there was a question on the existence of profile or account of state governments on online platforms. They all had. The most usual ones were Facebook, in 26 FUs (96.3%), Instagram, in 26 FUs (96.3%) and YouTube, in 22 FUs (81.5%).

The main activity was the posting of news about the government, informed by all FUs, and the dissemination of services or campaigns, performed by 26 FUs (96.3%). The most interactive process of responding to citizen comments was used by 24 FUs, with the exception of Alagoas, Paraná and Goiás. Only 7 FUs held public consultations or polls.

Over 70% of state governments had mobile-friendly websites

As for services via cell phone or smartphone, 19 state governments (70.4%) had a website adapted for mobile devices or designed in a mobile version, and 14 UFs (51.9%) had technologies to issue tax slips or other payment slips.

In 2019, 13 state governments (48.1%) conducted an online public consultation to send contributions to laws, budgets and plans, mainly from the government website or portal. And 12 UFs (44.4%) conducted an online poll on subjects of interest to the government, using more of social media for such consultation, adopted by 5 UFs (18.5%).

All FUs had an ICT structure and developed systems

In 2019, all Federation Units had an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) structure with computers in operation; 20 FUs (74.1%) with computers networked in all government units, and seven FUs (25.9%), with networks at headquarters and part of the units. For connectivity, 24 FUs had cable or fiber-optic connections, two via radio (Pará and Ceará) and one (Tocantins) via DSL (telephone cable).

In 2019, 25 FUs (92.6%) had a data processing center - with the exception of Roraima and Rio Grande do Norte - and all of them were developing software to meet government needs.

Computer supply in schools was still the main digital inclusion program

Of the 27 FUs, 23 (85.2%) had digital inclusion policies. The most recurrent program, adopted by 21 FUs (77.8%), was the installation of computers in the public school system with Internet access for students and teachers - in 2014 there were 18 FUs (66.7%). Internet access to the population via Wi-Fi connection was offered by 12 FUs (44.4%), all in the capitals and eight also in part of the interior municipalities.

In 2019, 66.7% (18) of FUs declared to follow some accessibility model, while in 2014, 63.0% (17) reported that their website and electronic services were totally or partially accessible. The federal e-MAG model is the most recurrent, adopted by eight FUs.

18.5% of FUs adopted ‘single transportation tickets’ and 70.4% had notices for innovative companies

‘Single tranportation tickets” were offered by 18.5% of the state governments (5), especially in the Southeast. Among the initiatives to stimulate innovation, awards or public notice to allocate resources to innovative companies/creative projects were strategies used by 70.4% (19) of FUs. Innovative and coworking facilities were reported by 48.1% (13) of the governments, more frequently in the Northeast Region. Training for digital entrepreneurship was mentioned by 44.4% (12), in all regions, except the South.

All FUs had an internal control structure with auditing and controllership

In 2019, all FUs declared to have an internal control organizational structure. In Bahia (1966) and Sergipe (1995), the initiative started in the 2000’s, while in other FUs, such as Santa Catarina and Distrito Federal (2019), the legislation is more recent. Exclusive Secretariats were the most recurrent structure, present in 22 FUs.

In 2019, all Federation Units had staff dedicated to the topic, in structures that tended to be called “Comptroller General”. The professional responsible for the area held a permanent position in 77.8% (21) of the FUs and in 66.7% of them (18), there was a specific career as an auditor/internal controller, but in only 22.2% (6) were they hired through competitive examinations.

Among the main functions of the control areas, all FUs included government controllership and auditing. A smaller proportion, as stated by 85.2% (23) of them, worked to foster integrity/prevent and fight corruption; ombudsman, by 77.8% (21); and internal affairs, by 74.1% (20).

23 FUs forwarded complaints to the Court of Auditors and 19 to the Public Ministry

In 81.5% of the states (22 FU), there were prior control actions; the same proportion of concomitant control and, in 92.6% (25 FUs), later control, with exceptions being Santa Catarina and Goiás. Regarding the communication of irregularities resulting from internal control, 85.2% (23 FUs) referred to the Court of Auditors, and 70.4% (19) to the Public Ministry.

In 2019, the existence of a Transparency Council or the like was reported by only 37.0% (10 FUs) of FUs. In only 25.9% (7 FUs) there were Councils that met in the 12 months prior to the collection carried out by the IBGE.

All FUs had a state law on access to information

In 2019, all Federation Units had specific state legislation to guarantee access to information in compliance with the Access to Information Law (LAI) - in 2014, there was a specific law in only 77.8% (21 FUs) of them. All FUs declared to provide physical or virtual means of accessing public information in proportions higher than those observed in 2014. The Citizen Information Service - SIC was mentioned by 96.3% (26 FUs), compared to 40.7% (11 FUs) in 2014.

All FUs provided information on budget and financial statement, the majority, 96.3% (26 FUs), on transparency portals, with the exception of Amazonas, which had the information only available on the state government's website. Another seven FUs also made it available on the state government website, thus totaling 25.9%. The availability of an open data portal was informed by 33.3% of the entities (9 FUs).

Number of exclusive secretariats for public security falls

Most states dedicated an exclusive portfolio for public safety. In 2014, there were 23 exclusive state public security departments. The states of Amapá, Tocantins, Pará and Minas Gerais dealt with this policy in conjunction with social defense and justice policies. In 2019, the number of exclusive state secretariats decreased to 19, as seven states (Acre, Amapá, Pará, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais and Mato Grosso do Sul) had public security departments in conjunction with these same policies, of social defense and justice.

All 26 security managers are men and 21 of them are white

The 26 heads of security management bodies surveyed were male, aged between 39 and 64 years old, and mostly white (21). Only 5 reported black (Piauí) or brown color or race (Maranhão, Rio Grande do Norte, Sergipe and Minas Gerais). The schooling level was high: nine managers had a higher degree, and 17 were post-graduated (11 with specialized managers and six with Master’s or PhD heads).

In all FUs, the military and civil police and the fire department were part of the security departments. In addition to these institutions, Traffic Department - DETRAN was present in 14 of these FUs; Prison Management, in 10; and Civil Defense, in 5.

Resources from the National Public Security Fund reach fewer FUs

In 2014, all departments responsible for public security received funds from federal sources. In 2019, however, Pará and Alagoas did not receive such resources. The number of states provided for with the transfers from the National Public Security Fund fell from 23 in 2014 to 15 in 2019, although there was an increase in those that received financial resources from other sources of the federal government.

Paraná, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul reported having received funds from municipal governments in 2018. Rio Grande do Sul and Mato Grosso received financial support from and international bodies. Rio Grande do Norte was the only one to report having received financial resources from another state.

Amapá was the only FU not to produce public safety statistics by the managing body

In 2019, the states of São Paulo, Roraima, Minas Gerais and Paraná did not have a Public Safety Plan. Regarding the existence of a State Public Security Fund, Roraima, Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo reported not having this structure, both in 2014 and in 2019.

With the exception of Amapá, all FUs declared to produce statistics on public security by the managing body. In 18 of them, this action was regulated or standardized by legal instrument. Public security statistics were not forwarded to the National Secretariat of Public Security by two states in 2018 (Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte) and by five in 2019 (Roraima, Tocantins, Pernambuco, Paraná and the Federal District).

In 2019, 17 Federation Units reported having a State Public Security Council, and in Minas Gerais this structure was being implemented. Of these Councils, 10 had greater government representation; 6 were equal; and 1 had greater participation by civil society (Paraná).

In 2019, the number of police officers falls, but female participation increases

In 2019, the military police of Brazil had 416,923 professionals, a lower contingent than in 2014 (425,248). In 2019, 89.0% of this number were men and 11.0%, women, whereas in 2014, the figures were 91.2% and 9.8%, respectively. The highest proportion of police women was in Amapá (22.8%) and the smallest, in Rio Grande do Norte (2.4%).

The civil police of Brazil had 117,228 professionals, of which 72.4% were men and 27.6%, women. Despite a slight decrease in this number compared to 2014 (117,642), the participation of women increased from 26.4% to 27.6%. The highest percentage of female civil police officers was in Rio Grande Sul (38.0%), and the lowest, in Piauí (15.8%).

Human rights secretariats were present in 23 FUs and five were exclusive

Most FUs had human rights policy organized as a secretariat, being exclusive in five states and combined with other policies in 18 FUs. The most frequent association or subordination occurred with the social assistance area, as seen in 12 states. In 10 states human rights policy was combined with the area of ​​justice, and one combined with ​​security. Regarding schooling level, seven managers had at least one postgraduate degree (specialization); nine had a Master's degree and one was a PhD.

All FUs had State Councils focused on human rights

In 25 FUs, the subject matter of human rights was dealt with through the Pluriannual Plan and, in 18, the Annual Budget Law. In all FUs there are State Councils for the Rights of Children and Adolescents, the Rights of the Elderly and the Rights of the Person with Disabilities. Regarding accessibility equipment, some items were present in almost all the Federation Units, such as access ramps, in 22 of them; accessible toilet, in 24; and reservation of space for vehicles carrying people with disabilities, at 24.

The telephone was the most used means of communication by state governments to receive complaints of violations of rights, mentioned by 24 FUs; the second one was the e-mail.