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Industry drops in 9 of 14 places surveyed in November

January 12, 2016 10h29 AM | Last Updated: February 02, 2018 11h56 AM


In the seasonally-adjusted series, the reduced pace of the national industrial output between October and November 2015 (-2.4%) was followed by nine out of the 14 places surveyed, highlighted by the most intense drops registered in Espírito Santo (-11.1%), Ceará (-4.5%) and Minas Gerais (-4.0%). The first place accelerated the pace of decline recorded in the previous month (-6.4%); the second offset the expansion of 1.6% posted in October; and the last place registered the third consecutive month of drop in the production and a cumulative loss of 6.7% in this period. The Northeast Region (-2.8%) and São Paulo (-2.6%) also recorded higher declines than the national average (-2.4%), whereas Amazonas (-2.1%), Bahia (-2.0%), Paraná (-1.3%) and Goiás (-0.9%) were the other places that reported negative indexes in November 2015. Pernambuco (3.5%) posted the highest advance in November and stepped up the expansion of 0.5% reported last October. The other positive figures were registered in Pará (1.9%), Santa Catarina (1.8%), Rio de Janeiro (1.2%) and Rio Grande do Sul (1.1%).

Click here to access the complete publication of the survey.


Short-term Indicators of Industry
Regional Results
August 2014

Places Change (%)
November 2015/
October 2015*
November 2015/
November 2014
Cumulative January-November Cumulative in the Last 12 Months










Northeast Region




















Minas Gerais





Espírito Santo





Rio de Janeiro





São Paulo










Santa Catarina





Rio Grande do Sul





Mato Grosso















Source: IBGE, Diretoria de Pesquisas, Coordenação de Indústria
* Seasonally-adjusted series


Still concerning the seasonally-adjusted series, the evolution of the quarterly moving average index for the overall industry pointed to a decline of 1.6% in the quarter ended in November 2015 over the previous month and maintained the downward trend started in October 2014. In regional terms, still in relation to the marginal movement of this index, 11 places registered negative rates, highlighted by the sharp declines reported by Espírito Santo (-5.4%), Bahia (-3.6%), Rio de Janeiro (-3.0%), Amazonas (-2.6%), the Northeast Region (-2.4%) and Minas Gerais (-2.3%). Pará (2.4%) and Pernambuco (1.2%) registered the main advances in November 2015.

In relation to November 2014, industry declines in 13 of 15 places surveyed

Compared with the same month a year ago, the industrial output fell 12.4% in November 2015, showing negative figures in 13 out of the 15 places surveyed. The most intense declines were recorded in Amazonas (-19.9%), Espírito Santo (-19.8%) and Paraná (-16.7%), pressed by the drop in the manufacture of computer equipment, electronic and optical products (TV sets, computers, audio and video recorders or players - DVD, home theaters and alike, mobile telephones, receptors-decoders of coded video signals, radios and video displays for computers), of other transportation equipment (motorcycles and their pieces) and of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (diesel fuel, naphtha for the petrochemical industry, motor gasoline and fuel oil), in the first; of mining and quarrying industries (pelletized iron ores), in the second; and of motor vehicles, trailers and bodies (tractor trucks for trailers and semi-trailers, cars and trucks), of food products (crystallized and VHP sugar, cakes, bagasses, bran and other residues from soybean oil extraction and fresh or cooled beef), of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (fuel oil, ethyl alcohol and diesel fuel) and of machinery and equipment (harvesters and farm tractors), in the last place. Bahia (-13.3%), São Paulo (-13.3%) and Rio Grande do Sul (-13.0%) also posted higher negative figures than the national average (-12.4%), whereas Minas Gerais (-12.0%), Ceará (-10.7%), Rio de Janeiro (-10.1%), Goiás (-9.4%), the Northeast Region (-6.9%), Santa Catarina (-4.8%) and Pernambuco (-1.0%) were the other places that registered negative rates in November. On the other hand, Mato Grosso (5.9%) and Pará (5.5%) registered the advances, leveraged by the positive behavior of food products (fresh or cooled beef and crude petroleum oil) and of coke, petroleum products and biofuels (ethyl alcohol), in the former place; and of mining and quarrying industries (crude iron ores), in the latter.

In the cumulative index in the year, industry retreats in 12 of 15 places

In the cumulative indicator in the January-November 2015 period, against the same period last year, the reduced overall production reached 12 out of the 15 places surveyed, five of them declining more than the industry average (-8.1%): Amazonas (-15.8%), Rio Grande do Sul (-11.8%), São Paulo (-10.9%), Ceará (-9.4%) and Paraná (-9.2%). Minas Gerais (-7.5%), Santa Catarina (-7.5%), Bahia (-7.1%), Rio de Janeiro (-6.2%), Pernambuco (-3.1%), the Northeast Region (-2.8%) and Goiás (-2.5%) were the other places that reported negative figures at the end of the eleventh month of the year. In these places, the lower dynamism was particularly influenced by factors related to the reduced manufacture of capital goods (especially those oriented to transportation equipment - tractor trucks for trailers and semi-trailers, trucks and vehicles for transportation of goods); intermediate goods (car pieces, petroleum products, textiles, steel products, fabricated metal products, basic petrochemicals, thermoplastic resins and pesticides); durable consumer goods (cars, white and brown goods, motorcycles and furniture); and semi and non-durable consumer goods (medicines, textiles, wearing apparel, beverages, food and motor gasoline). Conversely, Espírito Santo (6.6%) and Pará (5.9%) posted the most intense advances in the cumulative index in the year, leveraged by the positive behavior coming from the mining and quarrying sector, whereas Mato Grosso (3.6%) reported a more moderate advance.

In the cumulative index in 12 months, industry declines in 12 of 15 places

As the overall industry declined 7.7% in November 2015, the annualized rate – cumulative indicator in the last 12 months – posted the most intense drop since November 2009 (-9.4%) and kept the downward trend started in March 2014 (2.1%). In regional terms, 12 out of the 15 places surveyed recorded negative rates in November 2015 and also 12 showed lower dynamism against the index of last October. The main reductions in the pace between October and November were registered in Espírito Santo (from 10.0% to 7.1%), Goiás (from -1.0% to -2.7%), Bahia (from -5.5% to -6.6%), Paraná (from -7.4% to -8.2%), Rio de Janeiro (from -5.0% to -5.6%), Rio Grande do Sul (from -10.4% to -11.0%) and the Northeast Region (from -2.1% to -2.7%), whereas Pernambuco (from -3.7% to -3.6%) reported the only gain between the two periods.