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In 2017, life expectancy was 76 years of age

November 29, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: November 29, 2018 06h40 PM

A person born in Brazil in 2017 had an average life expectancy of 76 years of age That means an increase of three months and 11 days more than for a person born in 2016. Life expectancy of men increased from 72.2 years of age in 2016 to 72.5 years of age in 2017, whereas, for women, there was increase from 79.4 to 79.6 years of age. 

The probability of a male newly-born not completing the first year of life, in 2017, was 13.8 per one thousand births. Considering female newly borns that figure was 11.8 per one thousand. 

Child mortality (of children under five years of age) fell from 15.5 per one thousand, in 2016, to 14.9 per one thousand, in 2017. Among children who died before the age of five, 85.7% had chances of dying in their first year of life, and 14.3%, between the ages of one an four. In 1940, the chance of dying between 1 and 4 years of age was 30.9%, two times more than in 2017.

Among the Federation Units, the highest life expectancy was found in Santa Catarina, 79.4 years of age, and the lowest, 70.9 years of age, in Maranhão. An elderly person turning 65 years of age in 2017 would have the highest life expectancy (20.3 anos) in Espírito Santo. On the other hand, in Rondônia, a person turning 65 years of age in 2017 would have more 16 years to live. Considering the diffrence by sex, the male elderly population in Espírito Santo would have 18.3 anos, and the female population, 22.0 years more. Men in Piauí and women in Rondônia present the lowest expectancy figures, 14.6 years more in the former location, and 17.2 years in the latter one .

These data can be found in the Complete Life Tables of Brazil 2017. They present life expectancy figures relative to exact ages up to 80 and are used as one of the parameters for the calculation of the Social Security Regime of Brazil. The current edition includes comparisons with 1940, year that marked trhe first phase of demographic transition, characterized by some decline in mortality figures. 

All the results and the support material can be found on this page. 

Child mortality rate (per one thousand), mortality rate in the group aged 1 to 4 (per one thousand) 
and infant mortality rate (per one thousand) - Brazil - 1940/2017  
Year Child mortality rate (per one thousand) Mortality rate in the group aged 1 to 4 four (per one thousand) Infant mortality  rate (per one thousand) Changes of death of children who died before the age of 5 (%)  
Before 1 year of age Between 1 and 4 years of age
1940 146.6 76.7 212.1 69.1 30.9 
1950 136.2 65.4 192.7 70.7 29.3 
1960 117.7 47.6 159.6 73.7 26.3 
1970 97.6 31.7 126.2 77.3 22.7 
1980 69.1 16.0 84.0 82.3 17.7 
1991 45.1 13.1 57.6 78.3 21.7 
2000 29.0 6.7 35.5 81.7 18.3 
2010 17.2 2.6 19.8 86.9 13.1 
2017 12.8 2.2 14.9 85.7 14.3 
D% (1940/2017) -91.3 -97.2 -93.0     
D (1940/2017) -133.8 -74.5 -197.2     
Sources: 1940,1950,1960 and 1970 - TTábuas construídas no âmbito da Gerência de Estudos e Análises da Dinâmica Demográfica. 
              1980 and 1991 - ALBUQUERQUE, Fernando Roberto P. de C. e SENNA, Janaína R. Xavier “Tábuas de Mortalidade por Sexo e Grupos de Idade - Grandes e Unidades da Federação – 1980, 1991 e 2000. Textos para discussão, Diretoria de Pesquisas, IBGE, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.161p. ISSN 1518-675X ; n. 20 
             from 2000 on - IBGE/Diretoria de Pesquisas. Coordenação de População e Indicadores Sociais. Gerência de Estudos e Análises da Dinâmica Demográfica. Projeção da população do Brasil por sexo e idade para o período 2000-2060.        


Infant mortality rate is 12.8 deaths per one thousand live births

In 1940, infant mortality rate was approximately 147 deaths o children under one year of age per every one thousand live birthsand 76.7  deaths per one thousand live births among those aged one to four years. From the 212.1 children out of one thousand who dies before the age of five, 69.1% died before their first year of life. These figures point to an increase of the concentration of deaths in the firt year of life and decrease of this concentration in the gouo aged 1 to 4 years of age. 

Between 1940 and 2017, infant mortality recorded a decrease of about 91.3%, with a change from 146.6 per one thousand live births to 12.8 per one thousand, and mortality or mil, e a mortalidade between one and four years of age fell 97.2%, with a change from 76.7 per one thousand to 2.2 per one thousand. 

Life expectancy increased 30.5 years between 1940 and 2017

Life expectancy at birth - Brazil - 1940/2017  
Year Expectativa de vida ao nascer Difference between the sexes (years)   
Total Men  Women
1940 45.5 42.9 48.3 5.4
1950 48 45.3 50.8 5.5
1960 52.5 49.7 55.5 5.8
1970 57.6 54.6 60.8 6.2
1980 62.5 59.6 65,7 6.1
1991 66.9 63.2 70.9 7.7
2000 69.8 66 73.9 7.9
2010 73.9 70.2 77.6 7.4
2017 76 72.5 79.6 7.1
D(1940/2017) 30.5 29.6 31.3   
Sources: 1940 1950,1960 e 1970 - Tábuas construídas no âmbito da Gerência de Estudos e Análises da Dinâmica Demográfica. 
                 1980 and 1991 - ALBUQUERQUE, Fernando Roberto P. de C. e SENNA, Janaína R. Xavier “Tábuas de Mortalidade por Sexo e Grupos de Idade - Grandes e Unidades da Federação – 1980, 1991 e 2000. Textos para discussão, Diretoria de Pesquisas, IBGE, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.161p. ISSN 1518-675X ; n. 20       

In 1940, life expectancy was 45.5 years, being 42.9 for men and 48.3 for women. Between 1940 and 1960, Brazil virtually reduced its gross mortality rate by half (number of deaths in one year by the total population in July that same year), having fallen from 20.9 deaths per one thousand inhabitants to 9.8 thousand. Life expectancy at birth in 1960 was 52.5 years. The overall increase of life expectancy was 30.5 years between 1940 and 2017, but it reached 76.0 years.

In 1940, a person who turned 50 would have a life expectancy of 19.1 years more, and lived, on average, 69.1 years. With the decline of mortality in this period, a person aged 50, in 2017, would have a life expectancy of 30.5 years, that is, that person would live up to 80.5 years of age, that is, 11.4 more years than a person the same age in 1940.

Men aged 20 have 4.5 times more chances of not reaching the age of 25 than women

In 2017, a man aged 20 had 4.5 more chances of not turning 25 than a woman in the same age group. That phenomenon can be explained by the bigger incidence of deaths by external or non-natural causes, which are more often observed in the male population. In 1940, the phenomenon of excess mortality  was not registered in the country, and that shows it is related to a process of urbanization and metropolization of Brazil. 

Since 1980, deaths associated with external or non-natural causes, including homicides, suicides, car accidents, drownings, accidental falls, etc., started having a relevant - and negative - role in the strucure of mortality rates by age, mainly of young adult males. 

Between 1940 and 2017 there was decrease of female mortality in the reproductive period, that is, between 15 and 49 years of age. In 1940, from every one hundred thousand live births, 77,777 started the reproductive period and, among those, 57,336 completed it. In 2017, 98,414 out of every one hundred thousand live births reached the  age 15, and, among those, 94.347 reached the end of it. So, the probability of a newly-born completing her reproductive period in 1940 was 573‰ and increased to 943‰, in 2017.

Adult life, considered herein as the period between 15 and 60 years of age, was also benefited with the decrease of mortality figures. In 1940, out of one thousan persons who lived up to 15 years of age, about 535 managed to turn 60 . In 2017, out of the group of one thousan persons, 863 reached the age of 60.

Life expectancy of elederly persons increased by 8.1 years from 1940 to 2017

In 1940,  out of every one thousan persons who reached the age of 65, 259 turned 80 or over. In 2017, out of every one thousand elederly persons aged 65, 632 would turn 80. Life expectancy the age of 80, in 2017, were 10.3 and 8.6 for women and men, respectively. In 1940, those figures were 4.5 years for women and 4.0 years for men. 

Life expectancy at the age of 65 - Brazil - 1940/2017  
Year Life expectancy at the age of 65 Difference (years) (M-H)   
Total Men Women
1940 10.6 9.3 11.5 2.2
1950 10.8 9.6 11.8 2.2
1960 11.4 10.1 12.5 2.4
1970 12.1 10.7 13.4 2.6
1980 13.1 12.2 14.1 1.9
1991 15.4 14.3 16.4 2
2000 15.8 14.2 17.2 2.9
2010 17.6 16 19 3
2017 18.7 16.9 20.1 3.2
D(1940/2017) 8.1 7.6 8.6   
Sources: 1940 1950,1960 and 1970 - Tábuas construídas no âmbito da Gerência de Estudos e Análises da Dinâmica Demográfica. 
                 1980 and 1991 - ALBUQUERQUE, Fernando Roberto P. de C. e SENNA, Janaína R. Xavier “Tábuas de Mortalidade por Sexo e Grupos de Idade - Grandes e Unidades da Federação – 1980, 1991 e 2000. Textos para discussão, Diretoria de Pesquisas, IBGE, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.161p. ISSN 1518-675X ; n. 20       

Santa Catarina has highest life expectancy at birth: 79.4 years of age

Among the Federation Units, the lowest infant mortality rate in 2017 was that of Espírito Santo, 8.84 deaths per every one thousand live births. Most of them took place in Amapá, 23.0 per one thousand. Maranhão was also above 20 thousand (20.3).

The highest life exéctancy at birth was that of the Federation Units of Santa Catarina, 79.4 years, followed by those of Espírito Santo, Federal District, São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul, all of them with figures equal to or above 78.0 years of age. The lowest life expectancy was that of Maranhão (70.6 years of age). Piauí, Rondônia and Roraima also had life expectancy figures below 72.0 years of age.

Considering the diffrence between liexpectancy figures by sex in the states, the main differences were found in the states of the Northeast Region, in PArá and in Espírito Santo.

Al elderly person turning 65 years of age in 2017 would have a higher life expectancy (20.3 anos) in Espírito Santo. On the other hand, in Rondônia, a person turning 65 in 2017 would have a life expectancy of 16 more years. Considering the difference by sex, the male elderly population in Espírito Santo would have 18.3 more years, and the female populayion, 22 more. Among the lowest expectancy figures are elderly men in Piauí, with 14.6 more years and women in Rondônia, with 17.2.