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IBGE updates municipality list of the Brazilian territory sections

Section: Geosciences

November 16, 2018 10h00 AM | Last Updated: November 16, 2018 03h37 PM

The IBGE carried out another update in the list of municipalities of the Mertopolitan Areas (RMs), integrated development areas (RIDEs) and urban agglomerations defined by the states and the Union.

Since 2013, the IBGE has been updating every semester the composition of the different  RMs, RIDEs and Urban Agglomerations of the country. New information refering to the semester ended on June 30, 2018, can be accessed here.

Review changes RIDE of Federal District and RMs of Goiânia and Recife

The current review of the IBGE shows the inclusion of the municipality of Goiana to the RM of Recife, in Pernambuco, pursuant to supplementary law No. 382, of January 9, 2018. In Goiás, the RM of Goiânia had the inclusion of the municipality of Santa Bárbara of Goiás and the exclusion of the municipality of Inhumas. In addition, the Integrated Development Area (RIDE) of the Federal District now includes 10 municipalities in Goiás and 2 municipalities in Minas Gerais: Alto Paraíso de Goiás, Alvorada do Norte, Barro Alto, Cavalcante, Goiás, Goianésia, Niquelândia, São João d’Aliança, Simolândia and Vila Propício, in Goiás; Arinos and Cabeceira Grande, in Minas Gerais. There are currently 74 metropolitan areas in the country and the states with the highest number of RMs are Paraíba (12), Santa Catarina (11), Alagoas (9) and Paraná (8).

There were no changes neither in the other integrated development areas (RIDEs) of Petrolina/Juazeiro and Greater Teresina, nor in the other Metropolitan Regions.

Metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations are regions instituted by a state complementary law, according to the determination of the 1988 Federal Constitution, aimed at integrating the organization, planning and execution of public taks of common interest. It is under the scope of the states to define metropolitan areas and urban agglomerations, according to paragraph 3 of article 25 of the Federal Constitution.

The Integrated Development Areas (RIDEs) are defined as administrative regions that cover different Federation Units. RIDEs are created by specific legislation, which regulates the municipalities that comprise them and defines the operating structure and interests of the participating political-administrative units. The creation of RIDEs is under the scope of Union, according to paragraph 1 of article 43 of the Federal Constitution.

O Semiárido brasileiro é uma região que, devido às condições climáticas, recebe tratamento específico. Conforme Resolução Nº 115, de 23 de novembro de 2017, da SUDENE, a região é composta por 1.262 municípios, sendo que os estados com maior número deles na região semiárida são Bahia (278), Paraíba (194), Piauí (185), Ceará (175), Rio Grande do Norte (147) e Pernambuco (123). Integram, ainda, a região semiárida os municípios nordestinos dos estados do Maranhão, Alagoas e Sergipe. O único estado que não está na Região Nordeste e que possui municípios no Semiárido é Minas Gerais, com 91 municípios.