Continuous PNAD: unemployment rate is 12.1% and underutilization rate is 24.4% in quarter ended in August
September 28, 2018 09h00 AM | Last Updated: October 02, 2018 12h03 PM
The unemployment rate (12.1%) in the quarter from June to August of 2018, recording reduction (-0.6 percentage points) in relation to the March-April-June quarter of 2018 (12.7%). There was also reduction (-0.5 pp) in relation to the same quarter of 2017 (12.6%).
Indicator / Period | Jun-Jul-Aug 2018 | Mar-Apr-May 2018 | Jun-Jul-Aug 2017 |
Unemployment rate | 12.1% | 12.7% | 12.6% |
Underutilization rate | 24.4% | 24.6% | 24.0% |
Usual real earnings | R$2,225 | R$2,226 | R$2,196 |
Change of the usual real earnings in relation to: | 0.0% (stability) | 1.3% (stability) |
The unemployed population (12.7 million) fell (-4.0%) in relation to the previous quarter (13.2 million) and also (-3.1%) compared with the same quarter a year ago, when 13.1 million persons were unemployed.
The unemployment rate (24.4%) in the quarter from June to August of 2018 remained stable in relation to the March-April-June quarter of 2018 (24.6%). It dropped (-0.4 pp) when compared with the same moving quarter a year ago (24.0%).
The underutilization rate (27.5 million persons) was stable over the previous quarter (27.6 million persons). In relation to the same quarter of 2017 (26.8 million), this group grew 2.8%, an additional contingent of 756 thousand underutilized workers.
The number of discouraged persons (4.8 million) in the quarter from July to August 2018 was stable in relation to the previous quarter. Compared to the same quarter of 2017 (4.2 million), there was increase (13.2%).
The percentage of discouraged persons in the population aged 14 and above in the workforce or discouraged workers was estimated at 4.3% in the quarter from June to August 2018. The rate remained stable in relation to the previous quarter (4.4%). In the comparison with the same quarter of 2017 (3.9%), there was increase (0.5 pp).
The employed population (92.1 million) increased 1.3% over the previous moving quarter (1.2 million more persons). Compared to the same quarter of 2017 (91.1 million), there was a high 1.1%.
The employment-population ratio (54.1%) rose (0.5 pp) in relation to the previous quarter (53.6%) and remained stable in relation to the same quarter of 2017.
Estimated at 33.0 million persons, the contingent of persons employed in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers) remained stable against the previous quarter (March-May 2018). It changed -1.3% (-444 thousand persons) in the comparison with the quarter from June to August 2017.
The number of employees without a formal contract (11.2 million persons) remained stable in relation to the previous quarter and rose 4.0% (435 thousand more persons) in relation to the same quarter of the previous year.
The category of the self-employed (23.3 million persons) grew 1.5% in the comparison with the previous quarter. In relation to the same period a year ago, there was a high of 1.9% (+437 thousand persons).
The average usual real earnings from all jobs of the employed persons was estimated at R$2,225 in the quarter of June to August 2018, remaining stable against the March-May quarter of 2018 (R$2,216) as well as against the quarter of the previous year (R$ 2.196).
The average usual real earnings (R$199.9 billion) held steady against the previous quarter and the same quarter of 2017.
The complete publication, summary chart and presentation of the Continuous PNAD - monthly edition are on the right side of this page.

The unemployment rate was estimated at 12.1%, in the moving quarter of June to August of 2018, recording reduction of -0.6 percentage points in relation to the March-April-June quarter of 2018 (12.7%). It dropped (-0.5 percentage points) in relation to the same moving quarter last year, from June to August 2017, when the rate was estimated at 12.6%.
In the quarter from June to August 2018, there was nearly 12.7 million unemployed persons in Brazil. This contingent presented drop of 4.0%, i. e., 529 thousand less persons, against the quarter from March to May 2018, when unemployment was estimated at 13.2 million persons. Compared with the same quarter last year, when there were 13.1 million unemployed persons, this estimate changed -3.1%, representing a reduction of 407 thousand unemployed persons in the workforce.
The compound rate of labor underutilization (Percentage of unemployment, time-related underemployment and in the potential workforce) was estimated at 24.4% in the moving quarter from June to August 2018, recording stability in relation to the quarter from March to May 2018 (24.6%). In the comparison with the same moving quarter a year ago, June to August 2017, when the rate was estimated at 24.0%, there was increase (0.4 percentage points).
Brazil - (em %) - 2012/2018

In the quarter from June to August 2018, there was nearly 27.5 million underutilized persons in Brazil. Such figure presented stability, i.e., had no significant change in relation to the quarter from march to May 2018, when the underutilization was estimated at 27.6 million persons. Compared with the same quarter last year, when there were 26.8 million underutilized persons, this estimate changed 2.8% (756 thousand more persons).
The number of underemployed persons was estimated at nearly 6.7 million in the quarter of June to August 2018. This estimate showed an increase of 5.3% over the previous quarter (March to May 2018), i.e., 338 thousand more persons. This indicator also posted a positive change of 8.9% in relation to the same quarter last year (June to August 2017), when 548 thousand more persons were underemployed in Brazil, totaling 6.2 million underemployed persons.
The number of discouraged workers was estimated at nearly 4.8 million in the quarter of June to August 2018. This estimate presented stability in relation o the previous quarter (March to May 2018). This indicator also posted a positive change of 13.2% in relation to the same quarter last year (June to August 2017), i. e., 555 thousand more workers were discouraged in Brazil, totaling 4.2 million underemployed persons.
The percentage of discouraged persons in the population aged 14 and above in the workforce or discouraged workers was estimated at 4.3% in the quarter from June to August 2018, recording stability in relation to the March to May 2018 (4.4%). In the comparison with the same moving quarter a year ago, June to August 2017, when the rate was estimated at 3.9%, there was increase (0.5 percentage points).
In the workforce, (employed and unemployed persons) in the quarter of June to August 2018, the estimate was of 104.8 million persons. This population registered a rise of 0.6% (666 thousand more persons), when compared to the quarter of March to May 2018. Over the same quarter a year ago, there was expansion of 0.6% (increase of 613 million persons).
The number of persons out of the workforce was estimated at nearly 65.4 million in the quarter of June to August 2018. This population remained stable when compared with the quarter between March and May 2018. Over the same quarter a year ago, there was expansion of 1.6% (increase of 1.0 million persons).
The number of employed persons was estimated at nearly 92.1 million in the quarter of June to August 2018. This estimate showed an increase of 1.3% over the previous quarter (March to May 2018), i.e., 1.2 million more persons. This indicator also posted a positive change (1.1%) in relation to the same quarter last year (June to August 2017), when 91.1 million persons were employed in Brazil.
The employment-population ratio (indicator that measures the percentage of employed persons in the working-age population) was estimated at 54.1% in the quarter of June to August 2018, registering an increase of 0.5 percentage points against the quarter from March to May 2018 (53.6%). This indicator did not record any statistically-significant change over the same quarter last year.
Estimated at 33.0 million persons, the contingent of persons employed in the private sector with a formal contract (excluding domestic workers) remained stable against the previous quarter (March to May 2018). It changed -1.3% (-444 thousand persons) in the comparison with the quarter from June to August 2017.
In the period from June to August 2018, the category of those employed in the private sector without a formal contract (11.2 million persons) remained stable in relation to the previous quarter. It rose (4.0%) in relation to the same quarter a year ago, representing an increase estimated at 435 thousand more persons.
The category of self-employed workers, formed by 23.3 million persons, recorded an increase of 1.5% in the comparison with the previous quarter (March to May 2018), meaning 341 thousand more persons in this contingent. This indicator also increased (1.9%) over the same period last year, which represents 437 thousand more persons.
In the period from June to August 2018, the category of employers (4.4 million persons) remained stable in relation to the previous quarter. It rose (5.2%) in relation to the same quarter a year ago, representing an increase estimated at 220 thousand more persons.
The category of domestic workers (6.3 million persons) increased 2.7% when compared with the quarter between March and May 2018. In relation to the same quarter a year ago, there was increase of 3.1%, representing an increase estimated at 191 thousand more persons.
Estimated at 11.7 million persons, the group of persons employed in the public sector (including statutory servants and military) increased 2.0% against the previous quarter. It rose (2.2%) in relation to the same quarter a year ago, representing an increase estimated at 257 thousand more persons.
By groups of activity, from the moving quarter of June to August 2018, in relation to the quarter from March to May 2018, there was increase in the following categories: Agriculture, forestry, fishing and aquaculture (3.0%, or 252 thousand more persons), Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (2.3%, or 361 thousand more persons) and Household services (2.5%, or 154 thousand more persons). The other groups did not show any significant changes.
In the comparison with the quarter from June to August 2017 there was increase in the following categories: Public administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (3.0%, or 473 thousand more persons) and Other services (5.8%, or 260 thousand more persons). The other groups did not show any significant changes.
The average usual real earnings from all jobs of the employed persons was estimated at R$2,225 in the quarter of June to August 2018, remaining stable against the March to May 2018 quarter as well as in relation to the same quarter a year ago.

The analysis of the average usual real earnings from the main job by groups of activity of the moving quarter from June to August 2018, in relation to the quarter from March to May 2018 quarter, pointed out that all the groups remained stable. There was reduction in the group of Household services (3.4% or less R$31). In comparison with the quarter from June to August 2017, there was an increase in the category of Public Administration, defense, social security, education, human health and social services (4.0%, or more R $ 127). The other groups did not show any significant changes.
The analysis of the average usual real earnings in the main job, according to the employment type, of the mobile quarter from June to August of 2018, compared to the quarter of March to May of 2018, showed that there was no growth in any category. There was a reduction in the category of Domestic Worker (3.4%, or less R$31). The comparison with the quarter from June to August 2017 showed an increase in the category Worker in the public sector (including statutory and military servants) (2.8%, or R $ 96).
The mass of usual real wage bill from all jobs of employed persons was estimated, for the mobile quarter from June to August 2018, at R$199.9 billion reais and, when compared to the mobile quarter from March to May 2018, there is stability. Likewise, when compared to the same quarter of the previous year, there is stability in the wage bill .